View Full Version : Showers Pass Jackets

04-20-2012, 06:32 PM
I am going to purchase a rain jacket soon. From what I've read, heard from friends/reviewed, a Showers Pass Jacket seems like it is the best choice for a jacket that will actually keep me dry. I already have water-resistant jackets. They are just that. In a constant, steady rain, you end up wet.
I am looking for advice from women that own one of these jackets. Do they perform as well as stated? Which model do you prefer?
TIA for any advice.


04-20-2012, 11:41 PM
I bought one through TE (the Elite, I think), after reading stellar reviews here. The design is really good and well-thought out, good material and excellent venting. The cut didn't fit me well enough, though, it was too boxy. I have quite heavy shoulders and a broad upper back, and ride with my bars fairly low. The size that fit over my shoulders without pulling left the rest of the jacket too wide and too short, and I eventually gave it to my dh.

For touring use and a more upright position it would have fit a bit better, but for daily commuting I would have preferred a narrower and longer profile. My dh is very happy with it though, and he is actually both narrower and longer... I think I'm just extremely fussy when it comes to fit. A very good jacket, if it fits you.

Kiwi Stoker
04-21-2012, 03:44 AM
Sorry to chuck this in but I really find rain jackets don't work- no matter how big the pit zips or how breathable the fabric you in the end become wet from the sweat.

Instead DH and I dress for the chill and cold. We layer wool (which stays warm when wet) with warm, windproof jackets of heavy material. Yes we end up wet but we are not chilled. We also find that waterproof socks (Seal Skins) with waterproof overbooties are great also as it also is the water in your shoes that chills you down as well as being really annoying.

We also always took a change of clothes to our cycle club to change into as soon as we got off the bike so we NEVER wore wet clothing home in the car.

And when we rode in tropical rainstorms, we didn't even bother with wet weather gear, we just got wet. It was warm enough we didn't get chilled. Water gets in everywhere and you would probably have to wear rainpants, layered over booties and a huge jacket/poncho with a full hood to stay dry.

04-21-2012, 04:11 AM
Well, I would rather be a little sweaty. I hate riding in the rain, but I had 4 days of torrential downpours on my tour last summer, and I decided I needed a better fitting rain jacket.
I bought the Shower's Pass (not sure which one, definitely not the most expensive). I haven't had a chance to use it, but the number one thing i see as different from the 3 other rain jackets I have had, is that the material is extremely thin and not hard, like the other ones. There are very large pit vents and a mesh vent in back.
I know wool keeps you warm while wet, but riding in the rain, even at temperatures of 70-75 leave you open to hypothermia, which can happen very quickly. I had the most unpleasant experience of getting caught in a strong rain, about 8 years ago, wearing just my wind jacket. It was probably in the high fifties, low sixties. DH and I booked it back to our car (he had a rain jacket on), where I proceeded to strip and let the heater warm me full blast, while wrapped in a beach towel I found in the car. I shivered for hours afterwards, despite the fact it was probably only 8 miles of riding in the rain. It was scary.

ny biker
04-21-2012, 12:32 PM
I have a Showers Pass jacket that I bought 5-6 years ago, plus a Pearl Izumi jacket made from the same eVent fabric that I got nearly 10 years ago. I wore the PI jacket while riding a century in a nor'easter (with temps in the 60s) and was dry and comfortable inside the jacket. Unfortunately it did not have have a drop tail, so I was soaked below the waist.

After that I bought the Showers Pass jacket, since it had a drop tail, plus features like the vented back and pit zips. I also got a detachable hood that has a small visor. I haven't had to test it in heavy rain yet, since I try to avoid riding in the rain. I do find the fit is a bit boxy, and would prefer something more fitted. It's possible that getting a smaller size would be a solution, I just don't want to spend the money to find out.

I do find that the eVent fabric is too heavy for riding in warmer temps in the rain, so when I get caught in a storm in the summer I just get wet and try to find a sheltered spot where I can wait for the storm to pass.

04-22-2012, 02:47 PM
I have a Showers Pass touring jacket. It's OK.

I was very happy to have it during a chilly, rainy week in Ontario last summer. That sucker is bombproof when it comes to rain. Love the drop-down flap.

For commuting at home here in Texas, however, it just doesn't do it for me. When it's over 60 out, the jacket it too warm and I arrive soaked in sweat. When it's below 60, I look out the window, remind myself that I really should get some real rain pants, debate about if I actually want to screw around with rain pants once I get to school, consider that my hands will be cold and wet too, and ultimately, I take the train. If I lived somewhere where it rained more often I think I would work out the other issues and be much more in love with the jacket.

Something that I do like about the jacket is that it looks very much like a conventional raincoat and isn't conspicuous off the bike.

I didn't buy the hood; got a helmet cover instead that I stash in the pocket.

04-23-2012, 03:11 AM
OK, I think it's the touring jacket.
I got to test it on a run yesterday. It was 52 and I had a thin, regular LS wicking shirt on under it. Now, remember, you get much hotter running than riding. I had the pit zips open and I definitely could feel the wind through the vented back. But, I started to feel sweaty and took the jacket off and tied it around my waist. The rain had actually stopped. It started misting again later on the run, but not enough to put the jacket back on.
I think this would be perfect for riding in the rain. Definitely less clammy than my other rain jackets. I wouldn't want to wear it when it was really hot out, but most likely it's going to be less than 70 if I get caught in the rain. If it's hotter, it's probably going to be thundering and I would find shelter!
I have real rain pants. They do make you sweat, but they saved my azz on my first tour, in the Czech Republic. It was in the 50s and pouring for the first 2 days.

04-23-2012, 08:20 AM
I have a Showers Pass jacket. I think it's the 'century' which I believe is the earlier version of the Elite.

