View Full Version : Recumbent trikes

03-09-2003, 06:52 AM
New member interested in recumbent trike discussions.

06-07-2003, 11:03 PM
I'm also interested in a recumbent trike due to my cycling-related neck injury. So far I've seen the websites for the Catrike http://www.catrike.com and the Greenspeed which both look very interesting. The Greenspeed has super-low gearing to compensate for the extra weight (10+ pounds as compared to a high quality bike) and since I'll be very weak when I can finally ride again, I'm thinking that might be the way to go, as I certainly don't want to fall over and get reinjured. Besides, they look really cool! http://www.greenspeedrecumbents.com/solo.htm

06-07-2003, 11:06 PM
By the way, the prices on the Greenspeed site are in Australian money, so the prices are not QUITE as scary as they look. $5000 Aus is about $3200 US dollars.

06-08-2003, 04:26 AM
Yesterday I took delivery on a Catrike Speed. I have been waiting for several months since ordering it and had to drive from CT to Maine to pick it up, in the rain. Since that's all it does lately, and more for today, I have no idea when I can do more than ride gingerly around the house. The short test ride I took in the L. L. Bean parking lot was awesome. It's fast and solid as a rock, and much lighter than the Greenspeed, as well cheaper. It does look like the present production model will have problems hanging fenders on the front wheels. Other than that I have no criticisms as yet. Of course I had the components upgraded and have bought lots of bells and whistles for the trike. Love the Beebop pedals, have Lake cleated sandals for riding and will probably make my own panniers. If you're interested, I'll give you a fuller report when I finally do get to spend more time on it.

06-08-2003, 09:15 PM
I didn't see any specific info on the Catrike website about sizing. Are they made-to-order like the Greenspeed? I ride a size 47cm road bike and a 15.5 inch mountain bike. Is the wait typically 3 months or so?