View Full Version : Summer Plans

03-07-2003, 05:36 AM
OK gang: who's got some great biking planned for this summer?

03-07-2003, 06:44 AM
I just discovered a great system of bikeways in the Lake Champlain valley of NYstate - www.champlainbikeways.org. this site contains lists of rides, or theme loops, as they call them, with directions and all throughout Champlain Valley, Vermont, and Quebec, Canada. Some loops are flat and easy, some hilly and more challenging but they all sound beautiful. I'm hoping to do a 70-mile ride in June in middle Vermont and to tack on one of these loops during that weekend too.

Bicycling magzine currently features a bit on Rails-to-trails rides and there's a beautiful one in Washington State I'd love to try someday. I checked out the website for rails-to trails and there are many that seem wonderful!

anybody else!?:)

03-07-2003, 09:49 AM
i want to ride more this spring and summer but am having a hard time finding riding buddies. i haven't ridden a whole lot this winter and i think my bike is starting to take it personally. would love to begin training for a century.

the ride would be so much more fun with a buddy.

03-07-2003, 10:29 AM
I'm just happy to see the grass (instead of snow!) for the first time in a loooong time here in the midwest. Weatherdotcom says almost 60F degrees for us tomorrow....so looks like a longish (6o miles or so) ride for me. I can't wait for that tired/hungry/happy post-ride feeling again!

As far as this summer goes, I usually do a 162 mile ride across the state (it's a narrow state ;) ) in July, a mountain bike race or two and a couple of duathlons.

03-08-2003, 05:58 AM
I've got a few: I'm meeting a gang from a different mtb forum for a few days of riding down in Central Idaho: single track and hot springs, can't get much better than that.

I'm planning on exploring more trails in my area that are further out and longer; a bit off the beaten track, we've got some mountain rides of the all day variety ( 18-30 miles) that I want to explore.

My hubby and I plan tripping around British Columbia with our bikes for a few weekends.

One goal is to get in at least 500 miles of singletrack.

I may try a race this summer, we'll see....


03-08-2003, 11:17 PM
I have my spring and summer calendar filled! In April hubby and I are doing the Daffodil Classic, a 100 mile road ride. Then two weeks later I am going to do a shorter version of "24 hours of Adrenalin"!! The mtn bike club that I belong to is putting on a "4 hours of Adrenalin"! 3 other girls that I ride with and myself are forming a 4 member girls team! We go out in pairs (safety reasons) do the 4 mile loop return and the second pair in our 4 gal team goes out and we continue this for 4 hours. In May hubby and I are going to Missoula, Montana to do a two day road ride, 130 miles a day for a total of 260 miles in two days. I think it's the second day that will be the hardest! In June we are going to Leavenworth for the 6th annual bike and brew fest. In July we are going to ride in a mountain biking poker run. In August hubby and I are taking a weeks vacation to Oregon with our mtn and road bikes. So a filled spring/summer. Our fall will be pretty busy too. Can you tell we love to bike?!

Hey Irulan .... exploring trails off the beaten track is a lot of fun. Joe and I did that in Montana and we had the best time. Some day I would love to do the Maah Daah Hey Trail in North Dakota. A 100 mile long mtn bike trail. Doesn't that sound like a lot of fun?!

Can't wait for spring and summer 2003! :D


03-09-2003, 12:34 PM
hey susan126, i live here in portland and can give you some tips on good mountain biking and road riding places.

03-09-2003, 12:56 PM
one really cool mountain bike trail close to Portland is the Lewis River Trail in WA, sort of in the Cougar area. I think it would make a lovely day trip. You can do it as an up and back, or a loop if you want to go on a forest road instead of the trail back along the river. It's written up at MTBR.COM Trails (http://www.mtbr.com/trails) in the listings for WA state.


03-10-2003, 06:23 AM
Thanks goddess that would be great! I hear that the Portland area has some great riding spots! Last August we went to Bend and I want to tell everyone that that area has some of the best mountain biking trails and the roads .... well they are a roadies dream!

Irulan, I have ridden at Lewis River and you're right in saying that it's a really cool mountain bike trail! Joe and I have also done the Ape Canyon/Plains of Abraham trails over there too. If you have never ridden them you really should try and do it this year. Another great place with wonderful trails for mountain biking is Cashmere ..... have you ever done the Devil's Gulch trail? It's one of my favorites!

Joe and I ride a lot with STM ... a mtn bike club in my area. Here's a link to their picture page. It has pictures (many of them taken by me) of some of these places.



