08-02-2011, 06:23 PM
Fifteen years ago late one evening, I found a small kitten in the parking lot of the school where I teach. She was hiding under my car and after many attempts to lure her out she made a mad dash to some bushes. I went home retrieved a can of cat food and a carrier and returned to the scene of our encounter. I opened the can, spied her in the bushes and put the can in the carrier. Just as quickly as she had bolted for the bushes she sailed into the carrier. I took her home and found within a beautiful six month old brown tabby. She would spend many hours in my science classroom, sitting in my sink watching my students. If not in the sink she was perched on my shoulder purring and observing class. She was named Margulis after Lynn Margulis a cell biologist. Margulis, however, was not happy at school so she was merged into my household tribe. She was my shadow for the next 15 years. She slept wrapped around my head, purring me to sleep at night. It was not unusual to find her watching over DH and I in the wee small hours of the morning.
Six months ago she was diagnosed in early renal failure as well as possible hypertrophic cardiomypathy. She was started on a kidney diet and medication for her heart. Check ups found no heart murmur, bp was excellent and she was responding on all fronts.
Friday evening she assumed her position in the bed and just as I started to drift off to sleep she woke me vomiting in the bed. It was very evident something was wrong as she had a far away look and appeared disoriented. Her gait was off as well. She curled up next to me purring her little heart out and we drifted off to sleep. Again she woke me vomiting at few hours later at which point I decided she would go to the clinic with me the next morning for some blood work and a bp check.
Saturday morning arrived and the vet, a tech and myself worked Margulis up (blood work, x-rays, bp and exam). Her kidney values were high and her potassium had sky rocketed. Once my day ended at the clinic DH and I took her to the emergency clinic for 24 hour care - IV fluids, meds and monitoring. We visited with her several times over the weekend but sadly she was not responding well to treatment. We elected to ramp things up as it appeared her kidneys had shut down hoping we could jump start them and get levels down to decent levels. Through it all she continued to purr, beg for pets and worm her way into the hearts of those at the emergency clinic. Sadly at 4 am Monday morning she went into cardiac arrest and they could not revive her.
Margulis was the sweetest cat I've ever shared my life with and my heart breaks and weeps. DH and I took her today for a private cremations and her paw print and ashes now sit on my desk. It seems like only yesterday I had found her, the past 15 years have flown by. Her paw prints encircle my heart and she will be dearly missed in our house. Go in peace Margulis you are healed and free of sickness now. Motor, Scooter, Saw, Bones, Max, Chip, Phoenix, Squire, Hondo, Cumberland and Rex the Dog are waiting for you. We shall be together again I know. Go in Peace My Friend, Go in Peace!
Six months ago she was diagnosed in early renal failure as well as possible hypertrophic cardiomypathy. She was started on a kidney diet and medication for her heart. Check ups found no heart murmur, bp was excellent and she was responding on all fronts.
Friday evening she assumed her position in the bed and just as I started to drift off to sleep she woke me vomiting in the bed. It was very evident something was wrong as she had a far away look and appeared disoriented. Her gait was off as well. She curled up next to me purring her little heart out and we drifted off to sleep. Again she woke me vomiting at few hours later at which point I decided she would go to the clinic with me the next morning for some blood work and a bp check.
Saturday morning arrived and the vet, a tech and myself worked Margulis up (blood work, x-rays, bp and exam). Her kidney values were high and her potassium had sky rocketed. Once my day ended at the clinic DH and I took her to the emergency clinic for 24 hour care - IV fluids, meds and monitoring. We visited with her several times over the weekend but sadly she was not responding well to treatment. We elected to ramp things up as it appeared her kidneys had shut down hoping we could jump start them and get levels down to decent levels. Through it all she continued to purr, beg for pets and worm her way into the hearts of those at the emergency clinic. Sadly at 4 am Monday morning she went into cardiac arrest and they could not revive her.
Margulis was the sweetest cat I've ever shared my life with and my heart breaks and weeps. DH and I took her today for a private cremations and her paw print and ashes now sit on my desk. It seems like only yesterday I had found her, the past 15 years have flown by. Her paw prints encircle my heart and she will be dearly missed in our house. Go in peace Margulis you are healed and free of sickness now. Motor, Scooter, Saw, Bones, Max, Chip, Phoenix, Squire, Hondo, Cumberland and Rex the Dog are waiting for you. We shall be together again I know. Go in Peace My Friend, Go in Peace!