View Full Version : Dog Poll
01-20-2012, 08:21 AM
Well, here goes, let's see who has the same breed of dog, my goodness, I never realised there were so many, especially with the new 'designer' dog breeds.
If I have left any particular breed off the poll, I think I can add it?
01-20-2012, 09:41 AM
Our golden retriever is a purebred. And our yellow lab is almost all lab but seems to have bit of Great Pyrenese mixed in. So I checked off "lab golden" he is golden in nature :D He is a big very loveable boy!!
01-20-2012, 11:08 AM
Here is the list of 'Designer dogs' I came across, I am glad I do not own a Cockapoo! :eek:
01-20-2012, 12:52 PM
Nala was an Aussie Shephard, more or less; and Branwen was "spaniel-esque". To call her a Springer would be too generous, and besides, she didn't grasp the "fetch" concept. She wasn't the brightest girl, but once she settled down, was a happy dog. I'm convinced that Nala was a calming influence. Both were "Res" dogs - born on an Indian Reservation of indeterminant breeding -most dog breeds were of some sort of working type.
Miss both my girls.
01-20-2012, 12:58 PM
I answered the poll with Mutt and Golden - but have also owned a Maltese.
01-20-2012, 03:32 PM
I only answered with the ones I have owned, meaning since I became an adult. I have two Miniature Schnauzers right now - Heidi (10.5 years, white) and Jens (9 months, chocolate colored). We also had Maggie, the sweetest little soul who was what is sometimes called "Phantom", black with a white beard and white legs. She filled our life from 2004-2009, I miss that girl often.
My favorite pet prior to these guys was a Keeshond mix named Blackie Bear. We got him when I was 15 months so he was my buddy until he died when I was 13-14, he had a heart of gold much like Maggie did. He ended up taking up residence with my grandparents when I was 4 because he had unintentionally bit a neighborhood kid, the kid cornered him and was hitting him with a plastic bat. We're not even sure he bit the kid or just scratched him and busted his lip but his Dad was a Sheriff so it was take him out of the county or lose him for good. :( If I ever move to a less steamy climate I would like another Keeshond.
We also had: basset/beagle mix, a yellow lab mix that sadly got a parasite and died quickly at just under 2 years and my parents had two Rottweilers once I left for college.
01-20-2012, 03:37 PM
How do I vote for 'mutt' three times? ;) Just kidding...
01-20-2012, 06:04 PM
Malemute didn't get on the list. :-( and how do you do quantity?
01-21-2012, 12:17 AM
Malemute didn't get on the list. :-( and how do you do quantity?
Unfortunately this Forum is Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.8.6 and so far as I can see, does not allow you to add any more categories, despite I allowed for extras, assuming incorrectly that I could go back and edit the Poll.
Neither does it give the option of voting for more than one breed but at least you can vote for more than one different breed.
I added 28 different breeds, allowing for 35 but there are over 150 breeds registered with the American Kennel Club, and that doesn't include all breeds in the world of which there appear to be thousands.
I've pestered a moderator, to perhaps edit the Poll for me.
Most will probably know but if you hover over the word VOTE you can see who has voted.
Anyway, it looks like the Mutt's are in the lead! :D
01-21-2012, 06:50 AM
Frodo is most likely a cross between a Border Collie and Australian cattle Dog. Our trainer says it's common is this part of Michigan and in nearby Ohio, to breed them on purpose that way. I've even heard that in Texas they call them Texas heelers. I adopted him sort of as a rescue and know very little of his history. Would be interesting to run into someone who knew something about his past.
I have three purebred Mutts. Parents were mutts. They are mutts. Best dogs I could ask for.
roadie gal
01-24-2012, 06:01 AM
You left off Collies. Who could forget Lassie?
I have 2, a rough and a smooth.
01-24-2012, 06:31 AM
We had a basset hound when I was a child. I was about 6 when we got her and I had the honor of naming her. Much to my favorite Aunt Gloria's chagrin, I named the dog after her :cool:
Many years later, yet still in the Dark Ages when I was married, we had a chocolate lab, his name was Duke and he was a great dog. Haven't had one since then, though if I lived in the country I would consider getting a Corgi or another hound. I like hounds :)
01-24-2012, 10:25 AM
You left off Collies. Who could forget Lassie?
I have 2, a rough and a smooth.
Your two dogs are beautiful.
So sorry roadie gal, of course nobody could forget Lassie. :) It's not be for the want of trying, I sent the following to two Moderators:
"I can add another dog breed to my thread, I allowed for 35 but I cannot find a way to add any more? Cheers. Sally"
administrator 01.20.2012
Heard nothing, so then sent a PM to Miyata912 01.20.2012
Then noticed a minute ago last activity 12.08.2006!!!! So why is she still a Moderator.............doh!
Third time lucky, about to PM snapdragen very nicely, am sure if it's possible,when she has time she will perhaps make the additions.
01-24-2012, 11:46 AM
You left off Collies. Who could forget Lassie?
I have 2, a rough and a smooth.
Or Miss Reveille, the First Lady of Aggieland! Collies are such beautiful animals.
01-24-2012, 01:26 PM
Generally, once you have voted in a poll, you will not be able to change your vote later, so place your vote carefully!
Nope, not possible for me to edit either, only other choice would be to delete this Thread and start again, not going to happen. :confused:
So sorry to all the breeds that did not appear.
01-25-2012, 03:27 AM
Here are lists of the most popular registered dogs in the UK and US. (
I was surprised there was no German Shepherd of the TE poll, but I know you asked beforehand. I'm surprised at how many unusual dogs we have here. :)
And here it is from DogBreed Info ( (My favorite place to look up stuff).
The other difficulty was that when you attach a Poll to a Thread, 40 is the maximum amount.
Hey, the Mutt's are the most popular, not suprising. :D
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