View Full Version : Giro D'Vino Nov 6

Hill Slug
10-11-2005, 09:15 PM
Anybody else gonna do this one???
Giro D'Vino (http://www.deltavelo.com/content/giro05/main.html)

It's on Sunday Nov 6th. I already put in for a vacation day to do this ride. There are options of 8, 31, and 62 miles. It starts near Stockton and goes through some pretty wine country, and there's stops at some wineries too. Some friends of mine did it last year and said it was a nice ride. Flat and some rolling. If I get my AV jersey by then, I thought I wear it then for it's initial ride..... :D

10-11-2005, 10:34 PM
This looks like a nice ride...I may well register if I have the day free.....sounds a bit more mellow that Bike Against the Odds....guesss the wine tasting has to wait until ride's end.....

10-12-2005, 07:36 AM
tomgrrrl "sounds a bit more mellow that Bike Against the Odds"

I think almost anything is mellower than BATO.

Nice work on the metric tomgirrrrrrl (oops, too many "r"s). That's my goal next year. I'm still whooped from the 30, either I'm waaay outa shape or that's a hard ride (don't answer that one folks).

I think I have a 10 year service anniversary brunch (mine, 10 fun filled years here at da' phone co.) with friends somewhere in that weekend, still in decision mode which day

10-12-2005, 09:52 AM
Hey Hill Slug - any guess on what the weather might be like? Is it hot in Stockton in Nov? (Sorry to admit that I have never been to Stockton!) That looks like fun - maybe it could be my first 50+ mile ride... And the wine tasting part definitely sounds like fun :D

Or, my other option is to see how far up Mt. Hamilton I can creep before the TE hill climbing monsters come flying back down and I have to turn around and follow!

10-12-2005, 10:58 AM
I like the idea of gentle (rolling) hills for a change..... :-)

Thanks for the kudos on the metric Trek.....I do feel a sense of accomplishment and think that is the farthest I've ridden since my twenties...


PS-I'm feeling back to normal after Sunday's ride...felt pretty good save some soreness in the thighs (did pop a few advil over these past couple days however). I'm glad my knees held up ok....I actually rode a few miles on Monday to work out the kinks....took yesterday off and rested...hope to hop on the bike tomorrow again for ride....have to coach soccer this afternoon so no ride today...

10-12-2005, 11:04 AM
Or, my other option is to see how far up Mt. Hamilton I can creep before the TE hill climbing monsters come flying back down and I have to turn around and follow!I don't think Mt Ham is as steep as Diablo, just longer and it should be cooler in November. Jo, am I right on the steepness?

Sadie "not doing Quimby" Kate

10-12-2005, 01:16 PM
Anybody else gonna do this one???
Giro D'Vino (http://www.deltavelo.com/content/giro05/main.html)

It's on Sunday Nov 6th. I already put in for a vacation day to do this ride. There are options of 8, 31, and 62 miles. It starts near Stockton and goes through some pretty wine country, and there's stops at some wineries too. Some friends of mine did it last year and said it was a nice ride. Flat and some rolling. If I get my AV jersey by then, I thought I wear it then for it's initial ride..... :D

This sounds like a nice ride. How long would it take to get there from Sacramento? Just trying to figure the distance from my place. :)

Hill Slug
10-12-2005, 07:40 PM
As far as weather, it could be cloudy, foggy, or sunny but not freakin' hot, :rolleyes: Um....I'm thinking cooler in the morning, so layers would be good.
Stockton is about an hour from Sac....If any out of town folks don't want to get up too early to come out for that ride, I have plenty of room at my house for a bunch of people and bikes. So let me know if you want to come out on Saturday, we can have a BBQ, relax, then get up in the am to ride. I'm in South Sac near Elk Grove, so the ride would be probably 45 min from my house...rough guess. PM me if you want to come up on Sat. I have 2 cats and golden retriever, so if you're allergic, sorry....
I'll probably do the 32 so I can meander and visit with friends.

Hill Slug
10-12-2005, 07:42 PM
Almost forgot, if you buy some wine at the participating wineries, I think they'll truck it to the end for you....Unless of course you want to bring a trailer to haul that stuff along the route!!! :D

10-12-2005, 07:56 PM
Hill Slug - thanks for the info re time from Sacramento. I checked out mapquest and Its telling me about 2 hours from my place.

Now all I have to do is ensure my husband has the day off and can look after the kiddies.

This sounds like a great ride and a good one for me as the furthest I have cycled so far is about 25 miles. I think the 32mile/50kms would be doable or if not at least I can drown my sorrows at a lovely winery. :D

Thanks for posting the ride info Hill Slug.

