View Full Version : Cinderalla Century 30th Anniversary Jersey Orders
10-31-2005, 02:11 PM
*The jersey is club cut by Voler (same as the 25th anniversary jersey), with a 20 inch hidden zipper. (SK's note - I bet this is actually what is now Voler's Race Cut since the new club cut wasn't in existence until Oct 1. Anyone know?)
*Orders may be placed November 1st to December 20th, 2005.
*Jersey details and order form link will be available beginning November 1st, 2005.
*No orders will be accepted after December 20th, 2005.
*Your jersey will be mailed in March 2005.
*Advance registration only.
*No wait list, no 'day-of' registration.
*The registration form WILL NOT be posted on line.
*Registration forms will be mailed the week of January 23rd, 2006.
*No registration forms will be mailed after January 27th 2006.
*All Cinderella 2005 riders & those who missed the 2005 cut-off are on the mailing list
*To be on the mailing list send your USPS mailing address (not email) to
*Registrations will be accepted on a "first-mailed, first registered" basis until the ride limit is reached (i.e., registrations will be accepted based on postmark date, not date of receipt).
*A special 30th Anniversary Cinderella Jersey will be available!
10-31-2005, 02:16 PM
oooohhh!!! can't wait.
thinking of all the ways we can get together for cinderella. Last year's dinner and lemon drop martini fest was fun!
FYI: the LUNA chix will be hosting some training rides for this year's Cinderella. Hope you all can come out!
10-31-2005, 02:28 PM
what an Awesome jersey! I might have to break my own rule and order that jersey even if I don't do the ride. It ranks right up there with my AV jersey and my Team Diabetes jersey!
10-31-2005, 03:05 PM
oooohhh!!! can't wait.
thinking of all the ways we can get together for cinderella. Last year's dinner and lemon drop martini fest was fun!
FYI: the LUNA chix will be hosting some training rides for this year's Cinderella. Hope you all can come out!
Excellent! I'll need all the help I can get!
Suggestion: Maybe we could all get together after the Cindy ride?
11-01-2005, 08:49 AM
oooohhh!!! can't wait.
thinking of all the ways we can get together for cinderella. Last year's dinner and lemon drop martini fest was fun!
FYI: the LUNA chix will be hosting some training rides for this year's Cinderella. Hope you all can come out!
Hi Cindy,
Have sent in a request for a registration form for the Cinderella ride. Did ithe ride about 3 years ago and had fun. Would definitely need to train for it and would like to know when any of LUNA chix training rides are happening.
11-01-2005, 01:15 PM
Still in the planning stages but I anticipate they will run 4 weeks. All the rides will probably be in the Dublin/Pleasanton area. The last training ride will replicate the actual route, and the ones preceding that will be some portion thereof. (The dates below will depend on doing the rides on either a sat OR Sun).
February 25/26 - 15 miles - totally flat
March 4/5 - 30 miles - mostly flat
March 11/12 - 45 miles - add some hills
March 18/19 - 100K - replicate Cinderella
March 25 - Cinderella
11-01-2005, 01:17 PM
Suggestion: Maybe we could all get together after the Cindy ride?
the only problem being gals will start and end the ride at various times. Depending on where they live, they may just want to head home after they've got their fill of food and vendors......
11-01-2005, 11:33 PM
Still in the planning stages but I anticipate they will run 4 weeks. All the rides will probably be in the Dublin/Pleasanton area. The last training ride will replicate the actual route, and the ones preceding that will be some portion thereof. (The dates below will depend on doing the rides on either a sat OR Sun).
February 25/26 - 15 miles - totally flat
March 4/5 - 30 miles - mostly flat
March 11/12 - 45 miles - add some hills
March 18/19 - 100K - replicate Cinderella
March 25 - Cinderella
Hey cindysue,
Would you let us know as soon as these dates and rides become a little more concrete? Maybe I'll try to make a couple of them. Takes planning, since it's about a two-hour drive for me.
