View Full Version : TE meet up in the UK?
12-22-2010, 09:52 AM
I'm seeing more and more posts from TE members in the UK and found myself thinking it would be fun to have a meet up in 2011. What do you all think?
Place and date will obviously take some sorting out, but I think it'd be fun. :)
I'd be up for something in London or the southwest, subject to childcare (ie my husband!) being available. Great idea!
12-23-2010, 11:36 AM
Excellent! Hold that thought til after the holidays...! :p :)
06-10-2011, 06:11 PM
Pity y'all are dahn sarf. Any northerners around who would like to have a ride out?
Is this the extent of us from the UK?
I'm in the Midlands!
uk elephant
06-25-2011, 03:10 PM
Hello from Wales too! A meet-up would be great, anywhere is possible with enough planning. West coast of wales isn't really convenient for anywhere...but there's some lovely riding round here if you're not afraid of hills :)
06-26-2011, 09:07 AM
I'm in the south west (near exeter...ish) also would be up for a meet up...depending on where it is. anyone else in this area?
So we are six strong?
Not sure how I found myself here, but I was looking for something women specific cycling related.
How about the rest of you?
07-27-2011, 01:58 PM
Hi. Just joined the forum. I'm in London.
07-28-2011, 04:36 AM
Hi all, it's been such a busy summer, sorry I haven't given more thought to organising a TE-UK meet up.
any ideas? are you all booked up for the August bank holiday weekend? I'll be in Oxfordshire then which isn't exactly central but a lot closer to you non-Londoners?
And I found TE while searching for info on saddle fit, as my Brooks B17 was killing me. :rolleyes:
uk elephant
07-28-2011, 05:12 AM
I'm afraid I'm booked up here in Wales for the August bank holiday week-end. Would be fun to meet up, perhaps some time later in the autumn?
I got recruited to TE by my aunt in California, Trek420. We have since recruited my mom in Norway, DuckOnWheels. A very international family....
My mom is actually here that bank holiday week-end and would probably also love to join in for a TE meet-up. If it wasn't such a long drive for a daytrip we migth consider it, unfortunately everywhere is far away from west Wales.
07-28-2011, 12:28 PM
I was looking for info about WSD & off the peg road bikes for small women but also thought a women specific forum would be interesting. The London Fixed Gear and Single Speed forum in the UK can be interesting but I don't ride fg/ss and that understandably is its major, though not sole, focus. It surprised me when I couldn't find a UK based women specific forum – maybe you've had more luck. The angst expressed in general forums when someone suggested a ladies only section was also an eye opener. Anyway, TE kept coming up, looked interesting, so thought I'd join and see what I could pick up.
08-06-2011, 09:40 AM
If we can decide on a date, how many of you would be willing to come to London? I'd be happy to organise a ride with a bit of sightseeing, tea stops and/or pub lunch. :)
If we can decide on a date, how many of you would be willing to come to London? I'd be happy to organise a ride with a bit of sightseeing, tea stops and/or pub lunch. :)
I could be up for going to London, not been for ages!
'sightseeing' - When I don't look where I'm going I cycle into things :p
08-09-2011, 03:17 AM
'sightseeing' - When I don't look where I'm going I cycle into things :p
Well then, we can pedal for a bit then stop when we want to look at things. :)
Just to get this off the ground else it'll be Christmas before you know it (!!!) -
would a Saturday in October work for many (if not all)? I'm thinking 15th, 22nd or 29th.
October is a good month for me :) But that's assuming when don't have some hellish early weather like last year :eek:
08-10-2011, 02:58 PM
october is a bad month for me as I'm moving to Lancaster to start uni there. This means london is also a bit far away! shame!
not sure how i found myself on TE, but it's been useful :)
08-12-2011, 06:04 AM
october is a bad month for me as I'm moving to Lancaster to start uni there. This means london is also a bit far away! shame!
