View Full Version : Hey Lise...

Running Mommy
02-09-2006, 01:11 PM
Check out this video I found on the Tempe town lake website.
It's where I'll be April 9th. Click on the "triathlon" link for the best video. The Ironman link isn't as good. My friends Lynn and Jocelyn are actually in the tri video. It will get you stoked for sure! And you'll get to see what kind of insanely fit people we have out here!! OY!


02-09-2006, 07:51 PM
That is so cool! Thanks for posting it! You're right, the "triathlon" video is best, but both are very inspiring. I cannot believe how strong and fast those swimmers look. I am so excited for you. :D L.

Running Mommy
02-10-2006, 07:28 AM
YEAH,note.. I AM NOT one of those swimmers! I'm going to be the slow one that the kayak follows at the back of the pack on race day! I am sooo slow in the water! I can swim forever, I just can't do it very fast. I really do need a swim coach. I'm too embarrased to join a masters class because I think I'm beyond hope. :o
But hey, at least I'm going to toe the line and try right?! I'm also hoping the wetsuit and lack of having to turn at the wall every 25 mtrs will help. :p

02-10-2006, 02:31 PM
I mean, seriously, they look like different creatures. How can human beings move like that though the water? I even wonder if the film is sped up a little bit, or do they truly FLY through the water like that? How would I know, I'm the one swimming over by the bouy rope, saying "Sorry" and "Damn it!" when I get kicked in the head as other people swim past me. I'm the one people pause to ask, "Are you OK?" as they swim by me! :o
I say TAKE the class. You are a swimmer. You are a triathlete. You could just use some tips on how to improve your efficiency. That's all. And, from what I read in the mags and online, there are plenty of people who would be happy to teach you. For me, it's mainly a question of building up my endurance and upper body strength. I'll happily ride my bike all day. I don't particularly dig the hard work in the pool.

This "Road To Kona" issue of Triathlete is very cool. It's all about IMs. Want me to mail it to you? Just PM me your snail mail address, and it's yours. L.

Running Mommy
02-11-2006, 01:24 PM
When I went to get my bike fit today I found out that if I join the Phoenix tri club I'll get 15% off the bike. On a 3k bike, that adds up! So I'm going to join. Hopefully I can get with some of those folks and work on my swimming. I did the full distnace yesterday in 1:57. But I think I'll be faster at IMAZ as I won't lose my rythmn every 25 meters when I have to turn at the wall. Though I must admit at the end my arms were tired of the constant turn over. :rolleyes:

02-11-2006, 04:47 PM
Hey Running Mommy,

Congrats on the new bike!!! Its beautiful ... and a 15% discount doesn't sound so bad either!!! :D

I am still trying to go watch but as of right now, DH is traveling so I don't know if I can :( I am so excited for you though and really, you are very motivating!

Don't forget to post pics when you pick up your new bike!!!


02-11-2006, 06:43 PM
Good for you on the swim. Very impressive. It must feel great to know that you can do it. As you say, not having to turn around every length will improve your time! And the excitement of the day will boost you the whole way. :) L.