View Full Version : I did it!!!( bit of a long post)

01-25-2006, 10:20 PM
I completed my first triathlon in Australia today...on Australia Day!!

First, I wasn't last. I'm always happy not to be last.

The tri was 400m swim, 20k ride, 4k run. I was so concerned when i signed up for the sprint event as i'm not the best swimmer but i gave it a go. I'm not out to compete but to participate in the best manner I can.

The swim was great as there were no waves, no stingers/jellyfish (i'll get to those later) and warm. As I said i'm not the fastest swimmer but I kept plugging away wanting to go faster but then thinking i'd like to get to the end. Why did the buoy look so far away or was that just my bad vision??? I remembered a few of the tips our swim coaches gave us and tried to implement them today.(looking ahead at the buoy every so often, pacing yourself etc)

The bike ride...First, i don't have a road bike which made me a bit slower. My legs felt fine & was able to mozie down the road just as i'd expected. The headwind was rather annoying but i was rather happy just cycling & watching all these v nice road bikes venture past.

The transition from the bike to the run was fine.....It was when i started running that I realized something didn't feel quite right with my hammies, glutes & inner thighs. I dunno what i did wrong but i was much slower than on our training runs. I was rather annoyed at my legs & still wonder what I can do next time on my bike to make the run easier. I did tons of easy stretching at pilates yesterday & my legs felt fresh but didn't think they'd feel as bad as they did during the run.

I'm happy to have participated & was happy to see other folks from the wellbeings training group (the tri training group here in perth i am a part of) there as well.

Last but not least...thanks be to the ocean goddess for not sending stingers my way...I was stung last week from my armpit to my elbow & the rash has returned with a vengeance...


01-26-2006, 12:31 AM
Congratulations! Finishing is so sweet! And not being last is such a bonus. I rode almost 100k in the Tour Down Under (last Friday - 40C) and finishing is just the best thing. The high carries you for days. It's 42C in Adelaide today, the scent of BBQ is all over town, and after a short ride this morning, just had to have a cold beer and celebrate Australia Day. I'm having another just for you (well, a bit for me too).:)

01-26-2006, 01:59 AM
Congratulations! You did great! I did two tri's myself last year, just starting out, and am not much of a fast swimmer- so I know how hard it can be.

Do you ever do a "brick" workout, where you ride your bike then run immediately afterwards? This helps train your legs to run when they are tired, and would make the first few minutes of your run easier when you are racing.

Can't wait to hear about the next one!


Running Mommy
01-26-2006, 06:14 AM
Great job! And good on you for swimming in water w/ jellyfish! YIKES! Thats the one reason why I'll NEVER do Ironman Florida.
As for the run... As Nanci said- bricks. But your legs will always feel a bit wierd and gumby like off the bike. In a race situation you tend to give it your all and when you hit the run your legs will let you know! Also did you do the ride on a mtn. bike? If so that could also be part of the reason. The effort from riding the mtn bike prolly took alot out of your legs.
Well CONGRATS again! Great job!

01-26-2006, 08:21 AM
Congratulations! :D :D :D You are a triathlete!

I love triathlon, and it's hard to explain why, because I'm a slow swimmer and a slow runner. There's just something wonderful about doing all three, one after another. I am so happy for you! :D L.

01-26-2006, 09:25 AM
Well Done CC - I think I would have been more worried about Noahs than the Jellyfish though ----- Perhaps I have watched Jaws just a few too many times.

Whats next on the horizon?

01-26-2006, 09:29 AM
Congratulations! Finishing is so sweet! And not being last is such a bonus. I rode almost 100k in the Tour Down Under (last Friday - 40C) and finishing is just the best thing. The high carries you for days. It's 42C in Adelaide today, the scent of BBQ is all over town, and after a short ride this morning, just had to have a cold beer and celebrate Australia Day. I'm having another just for you (well, a bit for me too).:)

Arnaew well done to you too. I lived in Adeaide for several years and summers there can be scorching. I cant imagine riding my bike 1km never mind 100 k in that sort of weather. I bet the beer tasted pretty good after that ride:D

01-26-2006, 09:49 AM
I am SO darned impressed!!! Way to go... I have had people tell me that I should try a triathlon... and my response is sure! Other than the swimming (which I suck at) and the running (which I suck at) I'm all set!:eek: :D Hats off to you for completing this event!

Now then... uh... the whole jellyfish thing... 'splain a bit please. I am coming over in Sept... and planning to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef.... are there a lot of jellyfish that time of year? I think it's cooler then, so less or no stingers right???:confused:

01-26-2006, 10:47 AM
I laughed at the last comment. I've been told the same thing, too. "Try a tri.." OK, sure, I can barely swim and I run a 10-11 minute mile, which feels like agony the whole time. So I commend anyone who finishes one. I look at some of the people at my gym who do tris and I wonder how they finish. I know I am fitter, but I guess it's that they don't work and can train all day.