Hope to see you there Trek(keeping fingers crossed that husband has day off)Hawk.

Hill Slug
10-12-2005, 08:11 PM
Trekhawk, if you're able to go, let me know and we can hook up. I just noticed the start time: 9:30 - wahoo!!! Gotta love that! Most rides start at 6:30 or 7, so this is like sleeping in almost......Will that entice Trek420??? :rolleyes:

10-12-2005, 08:23 PM
Trekhawk, if you're able to go, let me know and we can hook up. I just noticed the start time: 9:30 - wahoo!!! Gotta love that! Most rides start at 6:30 or 7, so this is like sleeping in almost......Will that entice Trek420??? :rolleyes:

I sure will. If I make it this will be my first organized ride of any description so I could probably use some helpful pointers.

Thanks Leslie :)

10-13-2005, 09:30 AM
Well Ive taken the plunge and registered. It sounds like it will be a nice ride. Im a little excited first organized ride and all.

I hope I will see some of you lovely ladies there and will be able to put a face to some of those names. :)

Trek - very excited/nervous - Hawk

10-14-2005, 05:36 AM
tomgrrrl "Thanks for the kudos on the metric Trek.....I do feel a sense of accomplishment and think that is the farthest I've ridden since my twenties..."

de nada, nice personal best, ya done good. Enjoy the vino :p

10-14-2005, 07:27 AM
OK - my partner and I are signed up for the metric century!!

Wow - I hope I can get through the course in the time allotted! My SO is a strong rider - maybe she'll just pull me along! This will be my longest ride to date, and will follow a weekend spent at my cousin's wedding in NYC, where I will NOT be riding at all, and where there's a chance I'll be imbibing adult beverages in higher than recommended amounts :p

Helga, are you in? Want to carpool?

10-14-2005, 08:21 AM
Hey Z, as I posted on the other thread, I'm hoping to be there as well...depends on childcare logistics....sounds like a really nice (and sane) ride.....

10-14-2005, 08:24 AM
OK - my partner and I are signed up for the metric century!!

Wow - I hope I can get through the course in the time allotted! My SO is a strong rider - maybe she'll just pull me along! This will be my longest ride to date, and will follow a weekend spent at my cousin's wedding in NYC, where I will NOT be riding at all, and where there's a chance I'll be imbibing adult beverages in higher than recommended amounts :p

Helga, are you in? Want to carpool?

It sounds like fun. I do think the 30ish-mile-ride would be better suited to my cycling skills and desire to belly up to the bar at the wineries. I just have to see if friends are visiting here that weekend. Will know soon. If all works out, count on me as your back seat driver.

10-14-2005, 08:34 AM
Hey Z, as I posted on the other thread, I'm hoping to be there as well...depends on childcare logistics....sounds like a really nice (and sane) ride.....

Hey guys when it gets a bit closer you will have to let me know what you will all be wearing so I can maybe pick you out in the crowd. I would love to meet you all.

10-14-2005, 10:17 AM
Hey guys when it gets a bit closer you will have to let me know what you will all be wearing so I can maybe pick you out in the crowd. I would love to meet you all. :)Maybe we'll all be wearing our Amici Veloci jerseys!!! Wouldn't that be cool! Lets for sure meet up together before or after! maybe I'll bring some of my growing stock of "gently used" saddles!

If all works out, count on me as your back seat driver.Actually, I was hoping you'd be the designated driver!

Hey Z, as I posted on the other thread, I'm hoping to be there as well...depends on childcare logistics....sounds like a really nice (and sane) ride.... It will be great to see you again, and ogle your new bike! Yes, it does sound calmer (and maybe easier??) than the BATO - the distance will certainly be a stretch for me, but I'm looking forward to getting a metric under my belt...

I think I'll have to just zoom along, no dawdling at rest stops and wineries, since I'm not sure what my average speed will be over such a long distance. I managed something over 13 mph on the 46 mile ride with Adventure Girl et al. in Monterey ("flat" according to AG , but seemed like some rolling hills to me!) - so it might take me 5 hours of riding at something like that pace...

Hill Slug
11-02-2005, 04:17 PM
Hello Giro Riders....

OK, so who's in??? From the thread, here's who it sounds like:

Hill Slug
Bikerz + 1
tomgrrrl (maybe)
helga (maybe)

I'll probably get there around 9-ish. I have 2 other local friends who'll be there too, and we're planning on doing the 30 miles. It might be raining, and it's a rain or shine ride, so please be prepared. If you all want to meet up, PM me so we can swap cell #'s. I know there will be some of my Team in Training team members starting at 7:30....such maniacs!!!

