View Full Version : Puppy fever!

12-05-2011, 12:34 PM
So there have been a bunch of puppy threads on here. One of my co-workers brought in his new puppy into the office a little over a week ago. My boss's boss just adopted a new puppy on Friday.

And on Saturday, we arranged to adopt a new puppy ourselves! We already have two 70+ lb dogs, but they are 6 and 7 years old, so we wanted a younger one. We did some research and decided that we wanted a poodle-cross of some sort. I checked the shelters and local rescues but the only one I found was a tiny little thing. We want/need a bigger dog. Then I found a breeder in Montana who had one lone girl giant schnoodle left of her litter. She is a cross between a giant schnauzer and a standard poodle and should be about 60 - 70 lbs full grown. I typically wouldn't want to adopt a puppy, but since my husband works from home, we can make it work. Plus, it'll be good for us to be able to train her from day one about which animals are part of her 'pack' so that there is no cat, duck or chicken chasing going on. ;)

She arrives on Friday! I'm so excited and I just know that this is going to be the longest week EVER! We are planning on naming her Sara, but we are open to the fact that another name may fit her better once we meet her.

This photo was taken last Thursday.

12-05-2011, 12:36 PM
How adorable! :)

12-05-2011, 12:50 PM
Awwwwe! So adorable!

12-05-2011, 12:56 PM
Oh my! She is too cute!! I bet she is Miss Personality. You can see it in her eyes!

12-05-2011, 01:16 PM
Oooh, she looks like trouble! But in a good way. :D

Enjoy her!

12-05-2011, 03:20 PM
Yay, puppy!!!

12-05-2011, 03:35 PM
Awww, so cute! We are still 6 weeks away from getting our puppy! I'm jealous!

12-05-2011, 03:36 PM
Awwwwwww.Sara is so very adorable. congrats

12-05-2011, 03:47 PM
AWWWWWW!!! I love my mini-schnauzers but a big one would be so fun! How much does she weigh right now? She looks like she is going to have a BIG personality.

Our puppy has learned his place in the pecking order, namely Heidi the older dog will always be Queen. :D He is like the annoying little brother to the cat though, I feel for Miss Tortilla since her previous owner declawed her and swats to the face won't deter Jens.

12-05-2011, 03:55 PM
She's adorable!!

12-05-2011, 04:36 PM
You do know that Sara (or Sarah) means princess, right? So, you're going to call something with the combined brains and temperments of a std poodle and a schnauzer Princess?

I know exactly who is going to be running your household in just a few days.:eek::p

12-05-2011, 04:42 PM
How awesome! A friend of mine has a giant schnoodle. He adores that dog. She's big, but so gentle and well mannered with his 3 kids.

12-05-2011, 05:05 PM
Aww, so cute!

12-05-2011, 07:14 PM
SO cute!!! I love dogs and animals. Thanks for sharing!:)

12-05-2011, 11:44 PM
Sara's a beauty! ;-) Puppy breath, puppy paws, puppy romping, puppy kisses---the best present in the world. Better start puppy-proofing the house now.

Smooches to her from goldens Maeve, Fiona, and Margot.

12-06-2011, 05:04 AM
Cute! How is the puppy getting from Montana to Oregon?

12-06-2011, 05:29 AM

I have 2 Goldendoodles and love the crosses:) (originally wanted a shnoodle actually, but I adopted both of mine- one off of craigslist at 9 weeks, he was bought from a breeder and within a week they didn't want him ;( and the other we got from a rescue group that saved him from animal control).

so cute!

12-06-2011, 09:10 AM
Thanks all! I can't believe that it's only Tuesday...this week IS going to take forever!

Amanda - We don't know her current weight, but I'm guessing somewhere around 12 lbs or so. We think she'll probably match our Maggie in size, and Maggie was 25 lbs at 4 months, so I'm guessing 12 at 2 months? I'll know for sure on Friday!

SK - I didn't know that about the name Sara, but that figures. This little dog has already got my husband wrapped around her little paw and we haven't even met her yet! Our household dynamic should be veeeerrry interesting!

Selkie - I can't wait for puppy breath!! I'm not sure what to do about puppy-proofing the house, actually. It's already dog/cat proof, so hopefully there won't be much to do. We are going to confine her to the dinning room to start (laminate floors, only one door, lots of windows, etc). We don't want her to have free access to the dog door until she's house trained or she may not ever figure out how to 'hold it', you know?

pll - she's coming to us via Alaska Airlines! We pick her up in special cargo in Portland. :) She's already crate-trained and the trip will be less than 4 hours, so it should be fine. We considered driving out there and would have totally done it if it were summer but with unpredictable winter weather, we decided that flying in 4 hours was safer than an 20+ hour round trip by car.

Emily - one of my coworkers has a golden doodle and he is one the main reasons we wanted a poodle-cross. He's a GREAT dog!

12-06-2011, 09:14 AM
You do know that Sara (or Sarah) means princess, right? So, you're going to call something with the combined brains and temperments of a std poodle and a schnauzer Princess?

I know exactly who is going to be running your household in just a few days.:eek::p

Well of course WE knew that!! :p

She's darling. We call what you are doing "dog shingling" - making sure the household had adequate covering of dogs of different ages, etc., so there is never a gap in dog residency.

12-06-2011, 09:26 AM
Well of course WE knew that!! :p

She's darling. We call what you are doing "dog shingling" - making sure the household had adequate covering of dogs of different ages, etc., so there is never a gap in dog residency.

Yes, that's exactly it. After I lost Tango 7 years ago, I was devastated and truly inconsolable for days. I managed to last a whole four weeks before adopting another dog (Maggie) who was a puppy at the time. I don't want to go through that ever again!

Besides, two big dogs is already crazy. Could three really be that much worse? :p

12-06-2011, 09:33 AM
Besides, two big dogs is already crazy. Could three really be that much worse? :p

You don't really want an answer, right?

12-06-2011, 09:36 AM
You don't really want an answer, right?

Nah, not really. ;)

12-06-2011, 12:55 PM
Yes, that's exactly it. After I lost Tango 7 years ago, I was devastated and truly inconsolable for days. I managed to last a whole four weeks before adopting another dog (Maggie) who was a puppy at the time. I don't want to go through that ever again!

Besides, two big dogs is already crazy. Could three really be that much worse? :p

LOL, could I tell you stories! Three goldens share our hearts and home. You are going to have a blast, watching puppy interact with the older dogs. Our trio get into incredible wolf wrestling matches in the living room---two tag team one and they take turns being the "victim." Lots of growling.....sounds like a hornets' nest when they get cranking.

Occasionally, the three of them lie on the floor, rubbing their backs and wiggling their bums, 12 paws in the air, mashed together.

The two younger ones keep the older one active and engaged.

Best of all, they will sleep next to each other. Sometimes, Margot's head in on Fiona's paw or back.

Lots of photos, please. I can't wait to hear your dog stories!!