View Full Version : Desperate-need routines for a spinning class

12-05-2005, 12:28 PM
I am in a desperate situation - I am in need of a routine for a 50 min spinning class that I am now taking over for another instructor. Never taught spin, I am just a personal trainer. If anyone can help - I need it for tonight 12/5 class. Please Help !!!!

12-05-2005, 02:53 PM
welcome to TE, trainer.

you'll find a lot of very knowlegeable, supportive women cyclists here. We're not too good at emergency last minute rush jobs. :cool: But give us time and this is a great place to share info.

By now I'm sure you've done just fine at your class.

surf on over to the getting to know you thread and get to know us, and we you.

12-16-2005, 03:33 PM
Try going to a few of the sites where Spinning instructors hang out such as:



There have been quite a few profiles shared at those sites. If you haven't considered actually getting certified as a indoor cycling instructor, that would be best. Although it's great to be an outdoor cyclist, it doesn't automatically transfer into indoor cycling because of the bikes themselves, the flow of the class, the number (and there are many) of non-cyclists that attend the class

I'm an outdoor cyclist, but also am certified by three different organizations to teach indoor-cycling/Spinning and have been doing it for about nine years.
And I'm still learning all the time. I also own my own personal training business, and believe me....Personal Training really doesn't really prepare you to teach a group fitness class...(at least it didn't for me). I love one-on-one training, and I love teaching Spinning to groups, but they are soooo diffferent.

Good luck and have fun teaching the classes. It's a great way to introduce people to cycling. A lot of my members have ended up buying bikes and taking their rides outside.