View Full Version : I love my brother!

08-08-2011, 11:47 AM
So, I'm just excited and want to share my brother's music with every person i know. I even want to get a twitter account to share it in every possible avenue I know! but... maybe not.

So, If you like piano based pop music very similar to Ben folds but with less swearing and more jazz influence. Listen to my brother! and then go to NYC and see him place in tiny bars! Yay!


I do post here sometimes, btw, so don't think I'm spamming you all, please!

08-08-2011, 12:18 PM
Very nice! Do you know where he plays?

08-08-2011, 01:58 PM
He's played at Kenny's Castaways in Greenwich Village, Freddy's in South Slope, and the Bowery Poetry Club between Houston and Bleecker. Those are really the only places I've heard him talk about regularly.

He has a blog/website: www.jgmusicjg.com

He used to have another website that had his jazz compositions on it. but I cannot get to it anymore. I should ask him about that. he may have just stopped paying for that domain.

Bike Writer
08-08-2011, 02:07 PM
Sorry I don't live in NYC nor do I plan to come there soon, but I am very warmed and touched to see how proud you are of your brother.

Brothers are special indeed!

08-08-2011, 06:04 PM
I think it's very nice of you too. I'm very proud of my brother, he's an accomplished musician (jazz, blues, zydeco ....) and even writes about music. It's not his day job ;) but he's quite good. He even toured playing keyboards for Elvin Bishop. :cool: