View Full Version : Randonneuring seminar at Rivendell
11-16-2005, 07:55 PM
Lee came across this on the SF Randonneurs website ( (scroll down towards the bottom)
Brevet Seminar
Thanks to the support of Rivendell Bicycle Works there will be a Randonneuring Seminar for beginning and modestly experienced randonneurs. The seminar will show you how to prepare for these challenging events. The seminar will be taught by Donn King of the Santa Rosa Cycling Club. Advance registration is required. RSVP clicking on the following link:
[see the posting on the SF Randonneurs website for the link]
Seminar Information
Date January 15, 2006
Time Noon-4:00 PM
Location Rivendell Bicycle Works
2040 N. Main Street #18
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
11-16-2005, 08:10 PM
You thinking of anyone in particular? :rolleyes:
I've got the seminar on the calendar, but no way, no how, am I doing one in San Francisco in January. :eek: :eek: It's rainy and cold and windy and :eek:
200k in March or April? Bit closer to this girl's reality.
11-17-2005, 07:48 AM
So Sadie...
I guess that means you won't come to see us here in Massachusetts when January is usually around the below zero range, and the nasty snow is dirty and yucky looking????
11-17-2005, 08:59 AM
Yeah, don't expect me anytime soon. :( I will say that I rode a lot last winter when it was only 40 degrees - not in the 40s, but 40 degrees, as in 8 degrees above freezing. But it wasn't raining or windy.
You girls in the northern climes feel so sorry for me, I know. :rolleyes:
Adventure Girl
11-17-2005, 09:24 AM
Randonneuring Seminar for beginning and modestly experienced randonneurs. The seminar will show you how to prepare for these challenging events,Is this a seminar or an actual practical event? I read it as just some sort of lecture (I could be wrong). No, I wouldn't consider doing a rendonneur in San Francisco in January... BRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr. :eek:
11-17-2005, 09:33 AM
AG, the club's 200K event is 2 weeks later on 1/28/06. Most clubs seem to do their 200k brevet in March. Seminar - yes. Brevet - no.
11-17-2005, 11:00 AM
why are the brevets so early in the season? Not only is it cold but most people (well at least the lazy ones like me) haven't done many long distance rides that early in the year
I sent an email to sign up for the seminar. I'm very curious what they have to say about training for the brevet.....
11-17-2005, 11:04 AM
Brevets are sanctioned events and you must qualify for the super long distance competitions like Paris-Brest-Paris. By fall these folks are doing 1200K (notice I said THEY :rolleyes: ). Limited window of opportunity.
See more info at:
11-25-2005, 10:37 PM
A bit more detail on the seminar can be found on the Santa Cruz Randonneurs website:
presented by Donn King
What is Randonneuring?
Join us on Sunday, January 15, 2006 at Noon at
Rivendell Bicycle Works
The first event of the 2006 randonneuring season in Northern California is a lecture, slide show and chalk talk session presented by Donn King, Regional Brevet Administrator (RBA) for Santa Rosa. This session will give curious and prospective randonneurs an opportunity to get information about randonneuring, brevets and 1200k events.
Three regional randonneuring entities are collaborating to put on the 2006 Seminar: Santa Cruz Randonneurs, San Francisco Randonneurs and the Santa Rosa Cycling Club.
Pioneered by Bill Bryant, and now presented by Donn King, the seminar will deal with rules, lighting, clothing, diet, riding strategies, vocabulary, northern California brevets, and we will look ahead one year to 2007, the next occurence of Paris-Brest-Paris (PBP). Very briefly, an overall picture of PBP will be presented, along with tips on qualifying, travel arrangements and other PBP basics. Often, randonneuring luminaries attend these seminars and it will be possible to meet RUSA officers, and other RBAs and randonneurs who have finished many 1200k events.
The format of the seminar will be lecture, slideshow and Q&A. It's a great chance to get information if you are new and curious. You can tailgate with other randonneurs, both seasoned and perspective.
The seminar is FREE, with some refreshments provided. Email us to reserve your spot.
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