View Full Version : I Owe My Fairy God-Mother BIG!!!!

01-12-2006, 06:49 AM
Ladies...I think I have mentioned once or twice about the little walking trail at the end of my new street (4 houses down) WELL....my SO & I ventured out last night for a little afterwork cruise to get our pedaling legs back and......

WOW!!!!:D :eek: :D :eek: :D :eek: :p :D :eek: :D the trail goes for miles....YIPPY YAHOOOOOOO YIPPY!!!! We rode and rode and rode and finally the sun started to disappear so we headed back...up and down hills, over little streams, hopped a few logs, even found an area that appeared to be maintained by a fellow trail mongrel!!!! You know that stupid grin you get when you get a new bike...well I got a new trail and I still have that grin this morning! By the time we got home we had gone 10 miles (we stopped alot to look around and decide which trail to take...there were trails off of trails off of trails everywhere!!!

OH BOY...are we EXTACTIC!!!!!

Now to go rework my schedule at work so I can go home in time to ride....:D

01-12-2006, 10:04 AM
Ladies...I think I have mentioned once or twice about the little walking trail at the end of my new street (4 houses down) WELL....my SO & I ventured out last night for a little afterwork cruise to get our pedaling legs back and......

WOW!!!!:D :eek: :D :eek: :D :eek: :p :D :eek: :D the trail goes for miles....YIPPY YAHOOOOOOO YIPPY!!!! We rode and rode and rode and finally the sun started to disappear so we headed back...up and down hills, over little streams, hopped a few logs, even found an area that appeared to be maintained by a fellow trail mongrel!!!! You know that stupid grin you get when you get a new bike...well I got a new trail and I still have that grin this morning! By the time we got home we had gone 10 miles (we stopped alot to look around and decide which trail to take...there were trails off of trails off of trails everywhere!!!

OH BOY...are we EXTACTIC!!!!!

Now to go rework my schedule at work so I can go home in time to ride....:D


01-12-2006, 04:49 PM
gnashing my teeth in seethingin pea green envy....you are very lucky...enjoy!

01-12-2006, 07:45 PM
Wow, it's like a fantasy world! Maybe I should move to Asheville, quality of life would probably increase quickly.:D

01-13-2006, 05:41 AM
Dude! I hate you! :D I have to ride for at least half an hour and then hop on a train before I can hit the trails. :p

01-13-2006, 06:44 AM
I felt the same way when I discovered single track trailheads right in my neighborhood (though it doesn't sound as nice as yours)! Lessens all the pain that comes with moving a little bit. :)

01-13-2006, 07:16 AM
AAAHHH...but there was very little pain involved with this move:)

leaving: flat, congested, unfriendly(for the most part, to thier defense a stressfull environment) hot, humid, not cycle friendly, and the trails were devasted by hurricanes (although the local clubs are performing miracles getting the mtbike parks open again aside from all the county gov BS)...lack of seasons, no wilderness, no mountains, insurance costs sky-rocketing, property taxes going thru the roof, angry motorists...need i go on?

arriving: wilderness, mountains, friendly, low traffic, commute is same mileage but time cut by 2/3rds with the option of commuting by bicycle ON THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY or...get this...thru the new trail I have found, lower insurance, my friends actually WANT to visit me now,

in other words...the physical act of packing, unpacking, re-organizing is well worth the major increase of QUALITY OF LIFE :D

tlkiwi: I am sorry, and do not want this thread to be decifered as rubbing it in but I have waited 5 years to move someplace like this and to find the trail around the corner has made this wait bearable...besides - you live in NZ *top of my list of places to go!!!!;)

01-13-2006, 07:57 AM
'Sokay bouncy. The thing is that I live in London. I just got back yesterday after five weeks of holiday back home. I miss the fresh air and wide-open spaces already.

Argh. time to stop playing on the 'net and go to the supermarket already before it gets too dark.