View Full Version : Amazing event

01-18-2012, 08:04 PM
Today was an unusually mild, windless, sunny day, all be it cold to cool, but perfect for riding.
I am working up to riding a minimum of 60 miles per ride as preparation for a cross country ride in May and June. My January goal is 40 miles 2 x a week.

So todays' ride was excellent in all ways but the most amazing thing was that as I was riding through the suspiciously green and springlike fields I came across a huge flock of guinea fowl on both sides of the road. I slowed down and as I approached they all started running away. As I got closer they took off and flew about 50 feet across the road and into an adjacent field. I have no idea where they came from, but considering how awkwardly they flew, they can't be a migratory group, but more likely they belong to a local farmer. Never the less it was quite a sight, and I made 45 miles at my standard endurance rate of 15-16 mph.

To celebrate I stopped ust before home and had a latte and a biscotti at the local Starbucks and sat in the sun in all my layers and gave thanks for the day.


01-20-2012, 04:56 PM
Thanks for the nice report. Reading this on phone by candlelight. 2nd day of no power. Snow and ice storm. Where's our NW rain?

01-20-2012, 05:43 PM
Marni, that sounds lovely.

Smitty, hope you get power soon.

01-22-2012, 06:57 PM
Ah, Thanks, power came back on today. Just 4 1/2 days without it! I turned the light on in the laundry room, just cuz I could! We are so spoiled in this country! What we take for granted!

01-22-2012, 07:42 PM
Sounds like you experienced a perfect ride day - and much better than my hour+ of Spinervals on a cloudy day with freezing rain outside. Thanks for sharing! :)

01-23-2012, 02:59 AM
Today was an unusually mild, windless, sunny day, all be it cold to cool, but perfect for riding.
I am working up to riding a minimum of 60 miles per ride as preparation for a cross country ride in May and June. My January goal is 40 miles 2 x a week.

So todays' ride was excellent in all ways but the most amazing thing was that as I was riding through the suspiciously green and springlike fields I came across a huge flock of guinea fowl on both sides of the road. I slowed down and as I approached they all started running away. As I got closer they took off and flew about 50 feet across the road and into an adjacent field. I have no idea where they came from, but considering how awkwardly they flew, they can't be a migratory group, but more likely they belong to a local farmer. Never the less it was quite a sight, and I made 45 miles at my standard endurance rate of 15-16 mph.

To celebrate I stopped ust before home and had a latte and a biscotti at the local Starbucks and sat in the sun in all my layers and gave thanks for the day.

Thanks for sharing! Now I am ready to move to Texas! (: I got spoiled riding outside all December- but we are now having Richmond winter: 36 degree rain (:

01-23-2012, 05:31 PM
What a nice ride report! - I can just see you sitting outside the Starbucks in the sun. :)


01-25-2012, 10:39 AM
Marni, your ride sounded heavenly. Having a snack after a nice ride is so much more enjoyable :)