View Full Version : My find

12-11-2010, 04:24 PM
A barely used midnight blue Felt Z65 in my size at the local pawnshop end-of-year bike clearance. $375.:eek: I'm not generally a lucky person. It fits me perfectly. I think a cross bike is going to have to wait. I took it to my LBS. He went over it and made some adjustments. He said everyone should have a "go fast bike." I'm so pleased! I missed a trip to Brookings today to hear my daughter's choir sing because of a storm. This was my silver lining.

Still grinning,

12-11-2010, 04:54 PM
Hopefully this will show it. It's currently in the family room since there is no room in the garage. :)


12-11-2010, 05:09 PM
Hopefully this will show it. It's currently in the family room since there is no room in the garage. :)


Beautiful bike - and doesn't everyone have a bike in their living room or bedroom (or both?)


Pedal Wench
12-11-2010, 07:07 PM
Beautiful bike! And no worries. I got 5 in the living room. And 4 in the bedroom

Bike Chick
12-12-2010, 04:14 AM
Wow! What a sweet find! It was your lucky day even though you missed hearing your daughter sing. Too bad about that:( Only paying $375 just makes the ride that much better!

12-12-2010, 07:57 AM
A silver lining indeed! Lucky you :)

12-12-2010, 09:23 AM
I feel like I won the lottery (without the guilt of spending the winnings on a bike)!! Ultegra/Dura Ace, and blue is my favorite color. I keep going in to stare at her, I still can't believe it. Now if it was only warmer than 8°. Oh well. There will be plenty of days to ride.

Still grinning stupidly,


12-12-2010, 11:59 AM
I feel like I won the lottery (without the guilt of spending the winnings on a bike)!! Ultegra/Dura Ace, and blue is my favorite color. I keep going in to stare at her, I still can't believe it. Now if it was only warmer than 8°. Oh well. There will be plenty of days to ride.

Still grinning stupidly,


Congratulations! That bike is simply meant to be yours.

12-12-2010, 01:07 PM
Phooey - the picture won't enlarge for me, but from what I can see, it looks gorgeous, and what a great price. Congrats!

12-12-2010, 02:06 PM
awesome!!! congrats :)

Tri Girl
12-12-2010, 02:08 PM
Even if it wasn't my size, I probably would have bought it just to take the components off it and put them on my own bike. ;)
Congrats on your SA-WEET find!!!

12-13-2010, 05:39 PM
Beautiful bike - and doesn't everyone have a bike in their living room or bedroom (or both?)


(2) in my dining room.
(2) in my kitchen

- to be exact. LOL. Two are mine (see signature) and two are my partners. We actually had to talk ourselves down from each getting another one. We had to turn to each other and say "Slow down crazy, slow down." 2 very nice bicycles is enough.

@blackhillsbiker: Congratulations girl! Rock on! That is one cool bike! :D

12-13-2010, 07:05 PM
2 in the sunroom
2 in the shed
1 in the bf's piano room (well, 3 are there, but only 1 is mine - another 1 of his in his living room)
1 in the bf's garage (there's 3 or 4 total in there)

12-13-2010, 07:22 PM
Congratulations! That bike is simply meant to be yours.
My riding buddy thinks it was a Christmas angel. Our daughters have had vehicle troubles this year, and I had surgery, so with one thing and another, I raided my bike fund until it was down to $400. What are the chances of finding such a great bike for exactly what I was able to spend, in a town where the only used bikes are NEXT and Mongoose, with occasionally some very optimistically priced Specialized and Treks. I think the shop didn't recognize the name, so they didn't know what they had. We went in to find some Wii games for a Christmas Angel Tree. It was leaning against the window in the corner, all dusty, waiting for me. Crazy, huh?


12-15-2010, 08:04 PM
Great find!!!

12-16-2010, 07:07 AM
My riding buddy thinks it was a Christmas angel. Our daughters have had vehicle troubles this year, and I had surgery, so with one thing and another, I raided my bike fund until it was down to $400. What are the chances of finding such a great bike for exactly what I was able to spend, in a town where the only used bikes are NEXT and Mongoose, with occasionally some very optimistically priced Specialized and Treks. I think the shop didn't recognize the name, so they didn't know what they had. We went in to find some Wii games for a Christmas Angel Tree. It was leaning against the window in the corner, all dusty, waiting for me. Crazy, huh?


Fantastic find. Congrats Deb. Makes me want to check my local pawnshop.

12-16-2010, 08:36 AM
Holy smokes, what a score!

12-16-2010, 09:11 AM
enjoy the new bike- an amazing deal :-)

12-16-2010, 09:39 AM
Wow! Nice find!

(Now, if you can persuade a little of the bike-finding luck to rub off, that'd be great. ;) )

12-16-2010, 06:16 PM
I rode her for the first time today. Wow! I've never been on a bike this nice in my life. My last road bike was in the mid 80s – a Schwinn Varsity. Before that I had an Azuki that was much too big for me. I never thought I wanted a light roadie. I was wrong! I LOVE THIS BIKE!


12-16-2010, 08:33 PM
I rode her for the first time today. Wow! I've never been on a bike this nice in my life. My last road bike was in the mid 80s – a Schwinn Varsity. Before that I had an Azuki that was much too big for me. I never thought I wanted a light roadie. I was wrong! I LOVE THIS BIKE!


*love* I can't believe that something so amazing was sitting in a pawn shop with such a tiny price tag...wow. Congrats on your fabulous find!

12-17-2010, 04:28 PM
I had my LBS put on a different (slightly shorter and more angled) stem today. My back is still a bit crabby. The stem is a major improvement. I also put the Deva saddle from my MTB on her. The stock Felt saddle didn't feel too bad until I had taken a longer ride. Ouch!!! The Deva and I get along much better. I enjoyed my ride home tonight. I would have enjoyed it even more if it wasn't 18° and damp. Still, that bike rides like a dream. Now I just have to get better at shifting. My last road bike had downtube shifters. It would probably be easier without the lobster claw mittens... Oh well. :)


12-17-2010, 05:36 PM
It would probably be easier without the lobster claw mittens...

You think? :D

Glad you're enjoying your new bike!

12-19-2010, 06:45 PM
How cool!
And not just the temperatures!