View Full Version : I'm headed to SLC! Ride recommendations??
Running Mommy
06-23-2010, 08:13 AM
Hey All
Been awhile since I've been on TE. I've been a bit busy to say the least.
Anyway, I'm driving up to SLC 4th of July weekend to support the Pro BMX racer that we sponsor at a National race. As always, I'm bringing the bike along, and I need to get in at least one or two rides.
The race is in Sandy (I think?? or maybe South Jordan?) at Rad Canyon BMX, and we are staying nearby. If any of you kind ladies could give me some ride suggestions, I'd appreciate it. I just need to get about an hour in, so not looking for anything too long. And no big climbs either. I'm a sea level girl!! ha ha
Thanks again, and hope all my TE buddies are well!!
Red Rock
06-23-2010, 09:26 AM
RM-We are headed up that direction too. However, we won't leave until Saturday. If your passing through St. George and needs a friendly visit for lunch or something. let me know.
Red Rock
06-23-2010, 10:42 AM
I am leading a club ride in Sandy on the 5th of July. :) Check on the Bonneville Cycling Club calendar. They have multiple rides daily that you could check out as well.
06-23-2010, 10:45 AM
The park is WOW (way out west). The big, big climbs are to the east but there is some climbing on the west side of the valley too (into the Oquirrhs). To stay flattish, you'll need to head east from the park, which will take you into suburbia and traffic. You could stay on the west side of the valley and go north; you'd hit rollers but nothing substantial.
Whatever you do, stay OFF of the Jordan River Bike Path (which is north of where you will be). Goathead city!
Here's a site with a bunch of rides, but most of them are east of I-15 (you will be west of I-15):
Check this route (the bike park where you will be is off of Old Bingham Highway, which shows up in the middle of the map):
Honestly, I don't ride out that way much...I generally stay north and east. I'll be around that weekend and if you find yourself with a lot of time I could chauffeur you on a ride in the northern part of the valley. :)
Running Mommy
06-23-2010, 08:59 PM
Cool Beans Yellow! Thank you soo much! Since I'm driving the boy (I use that term loosley. He's 21 and ALL MAN!! Ask Clock!! ha ha) , I will prolly be leaving PHX for SLC on Thursday instead of Friday, so I'll need to ride on Friday. Prolly need to get a short run in that day as well. And then Saturday racing doesn't start until 11:30, and pro practice is usually 10:30 to race time. So my guess is he'll want to be there by 10am to get settled.
So my ride will prolly be pretty early on saturday.
One thing with travelling with a professional athlete is they understand your need to get training in! ha ha
Anyway, I'll check out the links!
Thanks MUCHO!!
06-24-2010, 05:34 AM
The club does a totally flat ride on Friday evenings near the airport, if you don't mind driving up there. It's an out 'n back if you don't want to do the whole thing. Doesn't get any flatter than this around here!
Running Mommy
06-24-2010, 08:29 AM
Thanks Duchess! I think I might join in. I'll defintely have time on my hands at that point.. Johnny will be doing pro practice, but not alot for me to do at that time.. SWEET!
Hey, RM. I tried to PM you, but couldn't.
I recently did a tri at Oquirrh Lake, just south of the BMX park. You could ride from the Daybreak neighborhood, south and west. There is some mild climbing, but then you get a great speedy return trip. Daybreak has a paved trail all the way around the lake and it is a fun little run. If you are interested in company, let me know. There is a little reservoir for swimming a bit further south, if you want to swim, too. Oquirrh Lake is closed for swimming except on race day.
The flat ride out by the airport is okay. Part of the pavement is pretty chopped up. I was recently out there because it is lightly traveled and provided a good place for me to experiment with aero position on my new bike. I wouldn't ride out there by yourself, as it is relatively isolated, but parallels the interstate. If you want to do that ride other than the time the group is doing it, I could meet you there, depending on when you want to go.
There are some pretty places to ride up in Park City, and it will be cooler there, but would take about 40 minutes to drive there from where the BMX park is.
06-26-2010, 01:49 PM
Lots of riders go down around to Camp Williams; I never have, because we slip off that course and go to IKEA to eat meatballs & jam.
I think Brewer has a map my ride link to the route somewhere. I'll post it if I can find it.
06-26-2010, 02:03 PM
Here's a route out that way:
Running Mommy
06-27-2010, 09:51 AM
I think I'm going to do the 15 mile route. Thats just long enough for me. Since I'll have the car, I can't be out too long.
Are the roads pretty safe out that way? Good shoulders/bike lanes etc? Or should I be prepared to play pinball with the cars? How are the drivers?
06-28-2010, 06:57 AM
The roads can be variable, especially since we are now officially in the season of road construction. Don't let the construction scare you, because I think it makes people wake up and pay attention.
The drivers are interesting--riding from downtown we see a clear change in style. In the city, we get brushed by SUV mirrors, cursed, and have soft drink cups tossed at us, but as we get further out, everything is countrified. I guess they are used to horses and kids and tractors in the road, so the big truck driving cowboys slow down and move over for us.
The first time we rode down there and weren't sure of the route, lots of people gathered at a gas station were friendly and helpful, and another time when we needed to hitch a ride because of a broken chain, we got several offers.
I don't think there's too much to worry about.
Take plenty of water. It's hot!
06-28-2010, 06:58 AM
Where is your guy racing?
Running Mommy
07-01-2010, 07:57 PM
Rad canyon bmx.. It's off bangerter hwy, 5200 south?? In the pit? Was there today.. Thats all I know. It's by what appears to be a light rail line?
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