View Full Version : Stop dogs chewing????
11-21-2011, 02:24 PM
I have a beautiful 2 year old grand-dog, a Beagle, an absolute love but does he love chewing things. :rolleyes:
Anyway, has anybody come across anything in particular for painting or spraying on, that dogs dislike. I have read about Bitter Apple Spray but I was thinking more of something that we might keep in our cupboards to use.
I was thinking of sprinkling pepper around a few places?
Any ideas will be appreciated.
11-21-2011, 07:24 PM
Why is it chewing? Boredom? Too much energy?
12-21-2011, 07:16 AM
My dog is probably bored. She chews when I'm away and when my partner is home but preoccupied. She chews anything I own that has a crotch (underwear, pants) and for the most part I've learned to put these things out of the way. The other things she enjoys chewing are pens and now knitting needles. Lucky for me DBF is going out to get me a new set of METAL needles so I can finish the hat for my friend's SIL.
I've tried rawhide and other chew toys without much success. Any suggestions for solving dog boredom while you're away? I crate her when we are both gone and she doesn't seem to mind.
12-21-2011, 07:24 AM
Some people have good results with treat-dispensing toys:
12-21-2011, 07:52 AM
Ooo thanks Pam! Doesn't look too expensive either... I will have to give it a shot.
12-21-2011, 09:36 AM
I was told that dogs neeeeeed to chew. Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, dogs gotta chew :D
So give your dog something you want them to chew on. Kongs can be filled with yummy treats that take a bit of effort to get at. My mutt has lots of these and yet somehow they always end up under the furniture.
And they are made in the good ol' USA:
12-21-2011, 12:19 PM
Fish gotta swim, ... dogs do need to chew. Our vet prefers the nylabone products out of concern about other bones being too soft or splintery and thus harmful to the dogs mouth or stomach. Our dog, a lab/border collie mix, is a BIG chewer so we give her the Galileo. She needs a new one about every 6 months.
For boredom, another pet perhaps? :) We also leave an old boom box radio turned on to a classical music station (calming, we hope) when we're gone and the pets are without their people.
12-21-2011, 12:42 PM
We also leave an old boom box radio turned on to a classical music station (calming, we hope) when we're gone and the pets are without their people.
I know someone who leave an old TV with the Animal Planet on when she leaves her dog. She says that's calming. I don't know how her dog likes the very haunting, sad, ASPCA ads they have though. ;)
12-21-2011, 01:03 PM
LOL! We have a cat, but they are very disinterested in one another. We've been thinking of adopting a second pup though, so that's a possibility. I will have to check out Petsmart for a Kong toy though!
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