Looking forward to another awesome Cindy experience with you gals! Thanks for the heads up on the jerseys, SK.
That ride looks like a lot of fun, could we have a few more details please? What kind of course is it? Would it be worth the trip for other TeamEstrogeners?
11-02-2005, 09:11 AM
Grog, the US of A has two women only centuries. I'll give you some notes but know that they are colored by my own personal preference and experience.
The Cinderella is in Dublin, CA (east San Francisco Bay area) and has one route of 65 miles/100km. Due to it's location, much of the ride is on metropolitan roads with lots of traffic and 2,200-2,400 women. Many of these women are riding their first organized ride which is great but it also means you get women riding 2-4 abreast with lots of traffic. I've done the ride 4 times starting in 1987 when there were, I think, about 800 of us and a lot less urban development. It's a very cool ride simply because of the all-women factor and it is pretty awesome to see this many women on their bikes.
The other ride is the Little Red Riding Hood in the Cache Valley of northern Utah. Route options include 30, 62 and 100 miles. Of the two rides, the LLRH is by far more scenic because it is in rural Utah and a smidge into Idaho. The tiny bit of traffic was incredibly friendly. I'll have to go read my thread from this year, but I recall that about 800 women total were on this ride with the goal of 1,000 next year. LLRH included cute red girly T-shirts rather than ugly men's white undershirts. Jenny and I had a very good time and she also preferred this ride. My report is at:
Support for both was equally good. Terrain is very similar as in almost completely flat. Overall, I think the Utah ride was friendlier simply because the atmosphere is so low key compared to the combative/defensive riding necessary for the California Bay Area.
If there were no other factors to consider (like family and other vacation desires), I would spend my money on the LLRH. Just me. I don't do well in crowds and high traffic and I do extremely well when mountains are in view. I think several of us are hoping to do the LLRH in 2006. Bubba has talked about driving the bike bus with the boat trailer remodeled into a bike hauler and then serving as Wrenchboy for the ride.
11-02-2005, 09:34 AM
i still want to do little red riding hood! i figure that we can camp (with the dogs).. and they can ride in the truck with hubby during the ride! (since he can't ride it anyways! :p ) we'll see as it gets closer..
i LOVE that girly girl pic riding on the bike!
11-02-2005, 09:44 AM
I should add to the notes about the Cinderella that it can be really tough to get into it. Entry is capped and can fill up in a matter of hours. If you want to ride it, you must be on the mailing list. I wish they would just do on-line registration to alleviate the suspense and to remove the USPS factor.
Cali, the MS150 is on the same roads as the LLRH so you might check the Utah chapter of the MS Society for campground info. Would be fun to get a bunch of TE girls there.
11-02-2005, 11:01 AM
SadieKate " I wish they would just do on-line registration to alleviate the suspense and to remove the USPS factor."
I also wish they would let you sign in and complete the process the night before the ride. That ran better this year but getting your number, waver signed...a bit of a zoo.
I've begun the legal name change to Trek420 Quigliamakinskyanovich to get into the nearly empty "Q" line. :cool:
Let me state right off the bat that we looooove our newbie gal riders and this is a great first metric century; not too hard but enough hills and headwinds to be a challenge. Also a nice early season tune up ride for experienced gals.
I also saw somewhere that for our TE guys there is a parallel ride that mimics the route but backwards? Don't know where i read that.
It's also nice to see there is still a patch or two of beautiful open space in the Bay Area i love so much. If you ride quietly you can hear the housing approaching it.
Experienced riders will want to get out and get going right away. Early on the ride is full of riders some don't signal or stay to the right or are a little wobbly. Last year I was "spit out of the back of the pack" of the faster riders, and with a more experienced crowd around me it was much better than the year before.
this year....costume!!!?
:p :D
11-02-2005, 11:15 AM
Jersey order form is now up and it includes the race cut and the new club cut. Price is $49.
Kim should be very happy because it is blue.
"Quigliamakinskyanovich" - you just want the prize for the longest and most difficult to spell name.
