View Full Version : November 2 Weekend Rides

11-02-2012, 11:43 AM
Whoooohooooo I FINALLY got to ride after 2 weeks :D :cool: :)

Ok, so it was only 18 miles, but it didn't seem wise to push it after some heavy leg presses yesterday although my legs feel fine. So does my knee - though it did twinge just a bit when I stood in the saddle going over a very rough patch of pavement.

It was a beautiful ride, sunshine filled afternoon. I did happen to have on my PI Amfib tights and Barrier shoe-covers, along with several wool layers. It wasn't too much however, it was only in the last .5 mile home that I started to feel a bit over-dressed. Hopefully I can ride tomorrow, but they are calling for showers so I wanted to make certain I rode today just in case. There were several parts of my route that had a pretty stiff headwind, but it is that time of the year!

11-02-2012, 12:23 PM
And I finally got to ride with Hirakukibou, after a couple of weeks of trying to plan a ride. It was great, even though it's cloudy, breezy and there were sprinkles along the way. We just did our usual shorter route through Great Brook Farm, and caught up on 3.5 months of missed talking and riding! It's about 22 miles for me. Unfortunately, when I got back I noticed that somehow, all my yearly mileage on my Kuota had been erased. I was checking it, because even though I rode my other bike today, I thought today or even maybe my last ride was the day i finally got to 2,500 miles. Thankfully, I had written down some figures on the back of a notepad, so I added in last Saturday's ride and the Sunday before, and I am giving myself 2,500, based on that! I know I won't get to 3K, but 2,500 was my minimum.

11-02-2012, 12:24 PM
Heading out to Eagle Creek Park in about 5 minutes...hoping to do at least 15 miles.... :)

11-02-2012, 12:27 PM
Heading out to Eagle Creek Park in about 5 minutes...hoping to do at least 15 miles.... :)

Have fun :) I started there, but left the park and hit some roads north and east of there, then finished up coming back through the park. It is easier to do that at 1:00 pm than later on a Friday afternoon!

Congratulations Crankin on meeting your goal!

11-02-2012, 03:22 PM
I got out this morning at 6AM for a 15-mile ride to try out a new saddle, a Gilles Berthoud Marie Blanque. I loved my Brooks B17, but I kept riding in the rain or in a perpetual Florida dripping sweat, and never managed to get it covered it time, and was getting the hammock effect, even after tensioning it. I've been though a few agonizing or just bearable saddles since and thought I'd give this one a shot. I love it. I was a bit nervous as the leather is much thicker than the Brooks, but within a miles, I'd already forgotten about the saddle. I'm really looking forward to riding this weekend. It was a stunningly beautiful day today, and it's been really crappy with rain and/or heavy winds near every weekend lately. I think I'm going back to my Brooks for a few weeks though, as I have a 165-mile charity ride in two weeks, and however much I like this saddle, I don't think I'm quite ready to risk breaking it in that way.

11-02-2012, 05:11 PM
I should be able to get a ride in tomorrow, as I'm off work and not doing overly-taxing experiments this weekend (they're all prep work followed by 6 hours of waiting). Nothing too long, maybe 25 miles.

11-02-2012, 06:33 PM
I am so happy that I got to ride today as I've been off the bike since the beginning of September after a hysterectomy. Only made it 12 miles, but it was the first ride back and the weather was gorgeous!!

11-02-2012, 07:20 PM
Glad you are well enough to ride again, girlontheroad! Any ride is better than no ride at all. :)

11-03-2012, 11:02 AM
It was the most gorgeous day! Did 80 miles with a group of fun people. The crazy thing is that I fell asleep last night without meaning to and woke up late this morning, and forgot I had a brand new saddle on as a scrambled out the door to meet everyone. Also forgot the chamois cream. Fortunately, it worked out great. I think I have a winner.

11-03-2012, 11:25 AM
That's awesome, Murielalex! The right saddle makes all the difference.

