View Full Version : Does your riding suffer during your period?

06-03-2010, 11:55 AM
Every month right before and during my period, my energy is just....gone. I feel so much more tired on the bike, if I feel like riding at all. Problem is, I have my first century this Saturday, and I'm worried about how this is going to affect my endurance. Any suggestions?

06-03-2010, 12:33 PM
I think this one comes under the "everybody's different" banner. I have not ever suffered a decrease in performance because of my period. In fact I think my endurance performance has been improved.

Why? Not sure if it's because of some perverse attempt to prove that it makes no difference and I actually end up trying a bit harder, or whether those early years of period pain conditioned me to suffer through more at that time, or whether being on the pill has damped down any ill effects.:confused:

Whatever it is - I'm happy with the outcome. As long as I can handle the logistics of athletic endeavours with periods (and there are plenty of threads on that) I'm good to go.:)

You know your body best - I figure there are always going to be days when we feel flat for whatever reason. This just might be yours. But you may well be fine too. I guess you have to ask yourself... "Would I drop out because I am going to feel flat - for whatever reason?" Perhaps make sure you get a bit of extra sleep and some extra carbs (or whatever your body may crave at that time - listen to it - sometimes it seems nonsensical but it knows what it needs) and just get in there and give it your best on the day.

I always find that the more you worry about it now and the more you're looking for it on the day, the more likely you are to find it! Just enjoy your ride.:)

06-03-2010, 01:23 PM
Every month right before and during my period, my energy is just....gone. I feel so much more tired on the bike, if I feel like riding at all. Problem is, I have my first century this Saturday, and I'm worried about how this is going to affect my endurance. Any suggestions?

I tend to get something fairly similar, I also get a little clumsier and my bike handling skills deteriorate which is annoying, particularly when MTBing :D I assume the lumsiness is due to the hormone shift? I have found that what is really missing is my top end "oomph" and I also just simply perceive things to be harder than they are. I often find when I check ride stats that my heart rate is doing normal things on climbs etc it just feels to me like it's taking more effort. I seem to need more oxygen so breathe harder.

I find endurance is actually fine, just switching myself to diesel truck mode and chugging along seems to work, steady pace all the way, no friskiness, sprints etc.

I would also take it really easy a few days before any long ride/run event around that time, being well recovered seems to help me a lot too.

I don't take the pill, never have so the hormone fluctuations are all mine :D Fortunately the couple of days after see a complete reversal, which is nice.

06-03-2010, 02:48 PM
Every month right before and during my period, my energy is just....gone. I feel so much more tired on the bike, if I feel like riding at all. Problem is, I have my first century this Saturday, and I'm worried about how this is going to affect my endurance. Any suggestions?

I've never really had this issue because my riding is usually limited to 25-30 miles, however I worry about the inconvenience of dealing with changing feminine hygiene products while out on the road.

Anyhow, do you become anemic during your period? Have you ever tried taking iron during the time to see if that helps?

Make sure you drink a lot of water and eat something with potassium as well.

Wish I could be more help. Good luck!

06-03-2010, 10:45 PM
I was going to mention iron, too. Women need more iron than men, and it's even more important for any woman in an endurance sport. And since you know you already have trouble with energy that time of the month, I'd start incorporating foods with lots of iron into your regular diet. I'm more into getting vitamins and minerals out of food instead of pills whenever possible. I have been having more spinach lately for this purpose. I put it on sandwiches instead of lettuce, in omelets, salads, etc.

I started using it on sandwiches instead of lettuce because of Subway. They offer it there and my friend does that, so I started doing it. I'd look up foods that are high in iron and work on getting more of them in your diet.

I also recommend FRS, if you haven't tried it. It's a natural energy drink that Lance Armstrong endorses and we drink a lot of around here. I drink it fairly regularly, but particularly about 30 minutes before a significant ride or race. They also have chews, which I've been doing more lately so I don't have to pee too soon. (My husband calls me the potty monster!)

If you find it in a store, it's pretty expensive, but cheaper if you order it online and get auto shipping. You can get it in canned form or concentrate (which is cheaper), and the chews. But try it from a regular store first and see if you get sucked in. It's kind of hit and miss where you'll find it. I have seen it at grocery stores, but not all. I got some at a car wash once, which was a shocker.

At the very least go online and read about it. It has quercetin in it (along with tons of vitamins), which is a really strong antioxidant that helps hold your adrenaline up, instead of it plummeting back down as it normally would.

If you do take iron pills, remember they say it's dangerous to take too much, so be careful. Plus, it can cause constipation. Not sure that would be an issue with natural whole foods high in iron.

06-04-2010, 01:34 AM
I've never really had this issue because my riding is usually limited to 25-30 miles, however I worry about the inconvenience of dealing with changing feminine hygiene products while out on the road.

I use a Mooncup these days, works very well for me. I think there are quite a few threads on TE regarding Moon/Diva cups.

As for the iron thing I forgot about that one. I also try taking some extra iron when I remember in the week before as it does help, though it always seems to sneak up on me even though my cycle is regular :o I also take it when feeling run down as well as trying to eat iron rich foods, there is quite a history of anaemia in my family as well.

I have found iron tablets difficult to take but have no problems with Spatone (http://www.nelsonsnaturalworld.com/en-gb/uk/our-brands/spatone/) sachets, I take it with OJ which hides the taste a lot but it does sometimes seem like drinking rusty nails.

06-04-2010, 02:28 AM
I believe I posted about this relatively recently.. I do see a drop in performance during the first couple days of my period, and it's pretty significant.

I haven't found a way to solve the problem yet, and I honestly don't expect to. :(