Adventure Girl
11-02-2005, 11:30 AM
I really like the Cinderella just because of the "women only" factor. But the ride itself isn't all that exciting or especially great. I wish they had different ride lengths. I've actually considered riding it twice as a double metric. But of course there would be no support for the second lap.
11-02-2005, 11:42 AM
sure there would be AG, I'd still be out there when you do the 2nd lap : :rolleyes:
11-02-2005, 12:29 PM
Kim should be very happy because it is blue.I am, but if I buy it I'll feel compelled to do the ride too.
AG, Ms. Q has a good point - I'd bet rest stops and SAG would still be available for your second lap, especially if you're fast (and we know you are) and start early.
11-02-2005, 12:39 PM
AG, or you can just climb "lemon drop hill" repeatedly till I get there.
I dunno what the big deal is about lemon drop, the one earlier in the ride is harder.
If we've done the ride before do we assume we're on the list? Or does is make sense to get on the waiting list again to make sure?
11-02-2005, 12:58 PM
I am, but if I buy it I'll feel compelled to do the ride too. Since ordering the jersey and entering the ride are two separate and unlinked activities, ordering the jersey does not guarantee entry to the ride. Plus, if you've ridden the ride before, I think you've earned the right to wear the jersey. Besides, they don't offer a jersey every year. Therefore, Kim can order a jersey and not feel guilty. Correct??
Ms. Q Cheater! You gotta spell the whole thing out! :p
Bike Goddess
11-02-2005, 04:18 PM
Given the closeness of the Cinderella ride, it is a good ride for newbies. I mentored two successful finishers last year, another way to go for those of us who have done the ride before.
The reason they don't have shorter or longer rides has to do with the kind of volunteer support they have. When you only have one ride, the logistics- i.e. food, rest stops, SAGs, etc. is much easier. AND I do think a metric century is fine for this time of year.
I'd love to do something afterwards, but time is a factor. I think the dinner the night before was the best suggestion yet. (BTW I have my cinderella slipper on my seat pack so it goes everywhere I ride. Pretty cool and a wonderful memoir of our evening before the ride)
11-02-2005, 04:20 PM
AG, or you can just climb "lemon drop hill" repeatedly till I get there.
I dunno what the big deal is about lemon drop, the one earlier in the ride is harder.
Yep, it sure is.
Here's my HRM info from the 2004 ride. The brown line is the elevation. Pink is speed, blue is HR.
11-02-2005, 04:23 PM
That's very fuzzy. Does that say 1850 ft of total climbing? It just doesn't seem that way.
11-02-2005, 04:24 PM
Given the closeness of the Cinderella ride, Nancy, Grog was asking about the ride. Dublin isn't close to Vancouver!
11-02-2005, 04:26 PM
Yep, it does say 1850. I've done the first hill on another ride. I'm going to go look at it now. And we did Lemon Drop when rode Diablo/MT.
11-02-2005, 04:33 PM
Cross Road goes up 400 feet. Lemondrop, 240, that's data from a couple of different rides. All those little ups annd downs do add up.
11-02-2005, 04:35 PM
I did recognize Lemon Drop but I still don't see how the mileage is that much. Must be these legs of aluminum foil, stronger than I think.
Hey, I discovered that my 13 mile after work training loop is a whopping 60 ft of cumulative elevation change. The time trial course is really tough. The first 5 miles you gain 25 feet, turn around and have a flyer all the way down hill - 25 ft. Remember, downhills are so much more fun when you ride UP 'em first! :p
11-02-2005, 04:43 PM
Well in 2004, there was a hill at the beginning with a stop sign at the top. Then it was rolly for awhile to the first rest stop. Then we had Cross road. Lunch stop, Lemon Drop and then the hill going up to the school, which I think is worse than Lemon Drop. It goes up 300 feet. But other than Cross, they are all so gradual, less than 2%.
11-03-2005, 08:08 AM
Hey cindysue, Would you let us know as soon as these dates and rides become a little more concrete?
sure thing!
