View Full Version : Help! Any websites that help with adjustment or small repairs?

06-09-2010, 10:10 AM
I am getting back into this sport. I have a mountain bike that I use on the road, on trails and anyplace else I have to. Yesterday when climbing my chain went right over the largest sprocket (?) closest to the spokes. This happened twice. I was able to get it back on. Once I got home I notice a little play in the chain. On the same ride I noticed my rear brake was rubbing on my wheel, only at a certain part of the wheel. So, I think my rear wheel may be off kilter. If you can help me or know a good book/site that can help me with little issue like this I would love to hear about them. My bike shop is downtown and I can only get there by car (until I get in better shape!), there is a shop down the street but I did not buy my bike there and don't want to dole out unnecessary $$$$. I want to learn to fix it myself. Thanks .

06-09-2010, 10:16 AM
If you have an REI near you, they offer classes (some free, some paid) on basic maintenance and repair.

06-09-2010, 10:21 AM
Have you checked out Sheldon Browns webpage?


06-09-2010, 10:24 AM
Even before I bought my bike last summer, BF bought me a copy of Anybody's Bike Book (by Tom Cuthbertson, I think). It's very clearly written, even for the mechanically challenged like me. Check the Bike Maintenance forum on here and post a question. Someone will post a link.

Also, sometimes bike shops will fix minor things for free or pretty cheaply. I just make sure to give them my business for other things. This last time it was a pedal wrench and a few packages of Clif shot blocks.

Edit: Your bike shop may also hold maintenance classes. The one where I bought my bike does.

Pedal Wench
06-09-2010, 10:32 AM
Also, the Park Tool website has amazing instructional pages - just click on the picture of the part of the bike you're dealing with, and it will take you right to the info you need.

06-09-2010, 12:18 PM
Agreed on Park Tools and Sheldon Brown. Also I have heard good things about the book Zinn and the art of Mountain Bike Maintenance though I haven't read it myself. Also agreed on trying to find a maintenance clinic in your area (often they are free!).

I did want to point out that the chain falling off INTO the wheel like yours is is a VERY DANGEROUS problem. You can really cause yourself to crash bad and completely destroy your bike (chain gets caught in wheel/spoke, pulls derailleur into wheel, breaks hanger or even the frame, destroys the wheel, destroys the derailleur, and locks up the bike sending you flying).

It's also, generally, an easy fix, having to do with your rear derailleur limit screws, but do make sure you get it fixed and that you are confident in the fix (whether you do it yourself or having someone look at it). A quick rear derailleur check-tune at a shop should not cost much at all or take long. Though I'm all for learning to do it yourself as well (just so long as when you are done with it you are confident in your work).

06-09-2010, 03:22 PM
Check out BicycleTutor.com (http://bicycletutor.com/). It contains lots of really straight-forward videos and the guy does a good job of explaining things as he goes along.