01-26-2006, 11:11 AM
I laughed at the last comment. I've been told the same thing, too. "Try a tri.." OK, sure, I can barely swim and I run a 10-11 minute mile, which feels like agony the whole time. So I commend anyone who finishes one. I look at some of the people at my gym who do tris and I wonder how they finish. I know I am fitter, but I guess it's that they don't work and can train all day.
Swimming, well, a couple of lessons and some practice, you've got that down.

10-11 minute miles? That's faster than I run! I've done three sprint triathlons, three Olympic distance triathlons, a 1/2 marathon, and a marathon, at my 12 min/mile pace.

I work a nutty schedule of days and nights. Sometimes fitting the training in is hard, but I do enough to finish and enjoy triathlons.

My favorite tri training book is Triathlon Training in 4 Hours a Week, by Eric Harr. It is perfect for the beginner. c'mon, give it a shot! A sprint distance is really manageable.

:D Spreading the joys of slow triathloning! Lise

Running Mommy
01-26-2006, 12:53 PM
I agree w/ Lise... TRY A TRI!
It really *is* fun! I'm a SLOOOOOWWW swimmer, but over the years I've built up endurance.
I'm a SLOOOWWWW biker, but I toot along at my 15 mph pace..
And then when I get to the run I'm happy w/ an 11-12 min mile run, even though my normal runs are around a 10 min mile....
I'm slow, but I've got stamina dang it! You really don't have to be a tri stud to enjoy the sport. Like that commerical w/ Mikey "try it, you'll like it"... :D

01-26-2006, 03:23 PM
Maybe I'm lazy?????
Or maybe I like cycling too much to spend time seriously training for 2 other sports. Well, I might try a tri, but it won't be until I stop teaching, which will be in June 2007. Until then, I'll think about it (and maybe improve my swimming).


01-26-2006, 03:40 PM
Congrats CC! You have my respect and awe. :)

01-26-2006, 03:50 PM
I completed my first triathlon in Australia today...on Australia Day!!

Woohoo! Congrats! :)


01-27-2006, 09:15 AM
Uh... the whole swimming thing does me in... I almost drowned as a kid and I still, to this day, hold my nose when I go under water.... :o I feel like a complete moron, so I just don't do much swimming... I DO like water stuff, like wakeboarding... (they make ya wear a lifevest!:D ) but the minute I begin to fall my nose is held... I get some weird looks I tell ya! :p

01-29-2006, 09:16 AM
You could wear a nose-clip... :p

01-29-2006, 09:46 AM
Sounds like you did great and had fun! Wonderful!

You said you were tired in the run... how many brick workouts (cycling to running) did you do before competing? Is this something you did a lot before competition? Or you rarely did?

Bricks are really important so you can feel strong in competition.

I know this... because I didn't do bricks last year... and I never made it an entire 5K without walking... whereas I could always run a 5K just fine (without biking before hand!)

Oh... you may want to check out: www.beginnertriathlete.com, to talk to other tri geeks.

01-29-2006, 01:09 PM
great job!!!!! when's the next one? :)

01-29-2006, 10:16 PM
Uh... the whole swimming thing does me in... I almost drowned as a kid and I still, to this day, hold my nose when I go under water.... :o I feel like a complete moron, so I just don't do much swimming... I DO like water stuff, like wakeboarding... (they make ya wear a lifevest!:D ) but the minute I begin to fall my nose is held... I get some weird looks I tell ya! :p
I get it, bikerchick--I had a scary pool experience in my teens, in which another kid did drown. I'm probably one of the few people who prefers open water to pool swimming. If you wanted to get more comfortable in the water, you could take a few lessons, and ask specifically for breathing help. I did that at my local Y, and it helped me a lot. I feel more in control of my breathing now when I'm in the water.

Take care, Lise

01-30-2006, 12:24 AM
Hey ladies,

Thanks for the support. Trekhawk...no sharks in Coogee but i'm sure they're lurking somewhere...which is good as long as that somewhere is not near me on the day i'm doing a tri....

I think i figured out what i did wrong to have such excruciating pain in my legs...It was either being in the wrong gear on the bike ride whilst facing the wind-I did play with the gears but oh well or my socks..I wear a certain pair of socks when running & they weren't dry for the day...I'm still lost there....

When am i doing another one? Well, as my looney self i've decided to do another small one 300m swim,15k bike, 3k run this weekend. I'm only doing it because it;'s in the same spot for a corporate tri i'm doing in march...