11-03-2005, 08:09 AM
That ride looks like a lot of fun, could we have a few more details please? What kind of course is it? Would it be worth the trip for other TeamEstrogeners?
I think I have my map from last year laying around somewhere. I'll look for it tonight when I get home and post some details
11-03-2005, 08:12 AM
I also saw somewhere that for our TE guys there is a parallel ride that mimics the route but backwards? Don't know where i read that. :p :D
I'm pretty sure that is the Valley Spokesmen (the organizers and a cycling club in Dublin). The men ride the route the day before - backwards like you said. They will post details on their website ride Calendar in March about that men's ride.........
Oh and the event is staffed by all men :p
11-03-2005, 08:19 AM
I really like the Cinderella just because of the "women only" factor. But the ride itself isn't all that exciting or especially great. I wish they had different ride lengths. I've actually considered riding it twice as a double metric. But of course there would be no support for the second lap.
The LUNA Chix are going to organize a small (maybe 100 women) ride in Marin in July. There will likely be 3 options: 30, 65, 100 miles. The rest stops will be "CLIF/LUNA energy zones" with lots of gels, bars, electrolytes, etc. and probably also some fruit. The dinner at the end will hopefully be all organic and catered by a local restaurant or whole foods type store.
all proceeds will benefit the Breast Cancer Fund: There won't be any fundraising like Bike Against the Odds but the registration fee will probably be around $60.
If anyone who has experience organizing rides, please contact me. I will need to start contacting the city, etc. for permits, etc. ....
11-03-2005, 08:29 AM
(SK's note - I bet this is actually what is now Voler's Race Cut since the new club cut wasn't in existence until Oct 1. Anyone know?)
So, based on the AV ordering, we should all order a size up - is that correct??????
11-03-2005, 08:57 AM
The other ride is the Little Red Riding Hood in the Cache Valley of northern Utah. Route options include 30, 62 and 100 miles. Of the two rides, the LLRH is by far more scenic because it is in rural Utah and a smidge into Idaho. The tiny bit of traffic was incredibly friendly. I'll have to go read my thread from this year, but I recall that about 800 women total were on this ride with the goal of 1,000 next year. LLRH included cute red girly T-shirts rather than ugly men's white undershirts. Jenny and I had a very good time and she also preferred this ride. My report is at:
Support for both was equally good. Terrain is very similar as in almost completely flat. Overall, I think the Utah ride was friendlier simply because the atmosphere is so low key compared to the combative/defensive riding necessary for the California Bay Area.
If there were no other factors to consider (like family and other vacation desires), I would spend my money on the LLRH. Just me. I don't do well in crowds and high traffic and I do extremely well when mountains are in view. I think several of us are hoping to do the LLRH in 2006. Bubba has talked about driving the bike bus with the boat trailer remodeled into a bike hauler and then serving as Wrenchboy for the ride.
Sadiekate - I like the sound of the LRRH ride. When do they normally post info and registration for the ride? I need to start keeping a calendar of events I think.
11-03-2005, 11:23 AM
I need to start keeping a calendar of events I think.
we have a calendar with all the rides we want to do next year... plus a few that we probably won't do... but might :rolleyes: and if there is a sign up start date and end date.. have that on too (so we don't miss getting registeres/pre-registered!)
it comes in very handy.. but also makes me mad when there are two or three good rides on the same day! :mad:
11-03-2005, 11:59 AM
The Western States Ride Calendar lists a lot of rides--
11-03-2005, 02:57 PM
I am totally planning on doing this one and have asked for the jersey for Christmas. I'd love to at least one of the Luna rides in prep. :) Can't wait!
Adventure Girl
11-03-2005, 03:05 PM
I am totally planning on doing this oneSlinke, you ARE going to do this ride this year!!!!
11-03-2005, 05:16 PM
Slinke, you ARE going to do this ride this year!!!!
DITTO! We will drag you kicking and screaming if we have to! Someone call Blane! Someone call a babysitter!