Sounds like being at uni may limit your time, but as far as the distance goes, could you maybe come down by train? with bike of course! :)
08-12-2011, 06:29 AM
october is a bad month for me as I'm moving to Lancaster to start uni there. This means london is also a bit far away! shame!
not sure how i found myself on TE, but it's been useful :)
Hola there. I live 30miles from Lancaster in that famous northern seaside town with a big fat tower and donkeys on the beach. I used to live in Lancaster though...and I'm doing a Lancaster degree but at another venue.
I'm not so familiar with Lancaster anymore, it being some 15yrs since I left but if you need any info about the area or wotnot just pm me. :)
08-16-2011, 12:04 PM
Sounds like being at uni may limit your time, but as far as the distance goes, could you maybe come down by train? with bike of course! :)
yep that would be a possibility but like you said time (and money!) may be limited! will have to wait and see i guess...
Hola there. I live 30miles from Lancaster in that famous northern seaside town with a big fat tower and donkeys on the beach. I used to live in Lancaster though...and I'm doing a Lancaster degree but at another venue.
I'm not so familiar with Lancaster anymore, it being some 15yrs since I left but if you need any info about the area or wotnot just pm me. :)
Big fat tower and donkeys...i think I might know where you mean :p thanks for the offer, if i think of anything i need to know i'll give you a shout :)
uk elephant
08-16-2011, 01:14 PM
I might be able to manage a saturday in october..
Will need advance warning to get reasonably priced train fare and not too early start, it takes over 5 hrs from here just to reach Euston...
But an expedition to London sounds like a great adventure!
08-17-2011, 10:07 AM
Thanks everybody who's responded - great to know there's quite a few UK TE'ers here. Shall we pencil in 22 October 2011 and see how many can make that? I'll send a PM to everybody who has posted to get people's attention! :)
08-17-2011, 02:23 PM
I'd love to come along to the meet in October, if that's ok? I'm in south London and would be happy to help out any organising.
08-25-2011, 11:18 AM
Vanilla, yes of course it'll be lovely to meet you! i really appreciate the offer to help, too! Please could you PM me your mobile number sometime in the next few weeks and we can have a chat about ideas for the day. :)
09-12-2011, 06:21 AM
Lots of things trying to crowd it out, but I've still got 22nd October pencilled in! :) Will start working on a plan for the day.
Could anyone who thinks they can make it on the 22nd let me know if they're coming into London by train - and if so - which station and what's the earliest possible time you'd be arriving?
Some of you are coming quite a distance so I'm thinking we could start the "TE meet" by having lunch, then cycle round in the afternoon and hopefully get you all on your various ways back home at a reasonable hour?
uk elephant
09-12-2011, 01:26 PM
I've still got october 22 as TE day on my calendar and I'll be arriving by train to Euston. I could get there by 10 at the earliest, but that would mean a 5am start so closer to lunchtime would be better. Looking forward to seeing London from a different perspective and meeting up with you all!
I still may be able to make that date.
I'm not too keen on taking the train down with my bike :eek:
Was any one else thinking of driving down?
Just not sure about parking and stuff? Any of you Londoners have any advice/suggestions :o
09-13-2011, 09:22 AM
I'm not too keen on taking the train down with my bike :eek:
Was any one else thinking of driving down?
To be honest Mako, unless you're used to driving in London, I wouldn't recommend it. I do drive here and actually enjoy it, but to those unfamiliar with where things are and especially what lane to be in (and how, when and where to change into that lane you want!), then driving here is just a good way to spend hours lost and in tears... !
I travel up and down the country by train with my bike and find it works pretty well.
Just not sure about parking and stuff? Any of you Londoners have any advice/suggestions
If you do decide to drive, Google NCP to find car park locations and prices. Once we've chosen a meet-up point, then you can decide which car park to aim for.
hope that helps!
Thanks for the advice!
I have driven in London quite a few times but I don't exactly relish the idea. I guess it will depend on where everyone decides to meet up.
As for the train I really don't like the idea of letting my bike out of my sight :eek:
Don't you worry about it getting damaged?
