View Full Version : Excellent Resource for Women's Health

01-25-2006, 01:58 AM

Still in progress, but I still thought I'd share :) I write for this site a little (hope no one thinks I'm spamming...if so, feel free to remove), and so I know the wm. She's a stay-at-home Mom like me, a very nice lady :) She's trying to tackle all the issues women face that are hard to find info on elsewhere...This is going to be an even better site once it starts growing a bit - this poor woman is working her tail off trying to get as much info as possible on it for women. Check it out if you want, and let me know what you think! :)

Sandra (Seigle, if you were wondering, Sandra Clair is the wm :) )

It's been brought to my attention that the site I mentioned seems a bit commercial, so I thought I'd apologize, and explain - it won't be for long, the wm is working on expanding, trying to find more writers to submit informative articles, etc. If anyone thinks it's too commercial at this time to be posted here, again, I don't want to violate any rules, feel free to remove it, or let me know so I can remove it, until the site is updated and more information-based. Right now I think she (the wm, Sandra) is simply trying to get more revenue to back her site. Thanks :)

01-25-2006, 10:59 AM
looks interesting to me - thanks for sharing.