View Full Version : Bikes

04-16-2003, 07:14 AM
Help! I am a 50 year old 5 ft.2 in. woman and I want to get out of my spinning class and onto the road. Plus my 6ft2in husband just bought a road bike, loves it, and I would like to join him if there is any hope of a midget keeping up with a giant. The Wal-mart bikes and the son's good mountain bike in my garage were a joke! I was pedaling my butt off and he was barely pedaling and cruising off into the distance. I have two bikes that I'm looking at, both for women, and both around $1200. The bad news is they are at different stores and I have to order them to ride them so no hope of direct comparison. REI wants to sell me a Terry Symmetry and the other store wants to sell me a Trek 2000 Women's Specific Design bike. Anyone out there that can compare these two bikes for me? thanks Cindy Martin

04-16-2003, 02:54 PM
Have you checked out the website www.roadbikereview.com? They actually have all different kinds of bikes listed there. It lets people write reviews and rate bikes on different qualities. I found it quite helpful when I was looking for my bike. It is just a hybrid that I use for hauling the kids in a trailer, but it turned out to be perfect for that.

Hope that helps!:D

04-16-2003, 03:45 PM
Thanks . I checked it out. Unfortunately no reviews have been written on the Terry or the Trek 2000 WSD. There were a few good reviews on hihger end Treks. Still need to compare the two somehow. Cindy

04-20-2003, 12:58 PM

I have a Trek 5200 WSD, so I am prejudiced towards Trek ;-) ......... I am also 5'2. The geometry and measurements of the Trek 200 WSD and the 5200 WSD are almost identical. Mine fits me beautifully, better than any bike I have ever ridden. However, I have never ridden a Terry...... It's very unfortunate that you can't ride either bike before buying one! That is always the best way to go. Do you know of anyone who has either bike who would let you borrow it for a test ride? If you order a bike and don't like it, will the shop let you return it? Where do you think you would get better service, an important item to think of unless you can do your own? As for the bikes themselves, compare the components. Is one a better deal than the other one?

I guarantee a midget can keep up with a giant! (For one thing, you can always tuck in behind him. He won't have as much luck doing that to you!) A good bike that fits you correctly will make a big difference in your riding.

Good luck. It's a tough decision.


04-20-2003, 04:06 PM
Thanks. Yes , I can return the bikes if they don't work out. I know I will feel obligated to buy though. The Terry people say their bike is woman specific all over not just a shortened to tube like the Trek. The Trek people say their bike will be sportier with more quickness than the Terry. Who knows. Cindy

04-20-2003, 07:19 PM
:confused: I am so totally in the same position. I can not decide which bike for me. I am 4'10" and I am in the exact same positon, and it's driving me crazy. I will continue to look at bikes, I talked to the Terry people and they are definately willing to work with me so I will continue to research the Terry bikes. I have to find someone to put it together I live in an area that is not particularlly bike friendly. Keep me informed.

04-21-2003, 05:04 AM
I did test ride a Trek 2200 (WSD) and I was too stretched out. It hurt the pad of my hand just below my thumb because I had to reach so far for the brakes. The Trek dude assures me that a shorter, shallower handelbar support , that is angled up back at me, and reach adjustable brakes will take care of the problem. He is 100% confident. In the meantime, I have ordered a TErry Symmetry. Amy Austin at Terry bikes assures me that if it doesn't work I can return it. Wish me luck.

04-21-2003, 07:07 AM
now htis is just my opinion...

The WSD thing is great IF you have the type of body that it is designed for : a female with a short torso and long legs. My experince has been that the Trek dealers will try and push you into this regardless of whether this is actually the best fit or not.
They are really hyped up on their own gimmmick, IMO.

04-21-2003, 08:02 AM
Thank you so much. I t seems you are supporting my experience.

04-22-2003, 07:09 PM
Good luck, Cindy! I hope you love your Symmetry. It sounds like Terry is SO supportive of women. We are all shaped and sized differently, and much as Trek would like us to believe the WSD bikes fit us all, obviously, they don't! You tried one, it wasn't comfortable, and that's the best test. I lucked out in that mine fits me, 'cause it was easier to buy from my LBS than order and have one built somewhere. (No Terry dealers by me, either.) I am all for convenience, if it works.

Keep us posted on how the new bike feels when you get it. It is so exciting to get a new bike!!