09-14-2011, 08:20 AM
As for the train I really don't like the idea of letting my bike out of my sight :eek:
Don't you worry about it getting damaged?
I suppose different trains have different layouts. So far I've always been able to sit immediately beside my bike or in direct line of sight (close enough to shout "OY!" if anyone's gaze lingers on it. :p) In any case, the bike itself is parked with front wheel in a rack or the whole frame is strapped in - depends on what facilities the train carriage has fitted.
I've never had any damage happen or any situation that made me think there was a risk of damage.
Maybe check out what bike facilities are on the rolling stock your train company uses, then decide if it worries you too much?
09-14-2011, 07:20 PM
Hope you'll posts some pics of fun times when you all meet up later in October.
It would be good for us in North America and elsewhere, to know how members elsewhere have fun in the UK.
Maybe check out what bike facilities are on the rolling stock your train company uses, then decide if it worries you too much?
I'll give them a call, the website is a little vague.
I'm a little over protective / paranoid when it comes to things getting damage. Its been pointed out that it may be a little unhealthy :p
09-18-2011, 03:03 PM
Could anyone who thinks they can make it on the 22nd let me know if they're coming into London by train - and if so - which station and what's the earliest possible time you'd be arriving?
Some of you are coming quite a distance so I'm thinking we could start the "TE meet" by having lunch, then cycle round in the afternoon and hopefully get you all on your various ways back home at a reasonable hour?
I'm still free on the 22nd. Where were you thinking about for lunch and a ride? Look Mum No Hands is nice and has a lot of bike parking from what I remember and might be good if people are worried about leaving their bikes. The city is dead at weekends and is lovely for cycling around, especially if you're lucky enough to hear the bells of St Paul's as I was last week.
09-19-2011, 02:10 AM
I'm sorry I'm going to miss this as I'm not in London at that time. Hope you have good weather and an enjoyable day.
09-19-2011, 04:17 AM
So far the only ride idea that I've had that I've pursued further than just "random musings" is the Thames Path, with lunch at the wonderful Meantime pub in Greenwich.
But obviously the plan for the day needs to work around which train stations people are arriving into, which so far seem to be Paddington and Euston - both of which are north-ish. So a North London ride would be great, in which case I wholeheartedly second LMNH as the lunch stop.
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with North London and am not confident that I could put together a traffic-lite (and not too hilly?) ride in that part of the city. So - if anyone would like to help me with planning one, PM me please! :)
09-23-2011, 03:31 PM
This may be of interest
09-30-2011, 05:51 AM
Hi all,
Okay, so if my notes are right, we have 4 definitely (or very probably?!) coming!
me (based in South London)
Vanilla (also in South London)
Beck aka Mako - coming from Midlands by train into Euston (unless she drives)
Eli aka uk elephant - coming from Wales by train into... Paddington??
I like Vanilla's suggestion for our lunch meet up: Look Mum No Hands, located at 49 Old Street, London EC1V 9HX - website
Shall we aim to meet there for lunch about 12 midday? Have lunch - and of course wait if anybody's delayed - with hopefully everybody ready to ride by 1.00/1.30pm?
Vanilla, can you please phone/text me on 07905 797585? I'd really like to brainstorm ride ideas and then spend some time over the next few weekends trying things out. If you're available to be a sounding board (by e-mail/phone), that'd be great - and if you've got a few hours one weekend to field test with me, even better!
I'm really looking forward to the 22nd! :D
uk elephant
10-01-2011, 06:13 AM
I will also be arrivin into Euston. Look Ma No Hands sounds like a great place judging by the name! I will get my train tickets sorted shortly and make sure I can find my way there by 12. Looking forward to an adventure!
10-05-2011, 12:15 PM
Sounds like a fantastic plan Rebecca! I've noted your mobile number down and will pm you my email address as that's the best way to contact me. I'm rubbish at keeping my phone charged or remembering to bring my charger home from work :rolleyes: x105622958672
10-05-2011, 01:01 PM
Oh wow, only just noticed this. :rolleyes:
I live down in Poole, Dorset, probably just over 100 miles south west of London.
