View Full Version : What do I do now??!?!

12-15-2005, 03:06 PM
:eek: I had put a bid in on a new Dolce Specialized road bike on Ebay...minimum bid and then, a week later found a great Trek road bike on Craigslist. I already have a mountain bike at home and my husband thinks one bike is enough. But I was getting really tired of using slicks on my mountain bike, and wanted a road bike.

Well, I drove over to the sellers house (Craigslist), and tried out the Trek. Loved it and the price and that it fit me (I'm 5'1"). So, I bought it.

Came home, checked my email only to find I also won the auction for the brand new Dolce Specialized bike.:eek: :eek: I have put at least three bids in on different bikes on Ebay, and never won the minimum bid. Now I'm bike-heavy so to speak.

My husband is going to have a cow!

What to do...what to do.....:confused:

12-15-2005, 03:41 PM
Enjoy your new bikes :D

12-15-2005, 05:49 PM
Oh Mary, you are the best problem solver! I don't believe there is a better answer than yours! :)

12-15-2005, 06:25 PM
you could relist the dolce on ebay and sell it! (or keep it and have 2 bikes!)

12-15-2005, 07:09 PM
Sell the bike you bought on eBay.

12-15-2005, 08:00 PM
I'm not ebay proficient, but is it possible to find out who the 2nd highest bidder is & perhaps negotiate with her/him? Could also communicate via email with the seller explaining the problem. Perhasps the dilemma could be resolved together?
Let us know how you get on. Cheers & good luck.

12-16-2005, 12:11 AM
Do you want both bikes? I have two Dolces and love them. I've also found it good to have a spare bike, just in case one bike has to go in the shop or something. Or you can use one of the new bikes as a permanent bike for your trainer.

I have several bikes and am not ashamed. Each bike has it's role and it's purpose.

12-16-2005, 02:12 AM
Ride both for a while and see which you _really_ love? Keep one as a spare so you'll always have one when the other is in the shop, and so you can take non-biking friends out for rides?

I can see how it could be a problem if storage is an issue. We have four bikes (and three are mine!) and hang them by their wheels from ceiling hooks, fairly close together. They take up a lot less room than standing on the floor.


12-16-2005, 09:26 AM
I already have my Specialized Rock Hopper Mtn. bike that I've been riding with slicks. My husband has his bike, and with a two car garage that we actually park our car and truck in....he'll have a fit if I add two more bikes to the mix.

I'm going to wait until the new bike comes...try it out and then pick my favorite of the road bikes and sell the other I guess.

Meanwhile, my bank account got a little lower than I had anticipated.

Anyone need a new (used) bike?

12-16-2005, 10:07 AM
My husband has his bike, and with a two car garage that we actually park our car and truck in....

WHAT????????????????? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

our garage is for anything BUT cars! we have our 7 bikes in there... a smith bench weight thingy! the floor is covered with the padded "puzzle" pieces for my aerobic workouts! all my workout gear (weight stand, bar bells, step, bench, balls, etc!) tv... dvd.... stereo.... shelves with cycling and workout stuff... (shelves with non-cycling and workout stuff that rarely gets touched!) there is NO room for the car and truck! :(

12-16-2005, 10:26 AM
That garage thing filled with non-car stuff just doesn't work for those of us who live in hostile winter climates ... like Wisconsin!! :D

But, alas, that's what basements are for (a very common Midwest staple). 10 bikes for us, yes, some are older and we've replaced them with the "new" bike...but not ashamed one bit.

12-16-2005, 11:05 AM
*sigh* no basements in the desert *sigh*

12-16-2005, 12:15 PM
I say keep them both - I have 2 road bikes and ride both of them (ok...not at the same time! :rolleyes: ) Especially if one of them needs some work done and I don't have the time right away. As for storage, either hang em or rack em in a spare room. As for the hubby, shrug your shoulders, look cute, and tell him it was a boo-boo but................after all, I mean, really, they're both here Now.................;)

12-16-2005, 01:00 PM
Here it is: You don't want to neglect your bike by procrastinating about taking it in because you can't bear to part with it for a few days, so you are actually protecting your investment by having two- that way no one has their maintenance put off!

No basements in Florida, either. I sure miss that extra storage space. But when I lived in Minnesota for 39 years, ok, say 19 years on my own, I don't believe I _ever_ put a car in the garage- it was always too full of other stuff. Cars had to stay outside and be plugged in. Now in FL, garages are somewhat of a rarity. I had to buy a fancy shed to keep the bikes/mower/tools/dive equipment in, and I park under a giant oak- that's my garage. It's much prettier than a "real" one, serves as a home to a large bird, and the only thing I have to worry about is it falling over in a hurricane. If I had "real" garage, I would have to worry about a tree falling on it!


12-16-2005, 01:55 PM
LMAO. Cars all live parked in front of the garage (if there even is one) in my area of London. You wouldn't have a sh** show of getting a truck into our little garage - certainly wouldn't fit through the door and might well not fit lenghthwise. You could get a little hatchback in there if we cleared out the junk and the bikes (five, for three of us), but I think it's for the best that neither my flatmates nor I actually own a car.