I was hoping to ride today, but it's spitting hail and some wintery mix, so I decided to just do an hour on the trainer instead. I was able to get about 43 miles in yesterday and the day before in some nice weather, although Thursday was windy. Like Crankin, I was focused on a goal and know that our days are numbered for 2012. I got a late start in the year because I just started back to cycling over the summer and the spring was gone before I got back to riding. I was looking at my log and it says that I started back to riding on June 22 (I had thought it was earlier, but not what I had written down). I will pass the 3,000 mile mark this week if the weather holds (need 12 miles according to my computer). So, as far as I'm concerned, I've met the goal I set for this year, but will take any day outside that I can get. :) Hopefully that will be tomorrow.

11-03-2012, 08:32 PM
We did 16.5 today and at a fairly good pace. I am impressed. My partner just passed the 2 month mark after total knee replacement. She's going great!

11-03-2012, 09:22 PM
Glad you are well enough to ride again, girlontheroad! Any ride is better than no ride at all. :)

Thanks gocard. Yes, and after being off the bike for about 8 weeks my ride yesterday and today were even more savored than normal.

11-04-2012, 05:20 AM
Just a short ride today. Kept cadence above 75, mostly above 90. But, next time, I should remember that, though I don't need to be completely color coordinated, Superman colors with School Bus Yellow, a touch of hot pink (gloves), and periwinkle blue arm warmers isn't the best plan.

At least my shoes were neutral.


At least there was no chance of someone not seeing you :)

11-04-2012, 05:30 AM
We had a big heavy wet snow storm on Thursday and now the roads are packed with ice. I guess my Sunday ride will be indoors on the trainer.

11-04-2012, 10:45 AM
Just a short 16.5 mile ride in between my final studying and errands. It's really nice out, but I was suffering the whole way; back, hands, and one knee at the end. This is what happens when you have been sitting down for days on end and not doing the exercises the PT gave you.

11-04-2012, 01:24 PM
Crankin, why are you in PT? I must have missed that post. Hope you're okay.

I haven't been riding that much lately because I've been trying to build up my ferritin level (which could be contributing to my hair shed--which, by the way, has gotten much better and I have lots of new growth!). So, I have only been riding easy and on perfect days, so as not to deplete my stores. But since the hair is coming back, I did 2 rides this weekend. Friday's ride was great until I got the heart attack call from my brother (as mentioned in thread drift). Then it was crazy fast trying to get to him. I can do without that kind of motivation ever again, thank you.

Today was really cold. Since I've been not riding much, I was a little nervous that 40° would be too cold, but I was fine. I just did my easiest 18 mile loop. The wind was blowing pretty good, and when it's like that, there's pretty much no way not to work, but I felt okay. Feeling like I can start building fitness again, but if my hair starts shedding again, I'll back off.

11-04-2012, 02:17 PM
14 miles for me today. Very short but this is my first season for cold weather rides so I'm trying to figure out the clothing thing. I'm over dressing on top and my feet are getting cold. I'm hoping to do 35-40 tomorrow. My riding partner is just becoming convinced that riding in cold weather isn't so bad after all. She's a trooper. In 8 weeks she's increased her speed from 7mph to an average of 17+.

11-04-2012, 02:27 PM
15 short but hard road miles Friday. Had a good workout even though it was a short ride. Wanted to do more but it got dark pretty quick. No riding yesterday and 2 hours Mountain biking today . Cant wait to ride again... it looks like we are getting pretty fair weather this week... and no rain!....woohooo I hope it stays that way.

