View Full Version : 101 Wankers

08-19-2010, 08:25 PM
I'm really surprised at this article (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/green-living-blog/2010/aug/18/cycling-sexist-abuse-female) from the UK Guardian about verbal (and worse) abuse endured by female cyclists.

Any UK folks want to chime in? Even if the author is taking a few liberties, it seems extreme.

08-20-2010, 12:19 AM
Hmmm - I ride round London & the Home Counties all the time & I have NEVER had anyone say anything to me. I belong to a cycling club with plenty of women members & I have never heard it discussed so I have to think it is a complete non-issue. I think it was probably a very slow news day!

08-20-2010, 05:27 AM
I think this is just the Guardian trying to stir things up. As usual.

I have been commuting by bike in London for over a year, plus doing urban group rides at the weekends, and can count on one hand the number of times I've had any kind of personal remark directed at me (or someone in my group). Usually it's just the usual impatient/rude motorist remarks e.g. 'get outa my way'.

Once, while walking my bike across a congested and complicated junction, a man walking towards me fixed me in his gaze and stated, very clearly and succinctly, "You. Are. The. Ugliest. Woman. I've. Ever. Seen."
I replied: "At least I don't have your problems getting a date."

London's lovely to cycle in and getting better every day. Yesterday in the City (Ludgate Hill), I saw so many people in ordinary clothes just going about their business by bike, I felt quite proud of this city. It's come a long way.

08-20-2010, 07:05 AM
London's lovely to cycle in and getting better every day. Yesterday in the City (Ludgate Hill), I saw so many people in ordinary clothes just going about their business by bike, I felt quite proud of this city. It's come a long way.

Ah, that is a wonderful sight.

I suspected this story was nonsense -- there are similar stories about biking in New York.

Your response to the "ugly" guy is excellent.

08-20-2010, 07:21 AM
I have never had any problems and I'm in the UK :confused:

08-21-2010, 05:52 AM
I commute in London too; but my experience is similar to the 101 Wankers blogger...I think it depends largely on where you live. I used to commute from a non-fancy part of NW London to the City and had no problems at all. I now live in the Tottenham area and commute E-W and get abuse every. single. day. It gets much better as soon as I leave Haringey, although some parts of Hackney and Islington are not great. And most of the abuse is unrepeatable, but is usually related to exactly what part of the moron's anatomy they would like to substitute for my saddle. Not just me either; friends who live nearby have the same issue. One once had her bum slapped by a driver leaning out of his car window. Classy. And it's definitely gendered: never ever happens when riding with the boyfriend.

I think it might be due to the lack of cyclists in our area; very low compared to neighbouring boroughs. There's also a lot of street harassment of women generally in the area, and the bike exacerbates it. Cycling in London has improved massively in the eight years I've lived here, and it's still a great place to ride...I hope it doesn't put anyone off, but I do think it's good to bring attention to the problem.

(Oh, and this was my first post! This has been particularly on my mind this week; was bemoaning it in the pub the day before the guardian article appeared)