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09-23-2005, 09:11 AM
Besides changing the bike, what can I do to get rid of my burning cheeks ? :p
BTW: I am not a beginner so I don't understand why I still get this "treatment"

09-23-2005, 10:49 AM
hmmm, can you be more specific? I'm assuming we're not talking about the cheeks on your face. What saddle, shorts, bike set-up, product routine etc are you using?

09-23-2005, 12:29 PM
Burning "cheeks" mmmmm sounds like a medical problem?!?!? :eek:

Are you riding nude? Do you need a better sun screen!? :p

09-26-2005, 08:58 AM
Burning "cheeks" mmmmm sounds like a medical problem?!?!? :eek:

Are you riding nude? Do you need a better sun screen!? :p

Hmmm ... I don't think this can be considered a medical problem. Its just that ... because of the saddle (I guess ...) my cheeks (not the face ones) are hurting ...
And NO, I am not riding nude :cool:
Can I change only the saddle of the bike ?

09-26-2005, 09:02 AM
But of course! There's a whole section of this forum on people's favourite and most hated saddles so why don't you check it out and get some ideas about which saddles you might like to try. :)

09-26-2005, 10:14 PM
HI Helen,

So sorry to hear about your problem, it really stinks when something is stopping us from enjoying our riding to the fullest....

Have you tried Chamois Butt'r? I have a pair of shorts that I really like, but they have a microbial pad in them( to prevent saddle sores) and if I don't use something like that they just stick to me...maybe you are getting chafing/rubbing problems? Also, if they are actually burning, is it possible that your shorts are very thin and maybe you ARE actually getting burnt?? (that's probably not it, but have read in this forum somewhere that we don't realize how bare the shorts are getting until the rider behind you sees your butt through them :eek: )

Also, like runnergirl said, how specifically are they burning/hurting? Maybe one of the more experienced girls here would be able to recognize what you are talking about. Hope you are done with this problem soon. :)

09-29-2005, 01:40 PM
Hi Helen, sure your "burning cheeks" aren't muscle fatigue? You know... "feel the burn"...?

For that i recommend a gentle ride just to ease the muscles a bit...

09-30-2005, 03:41 PM
Raven might have it, there.

If your "cheeks" hurt that's probably a good thing. That's a muscle complaining about being put to work. Have no sympathy, and just keep on pedaling.

I find that a short walk after a ride helps loosen the, um, rearward muscles and make it possible to sit after a hilly ride. You might try walking after rides.

10-01-2005, 12:55 AM
Mmmm, must be the masochist in me, but I love it when my but cheeks or my thighs hurt...

Means I have really worked the muscles...

Yes it hurts and I long for a massage, but I feel very pleased with myself too.

10-01-2005, 03:36 PM
Oh yes, I like the feeling of a tired muscle, too. It's just that in my house it is considered polite to SIT at the dinner table.

10-02-2005, 09:18 AM
Hi Helen, sure your "burning cheeks" aren't muscle fatigue? You know... "feel the burn"...?

For that i recommend a gentle ride just to ease the muscles a bit...

Well ... I guess I am talking about my muscles but I am pretty sure they are not fatigued but squashed from the not so smoth rides I've made this last week.

Thanks for your recommendation but I sincerely think there is no such thing as "gentle ride" ...
Maybe all I need is to change my sadle ... What kind of sadle should I buy ? Are they all going to fit on my bike ?

10-02-2005, 10:23 AM
Lots of threads here on women specific seats (try searching for discussion).

Generally they are a bit wider where your sit bones go, and have a cut out piece so our "girly bits" dont get squished.

There are several shapes of women's pelvis' so try out some seats and see what feels good for you.

10-11-2005, 07:07 AM
Lots of threads here on women specific seats (try searching for discussion).

Generally they are a bit wider where your sit bones go, and have a cut out piece so our "girly bits" dont get squished.

There are several shapes of women's pelvis' so try out some seats and see what feels good for you.

That's great because my present seat is a 100% boys seat even with that hole in the middle.
BTW: Does anyone of you knows what the heck that hole does ? :rolleyes:

10-11-2005, 08:37 AM
That's great because my present seat is a 100% boys seat even with that hole in the middle.
BTW: Does anyone of you knows what the heck that hole does ? :rolleyes:

For me, the saddle cutout prevents chafing and rawness of the inner girly bits. I can't ride a saddle without one without quite a bit of discomfort during a ride and even more afterwards - when I pee and when I shower/wash there. Owwwww! :eek:


10-12-2005, 12:14 PM
I can't ride a saddle without one without quite a bit of discomfort during a ride and even more afterwards - when I pee and when I shower/wash there. Owwwww! :eek:


So let me see if I understood correctly. You are saying that riding a saddle with the cutout in it its a good thing ?

10-12-2005, 12:17 PM
So let me see if I understood correctly. You are saying that riding a saddle with the cutout in it its a good thing ?

It really depends on you. I tried several saddles with a cutout and hated them; I (comfortably) ride a saddle without a cutout. But for other people the cutout helps. In my experience, you need to keep trying saddles until you find the right one for your body and your style of riding. Unfortunately I haven't found a way to figure that out short of riding with different saddles!

10-12-2005, 04:33 PM
So let me see if I understood correctly. You are saying that riding a saddle with the cutout in it its a good thing ?