It sounds a lot of fun, I would not be bringing my bike but would still love to meet up.
10-06-2011, 04:41 AM
Hey Clock - it's a long way to come for just lunch?! We'd love to see you though! :D
10-06-2011, 03:13 PM
Yes Rebecca, you are sooooo right.
Just been trying to work out the easiest and cheapest way to get to London. Would need to get a coach to Victoria Coach Station and arrive at 10.50 am that's not too bad but it's a pain getting across to Look Ma No Hands , it would require two buses and walking and would take a good 45 minutes.
So am undecided, as I would only be there for an hour and then would have to wave everybody off...................:rolleyes:
Got to have another think. :)
10-07-2011, 02:01 AM
You could always hire a Boris bike and come with us ;)
10-09-2011, 07:43 AM
Woohoo, a friend who lives in Chelsea has invited both myself and my partner to stay Friday evening, so I can leave around 10.00 am and jump a few buses and arrive for 11.30 am. (On my own of course) :D
This place looks so cool too, would love to join you on the ride but it will be good just to meet and chat.
Will send you my mobile number too.
So, please add me as a definite. :)
10-10-2011, 03:42 AM
Woohoo Clock!! :D
And stop press, I've now got a route planned!! I won't have time for an end-to-end reccie before the 22nd but I've done all of the sections before and it should work beautifully. Almost completely traffic-free... but shared-use with peds so we won't be breaking any speed records. :rolleyes:
I've been giving some thought to assisting the ladies coming into Euston to get from the station to LMNH and then from the end of the ride back to Euston, will post my ideas shortly.
And now a little advice on things to bring on your visit to the Big Smoke:
be-seen" lights (with fresh batteries) as the evenings are drawing in and there's a chance you'll be cycling at dusk in London - and then of course there's your journeys from your end train stations that night.
at least 1 (2 if you have them) good locks with you. They should be Sold Secure rated at Gold, Silver or Bronze level. (Manufacturer ratings are meaningless as they are not independently tested.) If you only have 1 of these, do bring it - we'll pair you up with someone else who has 1. As your "hostess", I don't want you to be nervous about bike theft! And the good news is, the right locks + the right technique will take all the fear out of it. :) Here are 2 videos on locking up - both standards and technique. Please watch them in advance if you can. They show you what WORKS. If you don't already have a Sold Secure gold/silver/bronze rated lock, do consider getting one before your visit to London. You should be able to get one for about £50 - and the peace of mind is worth every penny.
How to lock your bike:
How NOT to lock your bike!:
If you cannot bring a good enough lock with you on the day, please let me know by PM as soon as possible and I'll try and sort out an extra one for you to use.
I'll start posting weather forecast info during the week leading up to the day.
Have a great Monday!
uk elephant
10-11-2011, 06:51 AM
I've booked my tickets! I'll be arriving at Euston at 10:15 (if all goes to plan). I'll make my way down to Look Ma for breakfast, and will probably need a fair bit of coffee. I'll have to catch the 5:15am train! And I'll have to catch the train from Euston again at 18:43. it will be a very long day, but a great adventure! Next, negotiation with BF about transport to/from station at this end.
Really looking forward to meeting you all and to discovering a new side of London. Is there really such a thing as a traffic-free cycle route?! Not sure whether my lock is of the right specs, but it will have to do. I'm pretty sure its a good one, though it is only the one....
Just need to survive a couple more horrendous weeks at work first....
uk elephant
10-18-2011, 01:35 AM
Final bit of trip planning....apparently on the Virgin Pendolino trains, you need to reserve a space for your bike. Took 3 goes, but got there in the end. Tickets were bought through trainline and so tried calling them to reserve bike space, but the reservation came only for the return journey. Called back, so very sorry we have now sent the correct reservation.....another return journey! Stopped by the train station this morning and got the outward journey sorted. But I now have space reserved for two bikes coming back from London....hmmmm....any time for shopping?? ;)
And I've booked my bike in for a spa day on Thursday so it will be all shiny and smooth for the trip to the big city (maybe I had better ask them about borrowing another bike lock too). Both the bike and me will look like big wide eyed country bumpkins all dressed up for the big city!
