View Full Version : Newbie hoping to find motivation

06-19-2003, 10:52 AM

I've been lurking here the last couple of days because I am hoping to pull out my road bike for the first time in 3 years and give cycling another try.

I really need some motivation to make it happen because I am finding it really hard to fit ride time into my schedule. I am a stay at home mom of 9 1/2 month old twins and would like to hear how other moms of small kids find time to get out on the road.

06-19-2003, 11:50 AM
I am the mom of a 6 year old little girl and I stay at home during the summer (one of the perks of being a teacher! ;)) I actually hire a sitter (Sr. in highschool) to watch my daughter for 2 1/2 hours twice a week. I've had great luck--kids this age are always looking for a little extra money before they head off to college (try putting a sign up at your local highschool or asking someone there for a name of some trusted students who might be interested.) Having the sitter on a schedule motivates me to get out and ride, because if I'm paying $25 a week I'm not going to just waste the time away (but it's also not enough to break the bank!) Also, if it's raining or bad weather then it allows me to go shopping or run errands. Good Luck--I love the freedom and strength cycling gives me, and the 5 hours a week goes a long way toward me being a stronger, healthier and happier mom for my daughter!!

06-20-2003, 04:41 PM
Well, I get up at the crack of dawn and ride. Of course, my youngest is 3 now...this definitely wouldn't have worked when he was 9 1/2 months old since he was usually waking me up then. And two hours before that. And an hour before that. LOL I don't imagine you get much sleep with TWO of them, eh?

Anyway, I agree with tinkerbell. A sitter is the way to go. Or if Dad's around and comfortable with it, ride when he's home. If you want to ride you've got to make the time. If I miss out on my early morning rides for some reason, and yes there are MANY reasons not to get up at dawn, then I do try and get someone to watch my boys for an hour or two so I can get in a nice little ride and maybe enough time ALONE to take a nice slow shower and read a chapter of a good book.

Do it now before you forget who you are. I spent the last almost 7 years doing nothing but having babies and taking care of them. I forgot about ME, and it's only been in the last few months that I've been riding, swimming, hiking, and stuff like that that I loved before I became the Incubator.

So there! I hope that's motivating for you :D


06-20-2003, 04:57 PM
I will look into a regular sitter that can help me out during the day. So far, I haven't found anyone that is regularly available and also comfortable with twins. Now that it is summer I might be able to find a couple of high school girls that can do it together.

My husband is very encouraging and wants me to get out but he has a 1 1/2 hour commute and doesn't get home early enough for me to take off for a while in the evenings. He is always available to take over so I can run out on the weekends if I need to.

Thanks for the motivation. So far all I have done is set my bike up on the trainer to ride a little during nap time. I am going to try and hit the road for the first time in this weekend if the rain ever stops.

06-20-2003, 05:05 PM
are you in a mom/twins club? Surely they can line you out with some teens that know twins. Plan B is to hire a teen starting as a "mother's helper" ( you don't need any help do you?) and then work her into staying with them.

Too bad about hubby's commute, mine had one of those and started time shifting to miss the 1.5hour/45 mile drive. Then we got smart and moved some place less congested.