11-03-2005, 07:25 AM
Yep - BikerZ + 1 are in. I think Helga is in too - our plan is for all three of us to ride up together early that morning (Helga lives across the street from me). I think we'll all be in Amici Veloci gear (maybe just the arm warmers for me - my jersey is a *little* snug!)

I may end up doing the 30 mile route - this was going to be my first metric century, but I brought back a cold from the East Coast this week, and can't seem to shake it. Blech - between work, 2 out-of-town trips, and this cold, I haven't been on the bike in 2 weeks! :(

Looking forward to meeting you and TrekHawk in person, and seeing TommGrrrl again (and getting a closer look at tomgrrrl's new bike!)

Hey Trekhawk - want me to bring any of my extra saddles? :D

11-03-2005, 09:03 AM
Yep - BikerZ + 1 are in. I think Helga is in too - our plan is for all three of us to ride up together early that morning (Helga lives across the street from me). I think we'll all be in Amici Veloci gear (maybe just the arm warmers for me - my jersey is a *little* snug!)
I may end up doing the 30 mile route - this was going to be my first metric century, but I brought back a cold from the East Coast this week, and can't seem to shake it. Blech - between work, 2 out-of-town trips, and this cold, I haven't been on the bike in 2 weeks! :(
Looking forward to meeting you and TrekHawk in person, and seeing TommGrrrl again (and getting a closer look at tomgrrrl's new bike!)
Hey Trekhawk - want me to bring any of my extra saddles? :D

Hi All
Yep I will be there on Sunday (husband is finally home so have someone to look after the kids). The whole crew is coming so I will have my own little cheer squad (I may need this as this will be the longest ride I have done).

Bikerz perhaps you could set up a stand after the ride and sell off a few of those saddles. :D How is your new one going?

Look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

11-03-2005, 09:45 AM
The whole crew is coming so I will have my own little cheer squad (I may need this as this will be the longest ride I have done).Cheering squad - that's great!!

Bikerz perhaps you could set up a stand after the ride and sell off a few of those saddles. How is your new one going?Ha! Good idea! I'm going out to take an easy ride in a little while and I'll be trying out the newest saddle - San Marco Aero gelaround. The Selle Italia Ldy has been ok, but squeaky - if the Aero doesn't work out, the Ldy will probably be the one I keep. That just leaves the San Marco Atola and the Koobi gel classic!

11-04-2005, 09:42 PM
I'll be there!! Look forward to seeing everyone! :)

Hill Slug
11-05-2005, 04:15 PM
Alrighty then....sounds like a party goin' on tomorrow! It'll be great to meet you all. I'll be doing the 32 and starting probably sometime after 9. I'll get there between 8:30 and 9. A couple of my Team in Training friends will be joining me too. And I know one of them hasn't ridden in awhile, so she won't be speeding through!! I'll be wearing a rainbow flag jacket - you won't miss it....Blue helmet and silver Specialized Sequoia.

I've got dinner guests coming over later in the evening so, I won't be hanging around too long....The weather out here was great today, hopefully it will hold out for tomorrow. A little chilly in the AM so remember to layer.

See ya!!!!

11-07-2005, 08:22 AM
It was great to meet HillSlug and Trekhawk yesterday, and to see TomGrrl again!

Lodi was like terra incognita for us - we thought is was really far from Oakland, so we (Helga, Beth and I) drove up from Oakland the night before, and felt a little stupid getting there in a little over an hour! But we settling into our very pleasant room in the Best Western, only to discover that Beth had forgotten her cycling shorts! A flurry of late night cell phone calls followed, and HillSlug saved the day by arranging to have her friend bring a spare pair to the ride - whew!

We got to the ride location nice and early, and met HillSlug and TrekHawk, and soon after, TomGrrrl showed up as well. HillsSlug's friends with the spare shorts were delayed, but luckily, TomGrrrl had several spare pairs of shorts, knickers, bibs, etc. in her car (she's PREPARED!), and Beth borrowed a pair of very comfy knickers, and we were off!

Beth and Helga were in full Amici Veloci regalia, and I had my AV arm warmers on and we looked spiffy! :cool: Beth got a couple of compliments on the jersey while waiting in porta-potty lines, and Helga has a story to tell too...

Helga did the 50 km route, and Beth, TG and I continued on the 100 km route. huge thanks to TG for helping me keep my average speed up the first half of the ride - I think my average speed by about mile 30 was 14.4 mph - that's pretty zippy for me! Much of the time we were over 16 mph, so that really helped eat up the miles. My overall average as 13.7 - I was happy with that for my first ride of this distance. It was almost completely flat, but breezy towards the end.

