View Full Version : vent . . . men bike riders with man boobs
07-25-2013, 05:24 PM
okay, guys, I know it is HOT. But it is hot for me, too. And if I can keep my boobs covered up you can keep yours covered up too. PUT A SHIRT ON!
07-25-2013, 05:32 PM
thinking if the twin cities has a 'world naked bike ride' day you should stay away :)
07-25-2013, 06:27 PM
thinking if the twin cities has a 'world naked bike ride' day you should stay away :)
:eek: I can't imagine what the seat feels like...I just threw up a little...
07-25-2013, 06:57 PM
okay, guys, I know it is HOT. But it is hot for me, too. And if I can keep my boobs covered up you can keep yours covered up too. PUT A SHIRT ON!
I go through this every Saturday. Creeps me out! Same with some women, who unzip showing their bra. If they've got the body it doesn't bug me, but if it's flabby with rolls it needs to stay covered up, regardless of man or woman.
07-25-2013, 08:03 PM
Y'know, a lot of people act the same way toward people who wear lycra ...
There are times and places where it's entirely appropriate to dress to please some arbitrary societal standard. In court, or in a place with religious significance, for example. Personally, when I'm riding my bike, running, at the gym, whatever, I dress for comfort and function, and I'm perfectly capable of getting everything out of a workout that I can without judging other people. Their body fat percentage doesn't affect my mile split in the slightest.
Unless I'm drafting them, and in that case, the bigger the better!
07-25-2013, 09:14 PM
Same with me. Body type doesn't bother me at all. Comfort rules. Guys without shirts do bother me and it's the Hairy, sweaty underarms that gross me out whether on male or female.
07-26-2013, 02:32 AM
I don't like guys without shirts, either. For some reason, it just seems wrong on a cyclist, but I don't like shirtless guys under any circumstance, unless it's a bathingsuit. But, it's just me, who doesn't even like male cyclists who wear sleeveless jerseys.
It seems like this season I have seen an increased number of male cyclists wearing what I consider to be strange clothing. They are not wearing "regular" shorts and a T shirt, which I would barely notice, but rather some combination of athletic clothes meant for other sports. It's usually long basketball or running shorts with a sleeveless cotton tank that is completely sweaty. Usually tube socks that reach the knees.
I agree with the OP. Guess I'm kind of strict in my mind about dress codes in all situations, not just court and houses of worship. And for what that's worth, I had to go to court this week, to fight a traffic ticket. I dressed nicely and apparently, I was the only one who thought this was appropriate. And, I still don't like wearing pants to synagogue.
07-26-2013, 05:07 AM
I'm with Oak on this. The older I get, the more I appreciate those women and men at the gym or yoga studio who dress with functionality and comfort in mind. If they display some fat rolls in so doing, I don't really care. I think it's sort of liberating. I'm sick of being critical of my own imperfect body, let alone everyone elses. Most of the men in my yoga classes--and they are admittedly in the minority--go shirtless and it also doesn't both me. We're all super sweaty; the room is close to 100 degrees.
Now how people dress for work or other more formal settings is an issue for me. Skirts that are way too short and those 4-5 inch platform pumps (that look like they belong in a certain type of "men's" club) are my biggest pet peeves.
07-26-2013, 08:26 AM
I just had to laugh! Good for them being out and exercising.
ny biker
07-26-2013, 09:03 AM
My gym is way too hot in the winter, so I wear a colorful sports bra and shorts when I work out. I figure if someone does not want to see my muffin top, they can turn the heat down, and get the added bonus of a lower utility bill while they're at it.
When I went to traffic court last year to fight the "cyclist impeding traffic by riding two abreast" ticket, I wore a sweater and corduroy pants with loafers. I was dressed better than everyone else there, except for one of the cycling club members who accompanied me. He wore a suit, because he was also attending a funeral that day.
I don't see many men cycling without a shirt. Or maybe I just don't notice them. I'd rather see someone with moobs or other lumpy areas getting out and being active than sitting on the couch. Sometimes on the bike trail I will see an obese person who looks a little shaky and tentative, like they're just getting used to cycling for the first time in a long time, and I think, good for you, I hope you enjoy it.
07-26-2013, 09:13 AM
I admit I don't want to see it elsewhere either, such as mowing the lawn, or even at work where there are several people who wear skin tight clothes and they don't have the body for it. I don't think, oh those are terrible people and I wouldn't want to associate with them. It's more of the same reaction I have to my co-worker putting ketchup on her popcorn. It's just a "yuck" thought. I don't think any more or less of them. It's just unappealing to me.
