View Full Version : Running Mommy, where aaaaare you?

12-02-2005, 08:54 PM
Hi! How's the training going? Tell! It's freezing cold here in Chicago, so my training has consisted of reading Triathlete magazine, and some running. Beats nothing, which is what I was doing last year! Hope you're well and out there--Lise

Running Mommy
12-03-2005, 07:34 PM
Hey Lise-
Welllll... Hmmm.. (wait while I find a good excuse)... Umm.. it's uhh.. Going??!!
Actually it's going ok. I'm trying to get all my Christmas stuff done before next week when my "official" training program starts. So basically it's been about an hour a day. But most of my rides have been on the trainer. It's been cold early mornings here, and by the time I get around to it I'm looking at sunset. I tell you, I have become such a weenie living here in Phoenix! But I just can't push myself out there when it's 47 degrees! UGH! I know, I know... blah blah blah cry me a river! ha ha ha
But when your body gets accustomed to shorts and t shirt weather 24/7 it doesn't like the cold.
My official 16 week plan starts the week of the 18th, but I'm starting a couple of weeks early cause the family is going to Disney World the first week of Jan.
Anyhoo... thanks for thinking about me and keeping me in check! I need it! If I know people are watching it's easier to get my butt out the door.
So look for my training log to start this week. Not that anyone wants to read it, but it'll keep me on the straight and narrow. ;)

12-05-2005, 09:52 AM
<---lived in Chandler for 1 1/2 yrs and can't Wait to get back. That being said: commuted to work this morning - 21 degrees, wind chill at 11 and rode in a headwind the last 2 miles of the ride. Yeah - I wanna get back to Phx - soon! LOL

12-07-2005, 04:24 PM
Yeah! Like Corsair Mac said! (As if I would ever ride when it's that cold) Great to hear back from you. I've been working insane hours and trying to keep my computer from crashing every time I try to access match.com...argh. Here's my money....why can't I get on your website? Ok, Ok, calm down. (Dachshund baring fangs) Soooo, I haven't even checked back to see if you responded for days! Glad to hear from you! It's cool to have some down time before the official training plan kicks into gear. Enjoy it. So tired, must rest before night shift...heck, my job is an endurance sport! :rolleyes: Hang in there and have fun getting ready for X-mas. Lise