View Full Version : Blue Ridge Parkway management plan

12-09-2011, 05:15 AM
I have never had a chance to ride in Blue Ridge Parkway (http://www.blueridgeparkway.org/), but just read in Bike Rumor that there is a draft of a management plan that could result in limiting cycling. The plan is said to be focused on the driving experience. Comments on the plan can be submitted online but will be closed on December 16. Here is the Bike Rumor link:


12-09-2011, 05:40 AM
VA Bike Federation (http://www.vabike.org/new-blue-ridge-pkwy-plan-happy-motoring-only/) also posted on it.

However, a WashCycle post on this (http://http://www.thewashcycle.com/2011/12/th.html)- or rather, a comment responded to WC's post - seemed to indicate things were not as draconian as some cycling sites noted.

To quote:
I don't see many differences (for cycling) in the alternatives for the Blue Ridge Parkway. In all cases they would continue to permit cycling on the parkway. The preferred alternative includes closing a campground near Roanoke, which would make itineraries for multi-day cycling trips on the parkway more contstrained.

They are considering some parallel bike paths. The NPS-preferred alternative B includes: "Also, pursue development of a paved, multiuse trail parallel to but separate from the parkway in the Boone/Blowing Rock area to enhance opportunities for pedestrians and bicyclists to safely recreate in the parkway corridor where traffic levels are higher and opportunities to link to regional trail systems are available"

Alternative C looks at MUTs in some of the urbanized areas instead "Also, pursue development of paved, multiuse trails parallel to but separate from the parkway in the Waynesboro, Roanoke, and Asheville urban areas to enhance opportunities for pedestrians and bicyclists to safely recreate in the parkway corridor where traffic levels are higher and opportunities to link to
regional trail systems are available."

It's not clear to me why they could not pursue MUTs in both contexts/locations.

If these are "three bad choices", what other changes should cycling advocates pursue for the parkway? The article linked from "VAbike" does not make any suggestions - it mostly protests the "auto-centric" tone of the overall document.

Posted by: Purple Eagle | December 08, 2011 at 08:33 AM

Busted. I didn't really get to read the article last night, just skim it. So I can't answer your questions, but I was left with the feeling that they were going to restrict cycling on the Parkway somehow. On second glance that looks wrong.

Posted by: washcycle | December 08, 2011 at 09:07 AM

I'd have to read the alternatives.