Yes, for me a cutout is a must. MUST. HAVE. CUTOUT.

But, everyone is different. Your mileage may vary!


10-13-2005, 10:59 AM
Helen: have you talked to your LBS? You might see what their return policy is on saddles and/or they may let you try some out. As you can see from Denise and Ems' opposite viewpoints - it's a truly personal thing. Same thing for a womens saddle vs a mens saddle. The best thing you can do is try different saddles until you find the one the works for you. And let us know what you find - we Love hearing about what saddles work for whom and why!

and good luck!

10-13-2005, 11:15 AM
I hate women's saddles. They're so big in the back that they chafe my legs. I'd rather ride a banana seat.

Denise is right - you really need to try out different saddles. Don't forget shorts - there are lots of combinations of chamois padding that can work (or not!) for you.

They can send a man to the moon, but can they help a woman get a comfortable ride? Maybe if we moon the man, we'll get some action!

10-13-2005, 12:02 PM
They can send a man to the moon, but can they help a woman get a comfortable ride? Maybe if we moon the man, we'll get some action!

or a comfortable ride?.....OMG did I just type that?? :eek:

10-14-2005, 08:26 PM
I am pretty happy with this saddle...put one on all three of my bikes, mtb, cross and road.....they have a men's and women's model....fairly close, but the men's model is slightly longer and narrower. The cutout basically goes the entire length of the saddle, all the way to the front which is why I like it....they common in leather and some sort of synthetic cover....I prefer the leather....most bike shops will let you try a saddle out for a week or two to make sure you like it....also, the chamois cream is a must for longer rides...

10-16-2005, 03:12 AM
The cutout basically goes the entire length of the saddle, all the way to the front which is why I like it....they common in leather and some sort of synthetic cover....I prefer the leather....most bike shops will let you try a saddle out for a week or two to make sure you like it....also, the chamois cream is a must for longer rides...

You know ... I didn't even ask them if I could try some more saddles before I make my decision. I think I'll go and talk to them right now. Thanks a lot. :)

CorsairMac: YEAP .. you definitively said that. :D

10-17-2005, 10:52 AM
I have to have a cut out (or "love channel :eek: as it was marketted on the packaging...)

When on the mountain bike with the kids in the paddock, I am upright and don't miss it... but on my road bike, where i lean forward and pressure goes on my girly bits, the cut out has made a huge difference, especially now my distances are starting to creep up...

Def have a chat to LBS - pref some women riders so they can give you their experince of what is availbale at LBS...

Good luck, Helen

10-21-2005, 07:53 AM
Def have a chat to LBS - pref some women riders so they can give you their experince of what is availbale at LBS...

Thanks RoadRaven. I will try all of them until I find the one I feel ok with.

10-21-2005, 09:06 AM
You know, I just had a thought. If the LBS has a Serotta fit bike (or an equivalent) they might be willing to put each saddle on for you to try in the shop. It isn't the best but it's a whole lot easier than buying, trying, returning, repeat. Some saddles will provoke an almost immediate :eek: so why take it home.

10-22-2005, 02:54 AM
What's a cut out??? I've been following this thread for a while and thought now would be a great time to ask.

I can't describe the seat i have..just a normal one..although it says wtb on it..does that help??

I would like to buy a new seat but it doesn't have to be comfortable...


10-22-2005, 01:06 PM
What's a cut out??? I've been following this thread for a while and thought now would be a great time to ask.
I can't describe the seat i have..just a normal one..although it says wtb on it..does that help??
I would like to buy a new seat but it doesn't have to be comfortable...

Hey Crazy a cut out is a hole in your saddle with a designed shape and size to take the pressure of your soft tissue.

I have tried a few different saddles and I prefer one with a cut out.

I have a Selle San Marco Atola if you go to the Selle San Marco site you can check out the cut outs. :)

10-22-2005, 02:23 PM
I would like to buy a new seat but it doesn't have to be comfortable...


I have to admit I'm a bit surprised at your statement that your saddle doesn't have to be comfortable. If it's not comfortable, you will likely ride less - not a good thing. I'd encourage you to try as many saddles as needed to find one that gives you a comfortable ride.

10-23-2005, 02:36 AM
Hey denise,

My seat is comfy but not overly comfy...does that make sense? I rarely think about what i'm sitting on for some reason...

I met some bikers today with a cutout on their seat (they were biking from perth to albany), the woman is a regular mtber and said it doesn't make much of a diff..

I think i'll venture to either my lbs or another reputable one i know and speak to them about it...

I might just stick with the type of seat i have now...


10-28-2005, 04:12 AM
I met some bikers today with a cutout on their seat (they were biking from perth to albany), the woman is a regular mtber and said it doesn't make much of a diff..

Hey Crazycanuck,
It all depends on how you feel with different saddles and its different from one person to another ... I say you try some of them and see which is the most comfortable.

10-28-2005, 10:04 PM
I visited my lbs today and checked out a couple of seats. One was a wtb without the cut out, the other with...both looked so similar to mine..They said I could try the seats out and see...

I can't remember the other seat type however it had a cut out and looked quite comfortable.

The idea of acutally thinking about my bike seat is an alien idea..Thanks for the info ladies..