11-04-2012, 02:29 PM
Today I went to Mountain Equipment Co-Op and purchased wind resistant tights, a merino wool, tank style undershirt and a windproof beanie cap. Then I came home dressed in all my new gear and went out for a 15 km ride around the block. It was only 3 degree celsius (37 fahrenheit) and I didn't have tights. I was riding against a north wind and so I really appreciated the tights! Unfortunately with the time change it is now going to get dark so early that it makes it hard for me to get out after work so I might not get too many more rides in this season.:(

11-04-2012, 02:34 PM
Yep, time change has killed it for me too. I rode last Sunday in 20mph headwinds and 30mph gusts. Got blown off my bike twice. I managed 20 miles that felt like 100 but it was awesome!

11-04-2012, 02:59 PM
Got in 50 slow miles today. I was a bit stiff from yesterday's ride, and Day 2 on the new saddle wasn't quite as comfy as Day 1. I've got some very tender sitbones. It was, however, absolutely gorgeous out. Sorry winter folk, but it's starting to be good riding season here in South Florida. This was my last training weekend before my first big ride in two weeks (I'm working next weekend, so no riding or minimal), and got in 130 miles. Even if I was a bit sore today, I feel good and ready.

11-04-2012, 04:18 PM
It was, however, absolutely gorgeous out. Sorry winter folk, but it's starting to be good riding season here in South Florida.

I'm so jealous! I am soon looking at slogging away on the elliptical machine or worse using the horrible bikes at the gym in lieu of riding.

11-04-2012, 04:23 PM
I'm not in PT now, Red. I just haven't been doing the very basic up dogs/child's pose things my PT prescribed to me over a year ago, to combat stiffness in my back and hips. Since I went back to school/started my new career, I sit a lot more than I did teaching, where I stood up almost all day. It's wreaked havoc on my back. If I do the stretches 3-4x a day, I'm OK. Now, I barely do them after a ride or run. Just laziness and not wanting to admit I need this more now, because of my age.

11-04-2012, 05:58 PM
I did 19.2 miles this evening. The time change, I think, has been the final nail in the coffin of my ability to ride on weekdays. (And my boss schedules me for prime riding time on weekends now. Ugh!)

11-04-2012, 06:32 PM
did a 43 mile ride Saturday for the Idependence Fund, a local organization that raises money to buy specially adapted bicycles and wheel chairs for disabled veterans and had the honor of riding for a bit with a double amputee in a hand crank who did 43 miles. The spirit and courage these guys show is amazing, especially since the last 18 miles were against a really nasty and uremitting headwind. How bad was it? My speed droped from 16mph to barely being able to stay at 12 mph and to top it off the last mile was a sneaky incline with a sharp bump at the end. Sort of nasty since the entire other25 miles were totally flat.

11-04-2012, 07:36 PM
My partner and I did 20.5 today and lots of climbing. She's pretty impressive. I am not sure I would be doing this so soon after surgery.

11-05-2012, 04:34 AM
Did one of the shop MTB rides yesterday. We did 12.1 miles. I learned that I have forgotten how to dress for 40s and windy on the mountain bike. The funny thing is that I know exactly how to dress for that on the road bike... The only thing I remembered is that I like my thermal knickers at these temps. The rest was a WAG. I also learned that I need an easier gear on my singlespeed when there's a lot of leaf cover. I kept breaking traction when I stood to climb.

11-05-2012, 12:29 PM
Did 22 miles on Sat. Was chilly but very light wind. I need new gloves!!! I have Pearl Izumi Women's Cyclone Gel Gloves.

Hands got cold near end of ride but, it was a slow ride through some heavy traffic areas to get to the MUP. The traffic stressed me out more than usual so, i may just drive to the parking area next time and ride more on the MUP--so much more enjoyable.

11-06-2012, 11:59 AM
I did the club ride, Saturday with my "former" cycling partner, Dawn. Life changes have kept us from riding together much. Me with health issues and her with a full time job. We've done a handful of rides together over the past year, very slow because of me, but Saturday we got to actually do a club ride together for the first time in a year and a half. :D We did the shortest, least climbing route, which very few club members even do anymore. Just under 23 miles, but at a moderate to hard effort, which was fun. Felt like the good old days . . . sort of. ;)