View Full Version : Fall on wrist, gloves save the day...

Red Rock
11-04-2009, 02:46 PM
I went out for what I thought was going to be a lesiurely ride to get some hill work in. I was on one of the local trails making a very sharp turn to the left and proceeded to fall down to the left. I tried to face impact like I was doing a push up because I was clipped in (it happens to us that have been clipless for a few years even!). Fortunatley I was wearing the specialized full finger mtb gloves. I think because of that, my hand will be ok. I can move all fingers and my wrist in all direstions.

The brunt of the fall was on my right hand. At least that is how my body is reacting about 4 hours later. My thumb down to my wrist by about an inch is starting to turn black and blue. I can tell that my hand is swollen too. I have since had it under an ice bag and I have an ibuprofen to help with the swelling.

I will work on the healing part. I think that is it for now.

Red Rock

11-04-2009, 08:04 PM
Yikes. I'm glad you're not hurt worse, but if your thumb is swollen and black and blue, you might want to go get an x-ray just in case it sustained a fracture. I'd also send a note to the glove manufacturer and tell them about the accident. You could score some new gear if you give them a testimonial they can use in their marketing.


11-05-2009, 06:06 AM
good idea channeluv

get well soon, Red Rock, I'm glad you were wearing your gloves too!

11-05-2009, 06:11 AM
Ouch. Glad you were wearing your gloves. I hope your wrist/hand heals quickly.

Red Rock
11-05-2009, 07:34 AM
Thank you for your comments. When I got home after my ride, (I still rode the 15 miles that I wanted.) I pulled out my anatomy textbook to look under upper extrmities to find the hand section. My concern was the fracture too.

I thought I would wait a day to see how my hand was behaving and then make an evaluation from there. My previous description of my hand turning black and blue might have been exagerated. It still is darker than my other hand but not to the extreme I was writing last night, or for that matter, thinking in my head. I will heal.

I just have not been this banged up in a while. I remember coming home from the gym as a kid and having to sit on ice bags and places on my body turning black and blue all of the time. I guess age makes a difference. We notice it more and it can have more severe consequenses to if we are not careful.

Thank you,
Red Rock