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View Full Version : Job Announcement - Executive Director for WABA

03-17-2010, 12:24 PM
WABA is open to candidates from other parts of the country who would be willing to relocate. The most important qualifications (other than a strong interest in bicycling) are management experience and communication skills.

Applications can be sent to jobs@waba.org


Mission of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association

The mission of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) is to create a healthier, more livable region by:

1. Promoting bicycling for fun, fitness, and affordable transportation;
2. Advocating better bicycling conditions and transportation choices for a
healthier environment; and,
3. Educating children, adults, and motorists about safe bicycling.

General Statement of Responsibilities

The Washington Area Bicyclist Association, one of the oldest bicycle advocacy organizations in the United States, is seeking an Executive Director. This extremely active 5,000-member organization sets the agenda for bicycle improvements in the nation’s capital and the Virginia and Maryland suburbs.

Current activities include advocating for trail and on-road facilities in three
unique jurisdictions, pursuing policies that advance the cause of bicycling,
conducting numerous special events, and extending the reach of bicycle education across the region. The Executive Director will work closely with the Board of Directors, a growing professional staff, local advocates, and a large cadre of volunteers in carrying out WABA’s mission to create a healthier, more livable region through bicycle promotion, advocacy, and education. The Executive Director will be responsible for all administrative aspects of the organization, including directing WABA fundraising activities.


The Executive Director shall be generally responsible for the oversight of all
management and administrative functions of WABA at the direction of the Board.

1. Responsible for oversight of the day to day operations of the WABA office;
2. Develop the annual budget for the organization in conjunction with the
Treasurer, monitor receipts and expenditures, and make bi-monthly and annual
reports to the Board, oversee and present annual audit by outside auditors;
3. Hire, supervise and evaluate professional and support staff and oversee and coordinate special events appropriate to fulfilling WABA's mission;
4. Manage all contract and consulting work undertaken by WABA; and
5. Ensure that WABA is in compliance with all federal, state and local rules, and is fully observing the terms and conditions of any existing contract, grant, or other funder related requirements.


The Executive Director, under the direction of and in partnership with the
Board, shall have the responsibility for managing organizational development,
fundraising, and membership development activities.

1. Develop and implement appropriate fund-raising and financial development
strategies that are related to the organization’s mission and program priorities
and work with the Board to implement them;
2. Continue the growth of, and maximize WABA membership revenue through regular and relevant membership appeals, issue appeals, effective management of the data base system and other appropriate means;
3. Supervise a major donor campaign to increase funding from individuals;
4. Package and promote corporate sponsorships of WABA programs, activities, and special events;
5. Generate proposals for relevant foundation grants and government and
institutional contracts for bicycling related program activities; and
6. Develop and implement other fundraising activities as necessary and


The Executive Director, under the direction of and in partnership with the
Board, shall have the responsibility for managing and developing education
activities for youth and adults.
1. Develop and implement appropriate education strategies that are related to the organization’s mission and program priorities and work with the Board to
implement them;
2. Continue the growth of, and maximize WABA education revenue through a
variety of government grants, fee for service opportunities and other
appropriate means;
3. Supervise education staff and ensure that they are appropriately certified
4. Package and promote WABA's education programs, activities, and classes;
5. Generate proposals for relevant government and institutional contracts for
bicycling education related programs; and
6. Develop and implement other education activities as necessary and

Bicycling Advocacy

The Executive Director shall be generally responsible for representing WABA to
its various stakeholders and actively advocating WABA’s mission to the
Washington Metropolitan area community.

1. Advise and assist the Board with the development of policy positions
designed to further the WABA mission;
2. Be the “public face” of WABA in representing the organization and advocating WABA positions to all organizational constituencies including, but not limited to, individual bicyclists, other bicycling related private organizations, and government and institutional entities;
3. Communicate and work with the media to advocate WABA goals and positions;
4. Advise and assist the Board in the development and promotion of relevant and appropriate bicycling related programs, projects, and special events; and
5. Develop new partners and contacts to support WABA infrastructure and education goals.

Board of Directors

The Executive Director shall attend all Board meetings unless otherwise directed by the Board and shall generally assist and enable the Board to carry out its duties and governance obligations.

1. Assist the Board in the development and implementation of long-term
strategic plan and goals;
2. Keep Board fully apprised of WABA operations at bi-monthly Board meetings and at other times as appropriate;
3. Provide bi-monthly financial statements and fundraising analysis to the
4. Assist in the recruitment of new Board members;
5. Coordinate and facilitate activities for the Board and its committees; and
6. Implement Board policy.

Preferred Qualifications

The ideal candidate will have:

1. A strong commitment to WABA’s mission and goals, and an understanding of bicycling and transportation issues;
2. Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, with a minimum of ten years job
experience, including significant management experience;
3. Demonstrated non-profit management or highly relevant business and
government experience with organizations of similar size and composition;
4. Demonstrated fundraising experience and capability;
5. Broad-based connections and experience with Washington area governmental bodies, political institutions, and other entities active in environmental and transportation related issues;
6. Strong competency in administration, strategic planning, and fiscal budgeting;
7. Superior oral and written communication skills, and excellent computer/technical skills.


Salary is commensurate with experience. WABA offers a competitive benefits package including paid vacation and sick leave, employer-sponsored health and dental insurance, monthly transportation benefits, and retirement plan with employer contribution.

Application Process

To apply, please provide a resume, a cover letter explaining your interest in
the position and summarizing how your experience can ensure professional
leadership and efficient management for WABA, and a writing sample. The position will remain open until filled, strongest consideration given to material received prior to April 9, 2010. Electronic submission is required. Send material to jobs@waba.org and place “Executive Director Search” in subject line.

WABA is committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, political affiliation, sexual orientation or gender identity, disability, sex or age.

03-17-2010, 01:17 PM
It is true that it is better the person have strong management and communication skills, while being moderately active cyclist for that type of role.

Coincidentally our local cycling advocacy organization is also recruiting for an ED. There is a defined operating and program budget plus high expectation of fundraising initiatives and strategy execution.

03-17-2010, 04:20 PM
Where's Eric going? If I were still in DC, I'd certainly consider it. But I'm not moving back!

03-17-2010, 04:36 PM
Where's Eric going? If I were still in DC, I'd certainly consider it. But I'm not moving back!

Per WashCycle (http://www.thewashcycle.com/2010/03/eric-gilliland-is-leaving-waba.html): He's accepted the position of executive director of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). NACTO recently initiated Cities for Cycling which will "catalog, promote and implement the world's best bicycle transportation practices in American municipalities."

03-19-2010, 08:33 PM
You know who would be perfect? Greg Cantori, currently Executive Director of the Knott Foundation and board president of One Less Car. It would be a lateral move, though; possibly a step down, but would combine his current paid job and volunteer position into one position. It would make his commute a lot longer, though.

I was just looking at the board members of One Less Car and there's no women on the board. What's with that?