07-26-2013, 09:52 AM
I have to admit that I find shirtless males unsettling, whether they have moobs or not...
I was standing in line for the porta potties at a very large organized ride and a group of young things were complaining about how SOME people shouldn't be allowed to wear lycra. Now, I'm obese, but I'd say that 80 per cent of the people on that ride didn't look good in their lycra. I turned around and gave them the stink eye. Krimeny! what am I supposed to wear? A mumu?
07-26-2013, 10:41 AM
I just had to laugh! Good for them being out and exercising.
+1. Totally.
07-26-2013, 10:57 AM
i figure if someone does not want to see my muffin top, they can turn the heat down, and get the added bonus of a lower utility bill while they're at it.
07-26-2013, 01:15 PM
I used to wear a bra top at the gym, but I wouldn't do that now. I don't really have a muffin top, and my stomach is pretty flat for an old lady, but it's not like the body of a 20 year old! I always felt like I was in public, wearing my underwear, when wearing a bra top.
I also think "good for you" when I see people who are obviously struggling, for whatever reason, be it they are new to the sport, overweight, whatever. I just like people being somewhat covered up. G-d, I sound like a Puritan, and I am not. But, the shirtless male thing does get to me. And, not that many people look fabulous in lycra! If I hadn't found the 2 brands of shorts that I wear, I would look pretty bad, and I weigh 106 pounds.
07-26-2013, 05:01 PM
Mimi said this once and I think of it (and her) often:
This is how I look. If you don't like it, look somewhere else.
07-26-2013, 07:24 PM
I admit I don't want to see it elsewhere either, such as mowing the lawn, or even at work where there are several people who wear skin tight clothes and they don't have the body for it. I don't think, oh those are terrible people and I wouldn't want to associate with them. It's more of the same reaction I have to my co-worker putting ketchup on her popcorn. It's just a "yuck" thought. I don't think any more or less of them. It's just unappealing to me.
Ketchup on popcorn?????? Now THAT is gross. Ewwwww.
07-26-2013, 08:46 PM
Um....I don't care because they are on a bike. So the shirtless guy is in field of vision for um...a few minutes or more. Hardly worth noticing because there's something else to look at !
07-27-2013, 02:48 AM
Murienn, I probably wouldn't be able to focus if I rode with those guys.
07-27-2013, 06:33 AM
My only thought when I see shirtless dudes is "ow, that's really going to hurt if/when you fall, man!!"
07-27-2013, 08:20 AM
Maybe I am just jealous. My boobs aren't all that large.
Bike Writer
07-27-2013, 08:31 AM
You should see some of the guys I ride with. Downright distracting. If they removed their shirts, I'd probably fall off my bike.
Oh. My.
I wanna ride with you and your group!
07-27-2013, 11:35 AM
I'm just jealous.
lph, you're a hoot. :)
I guess I'm of the opinion that as long as it's not illegal, everyone has a right to be comfortable. In our sedentary society, if they are trying to do something to make themselves healthy, let them be. It may not be eye-candy, but I've learned that what is attractive to one person repels another when it comes to physique.
07-28-2013, 08:34 AM
You can be sure there is a parallel thread somewhere else on the Internet about "how some women cyclists shouldn't wear (or not wear) fill in the blank". Life is too short to spend much energy on judging what other people do, especially if you have no control over it.
07-28-2013, 05:26 PM
I'm just jealous.
My only thought when I see shirtless dudes is "ow, that's really going to hurt if/when you fall, man!!"
These are usually my first two reactions to seeing men cycling without a shirt - no matter how fit or fat they are!
07-29-2013, 07:08 PM
Blech... I recently saw a girl riding on the back of a motorcycle on the interstate wearing cutoffs and a bikini top. I didn't judge - but it gave me a minor anxiety attack to think about what would happen if she crashed at 75 mph dressed like that... You would basically have no skin left. Apparently I have too much ambient anxiety.
08-27-2013, 06:55 AM
My only thought when I see shirtless dudes is "ow, that's really going to hurt if/when you fall, man!!"
Exactly. Same reaction I have to people who cycle on Saturdays on our MUPs with out a helmet.......I automatically think to myself "organ donor".
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