View Full Version : Jumping Rope

11-06-2012, 07:40 AM
One of the instructors at my gym did competitive jump roping throughout her high-school years. She is pretty awesome, it's been years since she has competed but she can STILL "jump rope" from a seated position on the floor! She is able to bring up her entire body at one time far enough to pass the rope beneath her body - multiple times. I am not describing it well, but she rocks. She has shown us some of her tricks from her competition days and my jaw dropped with amazement - had no idea people did those things!

We jump rope from time to time in my group training - and since I never really learned how to do this as a child I s*ck at it...so she gave me a little time this morning to help me start practing the basics. I CAN do it, but my form is bad and I can't do all of the variations our trainer has us do. It is also good exercise and something I can do at home. Jump ropes for beginners aren't expensive.

Apparently I was pounding too hard on the ground so my knee is complaining a bit - hopefully I can still ride in a couple of hours. Anyone else here who enjoys jumping rope? There is something very enjoyable about this simple activity - though it is harder than I had initially expected.

11-06-2012, 08:06 AM
Boxers jump rope for fitness. There are many competitive jump roping teams who compete; you should go find one and watch. It's pretty amazing.

11-06-2012, 08:25 AM
Boxers jump rope for fitness. There are many competitive jump roping teams who compete; you should go find one and watch. It's pretty amazing.

I am learning that, and it plays an important role in Crossfit as well - double-unders specifically. I am going to talk with the woman who helped me this morning to see if she knows of a team or competition that I can go watch - I bet she does!

11-06-2012, 08:46 AM
There's a woman at my yoga studio (her name's Mary Beth if by chance it's the same person) who used to compete in jump roping as well. She also swam for Butler if I undertand correctly. She is so crazy strong and flexible; I love watching her do certain yoga poses. She's all muscle.

11-06-2012, 08:57 AM
There's a woman at my yoga studio (her name's Mary Beth if by chance it's the same person) who used to compete in jump roping as well. She also swam for Butler if I understand correctly. She is so crazy strong and flexible; I love watching her do certain yoga poses. She's all muscle.

Different woman, but probably equally amazing. I never thought of jumping rope in quite this way before I started the group training, and watching her was pretty amazing.

11-06-2012, 09:26 AM
Look up the Bouncing Bulldogs on YouTube. They are a competitive jump rope team from my hometown.

11-06-2012, 10:36 AM
Look up the Bouncing Bulldogs on YouTube. They are a competitive jump rope team from my hometown.

Wow, they are great! I had no idea people did this until recently. Amazing!