View Full Version : Race & Century Back-to-Back?

05-26-2011, 04:04 PM
I found two cool events that I would like to do this year, an aquabike race (swim-bike) and the Ventura-Santa Barbara MS Ride (2-day with 30-160 mile options). Problem is, they are a week apart.

Is it crazy to think of tackling both? Am I setting myself up for injury and the SAG bus, or wasted entry fees?

They are at the end of Sept/beginning of Oct, so I have plenty of time to train.

The aquabike is first, with a 1.5 mile swim and a 56 mile ride. I'm excited about this, because I used to do triathlons, but I really hate running. This way I can race (har!) without the stupid part. I want to do my best and try to come in closer to the middle than the end of my age group.

The 2-day could be 100/60 or 60/60 or 30/30 or any combination of those. I'm kind of thinking 100/30, cause I'd like to get a century in there. It looks really fun, and it's in a pretty area.

Any thoughts?

05-26-2011, 04:11 PM
Personally, given my fitness level, I'd do it if I thought it was really cool. Just remember, you're racing the race and riding the ride. :D Swimming and biking aren't any where near as punishing as running, so I could see doing two events like that.


Bike Chick
05-26-2011, 04:14 PM
I certainly think it's doable (is that a word). Especially since it's the end of the summer and you will have time to train. The first weekend is a race and the second weekend is a ride. You have sag stops and can ride your own pace without a clock.

If you want to do it, go for it!

05-26-2011, 04:17 PM
I don't see why you can't do both. Since the aqua bike thing is only 56 miles, it will be a great training ride for the following weekend. Is the second event something you can choose your distance the day of? That way if you're feeling fatigued, you can choose the easier option. However I don't think that will be a problem at all to do the 100/30. Probably even the 100/60.

Is the aqua bike thing a version of the Vineman? I did the bike portion of the Barb's Race relay year before last. BEAUTIFUL country to ride a bike! I loved it.

05-26-2011, 07:06 PM
Is the aqua bike thing a version of the Vineman? I did the bike portion of the Barb's Race relay year before last. BEAUTIFUL country to ride a bike! I loved it.

Nope, it's the Orangeman (http://orangemantriathlon.com/) - the aquabike distance. I did notice that Vineman has an aquabike dealeo too, but I'd like to stay in Southern California if possible. It does make me hopeful for future years, tho. I keep getting injured when I try to run, and I don't really enjoy it, but I really like the variety of multisport.

And, yes, I can choose my distance on the MS Ride, so I could just switch up if I was still tired.

I'm about 90% sure I'm going to do both! Very excited! Thanks!

However...holy race fees, Batman! Orangeman ain't cheap.

05-26-2011, 07:10 PM
Do both, do both! Life is too short to not live every minute.

05-27-2011, 02:59 AM
Sure. Do both. The first is great training for the second.
I signed up to do a Duathlon (2 mi run, 26 mi bike, 4 mi run) and 1 week later have my first sprint tri.
I figure, I won't win but it'll be great exercise and fun. Plus it's motivation to keep up the training all summer!

05-27-2011, 10:14 AM
Nope, it's the Orangeman (http://orangemantriathlon.com/) - I'd like to stay in Southern California if possible. [/I]

Right there with you! I'm in So. Cal. When my sister talked me into doing Barb's Race I had no idea how far away it was! I was thinking like Central California. A few hours of driving ... not PASSED San Francisco!!! It was a fun girl weekend, though. I highly recommend you put it on your bucket list. ;)

05-27-2011, 11:36 AM
You can do both, you have enough time to train. :)