View Full Version : Biking Kids - the good and the "aargh"

08-09-2010, 04:31 PM
The good: daughter joined us on a 26 mile ride yesterday - the longest she's ridden since her 2nd hip surgery in March and she did great. She said that in biking, she can feel the biggest difference since her surgeries - it just doesn't hurt anymore! :) :) :)

The "aargh": son crashed on his bike again (MTB), this time while out of state. Frantic phone calls to find an in-network provider for him to go to. A knee with 10 stitches plus a huge hematoma on his shin. This when he had just healed his shoulder and his hand after his last crash. :mad: But I guess I should be thankful for no broken bones or concussion.

08-09-2010, 04:42 PM
*eye roll* Boys! (I know some of them.)

It's great that riding is working out so well for your DD!

08-09-2010, 07:14 PM
several years ago while living overseas I got a phone call from my college age son asking if his tetanus shots were up to date. When I asked why, he got evasive and said he needed to know for his graduate studies (biogenetic goats). I mentioned the call to his dad who informed me that son hadn't wanted to worry me. Turns out that he had crashed on his mountain bike, totaled the bike, several ribs, his helmet, his gloves, and road rash over more than half his body and had required a total of over 200 stitches for various cuts. he was 27 at the time.

strangely enough although he road bikes, he no longer mountain bikes, nor does he free climb anymore- with age comes cautious wisdom I guess.


08-09-2010, 07:26 PM
I was at the hospital a good 8 hours after my last wreck before I called my mom and told her! I was hoping it was minor enough to avoid a lecture on the dangers of mountain biking, but once I found out my back was broken I realized I couldn't hide it. I know it killed her to be 1,600 miles away and unable to do anything for me.