03-10-2003, 07:05 AM
We hit Bend last year the hottest week of the summer but we rode anyway. We rode the Sparks/Lava trail, and good thing there was a lake after 20+ miles of heat and dust. I also took my beginner nephew on the Cultus Lake loop, that was fun I would've liked to have lapped it a few times.

We had a lot of fun there, and I would go there again, but I question the designation of "world class mountain biking". All vacation destinations say that I think!!! But it's so rarely true.

Haven't done any of the other St Helens' trails yet.

We just got Topo CD's for the NW... I've been looking at topo maps on my computer for regional ideas.


03-10-2003, 02:19 PM
I am getting so psyched for this season!! Not only are 2 of the girls I ride with getting new rides, but I am too, AND rumour has it that one of the ski hills in the area is opening up for us this summer. Failing that, there are a few well deserved road trips lined up (with the girls and with my BF) to Bromont to rides the hills there!

....if only it would stop snowing! Good ol' Canadian winters!!!!:D

03-11-2003, 07:33 AM
I am getting a pass to Whistler for the summer!!! Also some racing cross country and downhill. I am really lucky that I get to ride all year long. I love winter riding, no one around! I love snow riding, but I only do it once or twice.

03-11-2003, 08:47 AM
Targets for this year so far is the Tour of Flanders in Belgium on 4th April. They have 3 distances and an mountain bike one ranging from 50miles to 180 miles and anyone can join in and ride.

The following day the professionals do it and it's great to know that the route you're riding will be ridden all the major professional teams the next day, USPS, CSC, Team Telecom... i'm just starting out so i'll be doing the 50 miler.

In May I'm going to Italy for the week on a cycling holiday - it's not quite a training camp but i'll be riding everyday which, being a weekend rider only , I'm sure will kill me!

Waterlili - I read in procycling magazine a few months ago a letter from a guy who spotted Jan Ulrich mountain biking in Whistler late last summer.

03-12-2003, 05:49 AM
It sounds like a great season ahead of you, MightyMitre! I wish I could be in Belgium especially if there's a slim chance of me getting a glimpse of Lance and the rest of the USPS team! The Blue Train! I'm in training too but not for racing! I'm trying to build my mileage up for some long events coming up this spring and summer. I am doing a few centuries, a two day event with a total mileage of 260 miles, and an endurance mountain bike race with 3 other gals (4 member teams required). All of my events are just for fun! :)

Have fun in Belgium and if you see the Blue Train .... take a picture! :)


03-13-2003, 03:57 AM
Susan126 - just to make you jealous, when we were in France with the club the other year it was the day before the start of the Tour and we'd all piled in the van to drive to a quieter spot before we went out for a ride.

As we went over a little railway bridge we had to slow down and there to our right, a little way back off the road was the whole US Postal team in circle round Lance while he talked to them. We all waved and cheered and a few guys looked round, but Lance looked very serious and didn't really look up.

It was amazing to just be driving round the countryside and suddely, there's the whole USPS team!

03-13-2003, 06:31 AM
I'm drowling with envy over here, MightyMitre! That would make my year! You are so lucky to live so close! I read your reply in your thread "Hi Guys" and I will say it again, "You are so lucky ... only 1.5 hour ride across the channel to France!" I told Joe, (my hubby), that some day I would love to go to France and watch the Tour de France up close and in person! I follow it every July on the news and sports channels. Last year we were on vacation for the second week of the tour but I managed to keep up with it from my hotel tv and any other tv I could find!

Again .... WOW!

Thanks for sharing that with us!


03-13-2003, 02:21 PM
You're welcome! I guess we kind of take it for granted over here but even though I've seen the Tour a number of times it's still very exciting.

If you 're at the city for the end of a stage it's such a great atmosphere - the whole city just closes down and lines the road. I don't speak much French and the loud speakers ramble on for ages but you can tell they're near by the way they guy on the speaker gets more exicited.

If you're just standing on the roadside to watch it go by you can tell when the riders are approaching when you can hear the TV helecopters in the distance. Everyone goes mad and waves at the helicopter to get themselves on TV.

Sorry guys - just remembered this is meant to be a thread about our plans for the summer. Got a bit caught up in the TdF there....:p

03-14-2003, 07:05 AM
I'm the same way! LOL When I am excited about something it never ends! LOL Just ask my hubby and kids!

I'm glad you described it a little bit for us. I have never been there and you just gave me a small picture of what it's really like. It sounds exciting!

Thank you,