People were stopping along the way to taste wine, but Beth, TG and I agreed that nothing seemed more unpleasant that drinking wine on a long bike ride. One of the most amazing things we saw on leaving the non-lunch lunch stop were about a dozen sky divers sailing (plummeting?) downs to land in a field right next to the route. That was an amazing sight.

We didn't see too much of TG the last third of the way, except at rest stops - she really zooms along! Beth and I rode together and she kept my flagging spirits up when I got a bit whiney towards the end (will these saddle woes never end? :( ) by singing funny songs to me.

All in all a good ride for me - and nice to have the metric century milestone checked off this year! It feels great to have been able to do a ride like this (and the BATO last month) after riding for such a short time, and it is in no small way due to the great support and encouragement from the TE gals - so thanks everyone!

I'l post a few photos tonight!

I look forward to reading ride reports from TrekHawk, HillSlug, TomGrrrl and helga!

11-07-2005, 08:37 AM
Way to go!!! Good for you, Z, and the whole crew.

Did you remember to stand up frequently on all the flat rode?

Waiting to hear the porta-potty story.


11-07-2005, 08:57 AM
Had a great time with BikerZ and Beth. Very fun meeting everyone. Must say, I have never eatten so much on a ride. So many rest/food stops! I think this is the first time I gained weight after doing a 30+ mile ride. I, too, stayed away from the wine tastings until the end of the ride. My biking skills are sloppy enough without putting grapa in my system.
Amici jersey news....At one of the stops a woman came over and told me that she was one of the people who had, I think, helped design the Amici jersey. She is a good friend of Sarah. Sorry I didn't get her name, but glad she stopped and said hello.

11-07-2005, 08:59 AM
Thanks SK!

Yes I did try to stand up (and it was a necessity late in the ride!) I also tried to do as you suggested on the Davis ride and find a steady cadence and stick with that. I think part of my trouble is saddle-realetd, and more if it may be just getting tired and just SITTING too hard on the saddle - as I get stronger (and ligter!), hopefully it will get easier.

11-07-2005, 10:10 AM
Well like Bikerz I completed my longest ride to date. Not the 100kms Im not quiet ready for that yet but the 50kms (my bike computer says 54.19 and thats what Im logging any little bit helps). :)

Met the TE crew before the ride (except Tomgrrl perhaps next time) and it was lovely meeting everyone in person. After some encouraging pep talk from the TE crew I headed back to my husband and kids wondering how I was going to keep my self from getting lost (my map reading skills are not the best). My husband was a little concerned at how I looked he said I looked like a person just sentenced to death not one heading out for a lovely ride - I guess my nerves were getting the better of me. I waved goodbye to my family and headed past a few riders getting ready to leave when I noticed a woman looking a little frantic and saying how she was sure she was going to get lost to the guy she was with. So I stopped and explained that this was a concern for me also. Her partner looked relieved as he was doing the 100 and I think wanted to get going so we decided to ride together. This worked out really well as we rode at about the same speed and enjoyed a chat along the way.

The ride seemed well organized to me (no experience here though being first organized ride) and the food was fresh and there was plenty. We passed the first rest stop as it was very close to the start and cycled on to the second one. Im with Helga on the wine tasting - my skills are not the best so I gave the wine a miss but enjoyed some fresh fruit.

Just before the third rest stop I got stung by a bee so we pulled in at the third rest stop and my riding friend wiped my shoulder down with a sting reliever wipe (it was at the back edge of my shoulder and hard to reach). I had luckily packed these the night before and the relief was nearly instantaneous (which is lucky because Im a bit of a whimp). Enjoyed some peanut butter cookies and then headed off towards the finish deciding to forgo the fourth stop and yet more food.

My little cheer squad (husband and three sons) were waiting at the end and we finished off with a lovely lunch before heading home.

I would like to say that the encouragment I got from the TE girls especially BikerZ and Hill Slug helped me to get to the start line for this ride. I was very nervous about riding with others and making the distance. Well I loved the whole ride and seeing all the other riders on all sorts of bikes made my day. I felt pretty strong at the end of the ride which has really helped with my confidence and I guess I owe that in part to all the hills I ride around home.