10-18-2011, 02:12 PM
I've reserved bike space on the Virgin trains when bringing my bike back from Glasgow but I did it at the station rather than online but can't remember why. It's such a faff though.
Anyway: four days to go! I've had a stinking cold since getting my flu jab last week (just say NO!) and hoping to have shaken it off by the weekend as I'm sure nobody will want me to share the joy :D
10-19-2011, 04:49 AM
Wishing you all a fabulous time in London.
Had a lousy cold that now seems to be turning into a chest infection, so often in the past it ends up as bronchitis, so having to cry off. :cool:
Look forward to hearing about it all and maybe see a few pics.
Being a Londoner, I am sure you will all have a great time riding around London.
Ride safe. :)
10-19-2011, 07:00 AM
Shame you can't make it, Clock, hope you feel better soon.
Mako has had to bow out as well - it's her birthday next week and her family have made plans to celebrate it this coming weekend rather than the weekend after.
So this Sat it'll be me, Pamela (Vanilla) and Eli (uk elephant). Will PM you both later today.
Already half-planning the next meet up, maybe in the spring?
10-21-2011, 05:08 AM
Sprin would be nice for something like Richmond-Windsor. I'd be up for it and might even have a new bike by then, something that doesn't weigh a ton and have a basket on the front :D
uk elephant
10-21-2011, 02:10 PM
Bag packed, map checked. I'm ready! And weather forecast suggests sunshine...
10-21-2011, 02:20 PM
It's supposed to be 18 degrees tomorrow. I might even leave the cardigan at home ;)
Actually, at the risk of sounding like a proper girl, what is everyone wearing? Do I have to force my lycra-clad self on the world or wear my usual dress and leggings. My demented sausage look isn't nice for anyone :D
uk elephant
10-21-2011, 03:04 PM
18? Forecast I checked said 12, I may have to re-evaluate clothing plans! Plan was lycra tights with loose fitting long shorts over, smartwool turtleneck, yellow jacket. Or maybe ibex skirt instead of shorts? Basically aiming for "casual lycra" if there is such a thing...
10-21-2011, 03:14 PM
The BBC said 18 yesterday and now 14 during the day tomorrow and 19 on Sunday.
10-22-2011, 01:40 AM
Hi ladies, sorry I didn't see your TE posts last night. Meant to message you both but after a helluva week, I just crashed when I got home.
Temps mid-teens I think. Bright sunshine but it'll be chilly in the shade! Route will have long sunny spells but in and out of shadows at times. So - sunglasses & layers! :)
No lycra 'required'!! Eli, your plan sounds perfect. Pamela, your usual dress and leggings will be fine - just bring a fleece or something for times we may stop in the shade.
I'll be in Ibex baselayers with casual stuff over the top. Maybe a short red tartan skirt just for the heck of it. :D
I was hoping to be at LMNH by 11am so Eli isn't on her own for long but now looking like 11.30 ish. The courtyard is sheltered from the breezes, hope the sunshine reaches in there this morning - if so, it'll be a very pleasant place to wait, for whoever gets there first. :)
10-22-2011, 01:58 AM
I'm leaving in about ten minutes. See you all soon!
I hope you're all having a great time! So sorry I couldn't make this - unfortunate coincidence of an early half term and the annniversary of a bereavement - I couldn't really take any time away on my own.
10-22-2011, 11:43 AM
We had a great afternoon! Hopefully Eli will post a link to photos soon... but she has a 5 hour trip home tonight so it won't be right away!
Already looking forward to the next UK meet up... sometime next spring?
Sorry I missed this!