11-03-2005, 09:11 PM
Count me in for the 65mile route, possibly the 100 depending on the terrain. :D
11-05-2005, 09:50 PM
Count me in for the 65mile route, possibly the 100 depending on the terrain.
Is there a choice of lengths? I thought it was just the metric and that's it.
Oh geez...sorry, Slinkedog. That wasn't very clear, was it? I was referring to the LunaChix ride that Cindysue proposed for July-ish earlier up in the thread (post #31). Sorry for the confusion. :o
I'll be there again for the Cindy, for sure. ;)
11-06-2005, 06:43 PM
Here are some of the streets (in order) from last year's Cinderella route. I'm not listing all the streets, just some of the ones that you stay on the longest......
beginning at 8th St. and Mitchell Dr.
Happy Valley
Robertson Park Rd
So. Livermore -> Tesla
Patterson Pass
Las Positas
May School Rd
Highland Rd (where you will find the famous lemon drop man!)
Camino Tessajarra
Stage Coach
Amador Valley
ending at 8th St. and Mitchell Dr.
you could probably google 8th Street and Mitchell Drive in Dublin, CA and get an idea of where the route begins/ends and then follow these street points from there...
Just found this:
slightly different than the 2005 route....
11-06-2005, 06:58 PM
Hey y'all,
Sadiekate made a good point on our ride this past Saturday and I wanted to get further feedback from everyone:
She thought (and I agree) that going from 15 to 30 to 45 to 65 miles in 4 weeks may be a bit tough for the newbies out there.
What do you all think of two additional weeks of training (should we have more, less? Should I worry about weather, etc.?)
so the training would look something like (give or take 1-2 miles):
15 miles (Feb 11 or 12)
20 miles (Feb 18 or 19)
25 miles (Feb 25 or 26)
35 miles (Mar 4 or 5)
50 miles (Mar 11 or 12)
66 miles (Mar 18 or 19 -- complete route)
The Cinderella Event (March 25th 2006)
Do you prefer saturday or sunday for training??
11-06-2005, 07:55 PM
Sunday, because I sometimes have to work Saturdays
11-07-2005, 08:52 AM
This does look more "doable" for me as well. Sundays would work....I'll even drag my lazy carcass up to Plesanton.....
snap "3 inches of dust on Bleu the bike" dragen
11-07-2005, 10:01 AM
I vote for Saturdays, but I can probably play hooky from church once or twice to come and ride with y'all if Sundays prove best for most.
11-07-2005, 11:02 AM
yes, come worship the cycling gods with us ;) :rolleyes: :cool:
Bike Goddess
11-07-2005, 04:16 PM
If you do Sundays I'll lead one or two (just have to set the dates a month early so I can get those days off). I'll do as many as I can with you, but I've got some century rides planned during that time too, so my time may be scarce!!!!
Oooeee- we can wear our Amici Veloci wear and be a hit on the road!!!! Wait till all those other women see us! Won't that be fun. And the Cindy ride itself will be a chance to show our colors too! (See what you all started SK !!)
11-07-2005, 04:25 PM
(See what you all started SK !!)I didn't start it. Jobob, Kim, AG, Veronica and Snap did!
11-07-2005, 04:28 PM
It was really Jobob. Ain't she something. :D
11-07-2005, 04:30 PM
Psst - do you suppose Jo has seen that THIS time I didn't forget her name in the byline? Trying to redeem myself. May take a while. :(
11-08-2005, 06:33 AM
Psst - do you suppose Jo has seen that THIS time I didn't forget her name in the byline? Trying to redeem myself. May take a while. :(
Well's not like I actually make it up to the summit of those hills with you, so I suppose I don't really belong on the sig lines anyhow ...
all together now now - boo hoo jobob :o :p
11-08-2005, 07:10 AM
I wouldn't have been on Ham if it hadn't been for you and I have seen you on Diablo with my very own peepers. Mt. Ham was a bad day, especially tough when both halves are having a bad day. We want to do it again in the spring so get those knees fixed!