Thanks again everyone for all your support and riding tips I dont think I would have made it this far without you all. :)

Hill Slug
11-07-2005, 11:29 AM
Wahoo for everyone for doing this ride!!! It really was very flat, and a little breezy. I met up with BikerZ, Helga, Tomgrrl, and Trekhawk briefly. The friends I was meeting up with didn't get there till later, and we didn't actually get on the road till 9:40...I wanted to start a little sooner, but oh well. The weather was nice and clear. And the traffic was actually a non factor while we were out in the middle of nowhere. Weren't some of those mansions just amazing??!!! I had never been out there before, so it was cool to see some new scenery. The first rest stop was pretty minimal. My friends wanted to stop so we did. Grabbed a banana and that was it. The rest of the ride was fairly uneventful. The map was good, and they had arrows on the road to guide you along. There were a couple roads whose names were slightly different than on the route sheet, but nothing major. The main lunch stop was nice, ran into Helga there. It wasn't too crowded. We didn't drink anything either. I was tired to begin with so the wine wouldn't have helped me out!!! It started getting a little windy the last 5 miles or so. The lunch at the end was nice too.

All in all a nice day. This would be a nice entry level ride for someone new to cycling. And I was glad to hear other folks had a good time too.

Bike Goddess
11-07-2005, 04:11 PM
Thanks to everyone so far for the great ride stories! You should all be congratulated for finishing and for RESISTING temptation! :p :p :p :p

Trekhawk- Welcome to organized rides. It really is fun to see all the different riders and equpment. And big Congrats for going the distance!!!! Now, let's see.....what might be next for you? ;) ;) ;)

11-07-2005, 05:23 PM
Hi all...it was great to see Z again and meet Slug and Helga (as well as Beth). I think the weather was pretty perfect for a ride, though I could have done without the periodic winds. Slug hung out to wait for some pals, while Z, Helga, Beth and I headed off.

Things were a bit crowded at first with riders filling the entire lane of traffic (making for some unhappy drivers). However, after the first rest stop things settled down. The route was fairly well marked although at about mile 37 I got caught following a few bikers the wrong way and added an extra 4 miles to the route.

I rode off and on with Z and Beth. We kept up a pretty good pace and met up at rest stops along the way. After riding the BATO solo, it was really nice to have some good company. I also enjoyed the FLAT course after the perpetual climbing of the BATO. :)

Although my body appreciate the flat course, I don't know if I would do this ride again because after about 30 miles, it all kind of seemed the same. The vinyards were pretty well parched and as Z and others have said, wine tasting was not in the cards for us!!!

However, it feels great to have done two metrics in a month....Now it's on to the century.....hmmmm, that seems a bit daunting and will require a bit more time on the saddle. :eek:

11-08-2005, 06:01 AM
Great stories, and kudos to everyone !

Yes, amazing as it sounds, even *I* wouldn't have partaken in the wine during the ride either - I don't need to lose what little coordination I have ! :eek:

Now, after the ride, that's an entirely different matter ;)

11-08-2005, 06:57 AM
Now, after the ride, that's an entirely different matter
Yes indeedy :p we did enjoy a taste of 7 Deadly Zins, and a glass each of the Earthquake Syrah and Zin (Helga drove us home, thank goodness!).

Bike Goddess
11-08-2005, 10:03 AM
Tomgrrrl- Since you live in Berkeley, some of us in the East Bay should plan a ride here. The Bears are good training as is Wildcat Canyon Road.

Funny about the flats. I feel the same way. Hard for me to ride miles and miles of flat road. Like a few hills and a challenge or two!!! I'm glad I live where I have to deal with hills if I want to get out of town! :p :p :p :p

11-08-2005, 11:15 AM
I do the Bears quite often (and Wildcat)...usually park on Grizzly and ride through Tilden, down Wildcat, out San Pablo Dam Road and around the loop....I'd love to hook up with others to ride....you can email me at tomgrrrl@mac.com


Bike Goddess
11-09-2005, 04:26 PM
Tomgrrrl- What are your best days for riding? I am generally off on Sundays and Tuesdays OR on weeks when I work Sunday- I'm off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I'll send you an email as well!

11-09-2005, 09:11 PM
Tomgrrrl- some of us in the East Bay should plan a ride here. The Bears are good training as is Wildcat Canyon Road.

Love the bears! Love Wildcat! count me in!

nancy - you should try south park road sometime - now there's a hill :p Ill even go with you :cool:

I'm also planning on doing the Grizzly Century in May :eek:

11-10-2005, 08:21 AM
Love the bears! Love Wildcat! count me in!
I'm also planning on doing the Grizzly Century in May :eek:Grizzly Peak Century is a fun ride, and the food is great. I've only done the first loop, since I've always been too wiped to head out on the second loop after lunch. Hopefully GPC and Top Hat don't fall on the same weekend in 2006.

I love the Bears too (or three or four). I've only been down Wildcat, but the ride up looks like fun too.

11-10-2005, 11:58 AM
too wiped to head out on the second loop after lunch.

and then there's the fact that it is so early in the season. Some of us haven't grown our climbing legs by then..... Let's hope for warm dry days early on! :)