Looking forward to seeing the photos and meeting up in spring :)
uk elephant
10-23-2011, 07:15 AM
Had a great time in London! Thank you to Rebecca for planning such a great route and for guiding us through London traffic and thank you to both Rebecca and Pamela for great company! I highly recommend meeting up with them for a UK TE group ride!
I did take some photos, though not very great ones I'm afraid. I've loaded them on Flicr. Hopefully it works and you can find them all here:
when is the next ride?!! and Where??!!
I love the picture of the three of you! You look so cool, and happy :)
Wish I'd been there, maybe I can make it next time.
Gorgeous photos! You make London look so quiet and accessible. What fantastic blue skies too.
10-24-2011, 01:06 AM
I had a great time on Saturday and saw bits of the city that I'd never seen before even though I've lived here for years. Thanks again to Rebecca for organising it and also to Eli for spending ten hours on a train to come and see us :D
10-24-2011, 01:14 PM
I have just spent a lovely time looking at the photos of the three of you, nice one Eli.
So disappointed I could not be there, still unwell, concerned that the Aspergillosis is returning.
Anyway, superb photos of London, even the Thames looked inviting.
So pleased you all enjoyed yourselves. :)
10-25-2011, 03:00 AM
Hope you're better soon, Clock.
It was a really lovely day - perfect weather, excellent company, and the route worked. :D
Really hope more of you will be able to make it next time, whenever and wherever Meet Up II takes place.
11-15-2011, 01:49 PM
I've just noticed that my birthday next year falls on a Sunday. Would anyone be up for a meet on the weekend of the 17th March, perhaps to Cambridge or Canterbury? Leamington Spa is also jumping out at me although I've no idea what's there :D
11-23-2011, 07:01 AM
I've just noticed that my birthday next year falls on a Sunday. Would anyone be up for a meet on the weekend of the 17th March, perhaps to Cambridge or Canterbury? Leamington Spa is also jumping out at me although I've no idea what's there :D
I'd love to... except that date is earmarked for THIS:
(Because London cyclists have had it "up to here" with Transport for London for setting cyclists up to die on its roads! TFL's appalling road designs have resulted in "squishy cyclists' bodies serving as traffic calming measures" - no joke!)
As for other weekend options for a 2012 TE meet up - I've ear-marked July for a trip home to Oregon to see my family, and I may do a London-to-John O'Groats ride in June and/or a Barcelona-to-Nice trip in September. Other than that, the diary's clear!
Cambridge and Canterbury are both wonderful ideas. I've never been to Canterbury but I've taken my bike with me the last couple of times I've been to Cambridge (once for a work conference and once to go to a concert) and found it both a lovely place to visit and an absolute delight to cycle in.
Vanilla - I'd be up for something around March time. Hopefully I'd be able to make it this time around! The locations you suggested sound nice too!
Rebecca - Sounds like you've got some great cycling planned - I'm jealous!
uk elephant
11-27-2011, 02:48 AM
Don't know what my schedule looks like for next year, but a cycle meet-up would be great. Cambridge is lovely. Never been to Canebury but would love to go threre some time. I'm up for anything, just need to plan well ahead and maybe book somewhere to stay. Travelling there and back on the same day made for a very long da
09-12-2012, 02:31 PM
It must be time for another meet...
02-09-2014, 11:59 AM
It must be time for another meet...
Oh my god, it is!!
Anyone up for a day ride meet-up this year?
I've moved away from London but not by much - Bedfordshire. I'd be very happy to host(ess) again! Could arrange a lovely country loop starting and ending at Luton Airport Parkway train station. It's a bit hilly round here but more of the roller variety, nothing brutal. And I could make the route anything from 10 miles to 40-50+, whatever the group wants. ;)
There are more and more cycle-friendly cafes round here as well, which gives me lots of choice for routes.
I'm trying to get fit enough for a cycle tour in Scotland in June, so would welcome any opportunity for a social weekend ride!
The queue starts HERE. :D
I seem to be going to Wales on a business trip in May. I don't get to set the schedule, but with a little luck I may have a few hours off here or there. Anyone around, just in case?
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