View Full Version : Paws for a Cause

08-20-2005, 11:00 AM
Yes, ladies, you're right. It's not a ride. It's a walk. But my second love after cycling (okay, third, since DH is really first) is my family full of pets. And every year we walk in the SPCA dog walk Paws for a Cause. This year they actually have online donations! I think that's terribly cool! Just click on the link below...


I'm so happy that I can go to my favourite group of ladies - all full of support and encouragement in so many ways - and those who love pets can donate some small amount in the most painless way (I love online donations!), and then I and all the SPCA people can be amazed and how far away the wonderful people who pledged me are from!

It's such a cool world!

Many thanks and blessings,