12-04-2005, 03:01 PM
Just a reminder to send off your order for the Cindy jersey. I mailed mine last week. We all get so busy around the Holidays -- it's so easy to forget. I nearly did!
-BikeMomma :)
(edit: the training rides...Sundays would be good for me. Since I plan to race this year ...well still tentatively...I won't want to miss my Sat a.m. rides with the guys, speed demons that they are!)
Bike Goddess
12-05-2005, 02:19 PM
Since we seem to be divided on which days to do training rides- why not some on Saturdays and some on Sundays. That way everyone can participate on the day that is best for them!
12-05-2005, 02:33 PM
Sounds fair to me, but please don't let my "vote" for Sundays influence when they will actually be, Saturday, Sunday, or both. Seeing that I would have to drive a couple hours to get there, I'm not even sure which one - if any! - I would make. The higher-mileage ones toward the end appeal to me, as I wouldn't want to come all that way for only a 30-mile ride. The 50 and full route would be much more worth the drive, as I would still get a decent ride in. But - whatever day they end up being, I'd work with it. Just thought I'd chime in on day preference, so that it's "on the books", so to speak. You gals up there in the area have the weighted vote, in my opinion. Mine's minimal. :)
12-05-2005, 06:14 PM
I hope to finalize the route schedule this weekend. Bekki Livingston from the Valley Spokesmen will be leading 1/2 the rides (VS puts on the Cinderella event). And she will definitely be hosting her 1/2 on Saturdays at 9am.
More than likely my 1/2 will be at 9am on saturdays also. But you can bet I'll be on my bike on Sundays if the weather is nice - and those days will usually be in the 40-50 mile category. Either day, I hope to see some TE gals out on the road!!!
The rides will start from various locations in the east bay (san ramon, walnut creek, .....) The training rides will start January 14th (10 weeks of training) and may include a kick-off event on January 7th with an easy 15 mile ride and some basic bike education (changing a flat, pre-ride maintenance check, general nutrition and stretching).
The schedule will look something like:
1/14 -- 30 miles (with 20 mile option)
1/21 -- 30 miles (with 25 mile option)
1/28 -- 30 miles
2/4 -- 35
2/11 -- 40
2/18 -- 45
2/25 -- 50
3/4 -- 55
3/11 -- 60
3/18 -- 40 (with 65 mile option)
12-05-2005, 06:38 PM
This looks like a great schedule! I can't wait to get started! BikeMomma... let us know if you're coming down for any of them so I can plan to be there. I think i still have your cell number in my cell phone, believe it or not! :)
12-05-2005, 07:00 PM
by the way - who has ordered a jersey? I need to get my order in....
12-05-2005, 07:02 PM
I think Santa is getting me one. :)
12-05-2005, 10:51 PM
This looks like a great schedule! I can't wait to get started! BikeMomma... let us know if you're coming down for any of them so I can plan to be there. I think i still have your cell number in my cell phone, believe it or not! :)
I believe it! 'Cause I have yours too! :D :D
I'll definitely let y'all know. Looking tentatively at the calendar, I know right off the bat that I won't make three of them....first, the Feb 25th ride, as that will be my first race (Snelling RR)!! (oh boy oh boy oh boy) :p Also, the following weekend (Mar 4 & 5) is the the McClane Crit & RR here in Merced (on the NRC calendar...big namers coming!), and I'd like to be around for that, even if I don't race. Then, March 11 is my hubby's b-day, so I better be around for that (sigh....I don't think I can drag him up to Dublin to sit in the car and wait for me...dunno why... :D :p ). The other dates are open, though.
Looking forward to this! :)
12-06-2005, 07:34 AM
Cindy, thanks for organizing these training rides. The Jan. 7th "getting ready" day is a great idea. I hope to be there for that and as many of the training rides as possible.
12-06-2005, 07:45 AM
Cindy, thanks for doing this. Rest month is now officially over, time to hit the weights I guess.
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