Showers Pass is based here in the PNW where it is typically raining all winter with temps from 40F to 60F. Rarely is it warmer than that AND raining. For those conditions, these jackets rock. Seriously. If it rains during an organized ride here - 85 - 90% of the riders will have on a Showers Pass jacket of some type or another. They are that great!

I bought mine when I lived in NC and tried to wear it once or twice for a rainy spring ride and I was a sweaty mess underneath - no matter how much I tried to vent it. From that point on, I started using the jacket as a great wind-breaker for my coldest rides in the middle of winter because it worked so well with a few wool layers underneath! I never wore it in the rain if it was over about 50F again, though.

As a testimonial - I did a ride with a friend when we first moved here. We were riding for a little over an hour or so and it was down-pouring. It was raining so hard, visibility was a problem but we still had to get home. When I stripped off the jacket at home, I was a tad wet at the shoulder seams but that's it. I was frankly amazed. It really, really will shed water in a crazy downpour!

Editing to add: I should have looked at their website first - mine is the Century which is an earlier version of the Double Century - not the Elite. The Elite is a bit more of a heavy weight fabric. The Double Century is lighter-weight and slightly more flexible. On the ride I mentioned above, my companion was wearing the Elite and she was a little drier than I was when it was all over, so I think the Elite is better for truly super wet conditions. But, for someone like me who overheats easily, the Double Century might make more sense.

04-23-2012, 09:01 AM
I have recently found myself in the market for a new cycling rain jacket (shhh...don't tell DH!) and have been closely following this thread. Could someone offer a comparison of the different SP models? I've been on their website, but am still having trouble deciding if I "need" an Elite, or if a Double Century will do. TIA!

ETA: Doh! Should have Googled first: http://www.showerspass.com/product-comparison. I'm still interested in feedback about materials though.

04-24-2012, 05:43 AM
I have a Showers Pass jacket. I think it's the 'century' which I believe is the earlier version of the Elite.

Showers Pass is based here in the PNW where it is typically raining all winter with temps from 40F to 60F. Rarely is it warmer than that AND raining. For those conditions, these jackets rock. Seriously. If it rains during an organized ride here - 85 - 90% of the riders will have on a Showers Pass jacket of some type or another. They are that great!

I bought mine when I lived in NC and tried to wear it once or twice for a rainy spring ride and I was a sweaty mess underneath - no matter how much I tried to vent it. From that point on, I started using the jacket as a great wind-breaker for my coldest rides in the middle of winter because it worked so well with a few wool layers underneath! I never wore it in the rain if it was over about 50F again, though.

As a testimonial - I did a ride with a friend when we first moved here. We were riding for a little over an hour or so and it was down-pouring. It was raining so hard, visibility was a problem but we still had to get home. When I stripped off the jacket at home, I was a tad wet at the shoulder seams but that's it. I was frankly amazed. It really, really will shed water in a crazy downpour!

Editing to add: I should have looked at their website first - mine is the Century which is an earlier version of the Double Century - not the Elite. The Elite is a bit more of a heavy weight fabric. The Double Century is lighter-weight and slightly more flexible. On the ride I mentioned above, my companion was wearing the Elite and she was a little drier than I was when it was all over, so I think the Elite is better for truly super wet conditions. But, for someone like me who overheats easily, the Double Century might make more sense.

I have the SP Club Pro. I grew up in western Oregon and now live in London, England - temps and precipitation pretty much identical (with the UK being windier). I don't know how the Club Pro fabric compares with the other jackets in SP's range, but I've found it to be spot-on perfect for the conditions described by GLC1968 above. In fact, I second everything she says. :)

ETA: I always wear merino next to the skin, varying the weight/thickness according to temperature and using the SP jacket as the top layer. Works for me.

ny biker
04-28-2012, 01:06 PM
Just wanted to update, since I wore my Showers Pass jacket today. Thankfully it did not rain during my ride, but it was cloudy (no sun at all) with temps in the high 40s-low 50s and light winds from the north.

I wore a light wool long-sleeved base layer (Sugoi Wallaroo), a long-sleeved jersey and a wool Ibex sports bra under the jacket. And I was kinda sweaty for much of the ride. Not so much that I was uncomfortable, and I never considered taking the jacket off or switching to the lighter windbreaker that I had in my bag. But still, kinda sweaty. I've been keeping a weather/clothing journal for rides in cooler temps to help me remember what outfits do and don't work for me under various conditions, and for today I'm planning to note that I should have left off either the l/s jersey or the base layer.

BTW, I don't know for sure which SP jacket I have, but looking at the ones currently for sale at TE I'd say mine is an Elite. It looks a lot like the Elite 2.0, but without the chest pocket.

06-08-2012, 03:15 AM
I wanna buy Showers Pass Jackets,can you suggest me any site for this?

06-08-2012, 04:23 AM
Donna, you might want to remove your personal information (full name and address). Go to User CP at the top of the page and then Edit Details.

You can get Showers Pass jackets all sorts of places, including Teamestrogen.com.

06-14-2012, 09:31 PM
Donna, you might want to remove your personal information (full name and address). Go to User CP at the top of the page and then Edit Details.

You can get Showers Pass jackets all sorts of places, including Teamestrogen.com.

Ok... Thanks for your suggestion. and I have gone through user cp but couldn't find option for editing full name.

ny biker
06-15-2012, 08:29 AM
Ok... Thanks for your suggestion. and I have gone through user cp but couldn't find option for editing full name.

I didn't find one either. But try clicking on your username in the upper right corner where it says "Welcome, donnabyoung." On the screen that displays next, click the "About me" tab and then click the pencil next to "Address" to see if you can edit it there.

If that doesn't work, I would PM the administrator for help.