View Full Version : spooky night 'twas...

10-31-2011, 11:03 PM
It's unfortunate I do not have kids so my knowledge quotient for children's costume is less than zero.

Girls costume are so much easier. "Oh you must be a princess". We had few princesses show up. Oh my we are so honored...:D
We also had visits from a butterfly, an angel, several scary witches...

Boys. oh why is it so much more difficult. Few skeletons of sort but I think they were some characters. Oh we did have a visit from Captain America. A jail break prisoners... and the rest??? Years ago when my nephews were 4 or 5 years old, I had lots of ninja turtles visit. I made an emergency call to my sister to tell me which turtle was which because these cute boys would stand proudly in front of my door and ask "GUESS WHO I AM", "Ninja turtle?" "WHICH ONE?" "When I said the wrong name, the kids were not happy. :eek:

Well tonight the kids were pretty good. Didn't get scared away with our pumpkins. IT was also fun in that my front door squeaked when opened slowly... I put one of my flashing red lights from my bike inside one of the pumpkin. flashing red eyes. flashing red mouth... must post a picture.

Well I think the kids went away happy and my house is safe for one more year. :D:D

11-01-2011, 12:55 AM
Norway has - to many people's indignance - adopted Halloween, but we haven't really got a handle on the details, so no costume guessing here.
But I did try a friendly, "wow, are you two cats? Nice make-up!" yesterday, and got a detailed explanation about how they were the three-headed dog ("Fluffy") from Harry Potter, and they showed off the elaborate home-made double costume they were stumbling around in, complete with long, thick tail - and a third stuffed head lolling on the side :D I love Halloween. People can go on and on about how it's a foreign tradition (oops, there went the christmas tree and just about every other tradition around here) and just hyped to sell more candy and all about letting mean kids out on a rampage but I love seeing these little ones, boggle-eyed and stumbling, psyching themselves up to knock on a strangers door and go "Boo". We had a big "spiders web" hung up in front of our door last year, and it freaked them out big time.:D

There's always someone who will do some mean prank, but kids who do mean things have always been around, and will do stuff like that no matter whether it's Halloween or not.

11-01-2011, 03:08 AM
My favorite was the Mac and Cheese kid who showed up at my door, complete with cheesehead, oversized macaroni (made from pipe insulation? and yellow paint) glued to his shirt, and a giant foil-covered cardboard fork glued to his back. :D