View Full Version : Touring with Kiddos

03-31-2012, 01:51 PM
Hello! We're about to start "touring" again and this time with two wee ones. Our first trip is just a weekend camping thing, fairly close to home--30-45 miles away. After that, we're doing a longer adventure, again for a weekend--85 miles, 45 miles, then 45 miles back home.

I'm just wondering, for such a short trip, what are you essentials for equipment, especially the essentials for touring with kids (ours are 1 and 3). Luckily, our first trip is close to home and civilization and our second will be travelling to friends' houses so we don't have to worry too much about food and camping equipment (for the second).




Tri Girl
04-01-2012, 01:31 PM
I don't have kids, so I have no advice. All I know is that your 600 mile trip around Oregon looks like it was so much fun with little Lennon. :)
I think it's great that your kids think nothing of hopping on the bike instead of getting in the car. That's my dream for most kids!!

04-02-2012, 08:10 PM
Thanks for the encouragement anyway! It's great to be on this biking forum since sometimes it's hard to find so many bikey people locally. We've decided on just an overnight to begin with, pretty close by-30 miles or so. I guess the best thing is that my kiddos are very tolerant and familiar with biking. I do have to sometimes remind myself-kids in carseats cry, too. Sadly, everyone else can't hear them....:rolleyes:

04-07-2012, 09:14 AM
I would start thinking of what they will eat at dinner time. practice mac and cheese on a small camp stove. If you don't have already, get some of those little plastic links to attach a toy or two to their chariot. Maybe try camping with them in the back yard so you can see what you will need, then add that to your knowledge about what you will need while you bike.
Sounds like fun, good luck!

04-07-2012, 07:44 PM
Food! That's the biggest thing for kids, it seems like. That and staying warm! We did our first overnight trip with the two: http://www.tinyhelmetsbigbikes.com/1/post/2012/04/day-6-and-7-60-mile-overnight-6-to-the-zoo-just-for-kicks.html

It went really well. We have a longer trip scheduled for next weekend but we're visiting friends so I think it will be a bit easier. Thanks!