View Full Version : Lots of firsts today! some good...some not so good!

10-10-2009, 03:26 PM
I'm not sure how many of you participated in the Trek Breast Cancer Awareness rides that occurred all over the country today. My LBS was running one. It was my first ride with more than 2 other people (approximately 30 showed up). I had an absolute blast for most of the ride. The route was a bit more 'traffical' than I would've liked, but it wasn't bad. Perfect weather for it. The sun came out right as we left, and it was a crisp 55 degrees. I opted for the 25 mile ride at the encouragement of my friend and co-worker who was doing the ride with me. Everything was finally clicking with my bike, my cadence was spot on, and I was feeling good! I should have turned off with the 10 mile group :(

Here's where the not so good part happens. About half a mile after the 10 mile group turned off, we hit a particularly busy intersection with a stop light. I don't know what happened but I couldn't get unclipped. I have Speedplay X5's and they're great. Clipping in and out has become natural for me. I couldn't so I panicked and of course tipped over to the right and fell. Thankfully the support vehicle saw me and laid on his horn to alert other riders and surrounding cars that something was wrong. A woman in an escalade was a foot or so away from hitting me. I hopped back up, assessed the damage (minimal, thank goodness! just a little road rash and no blood), and decided to continue on. After what seemed like a million "yeah I'm fine, really!" we moved on with the route.

After 3 more miles, I just couldn't go any more. It was a mix of not being in well enough shape, being utterly exhausted, and just not feeling comfortable in all the traffic anymore. Thanks to the wonderful support crew, we had my bike in the van and me sipping a cold bottle of water in minutes. The support guy gave me a pep talk which made me feel a little better. It's still so embarassing. Sometimes I feel like such a noob :( This is my first year riding a road bike and it's very different than tooling around the trails behind my house on a Huffy mountain bike. The friend that encouraged me to do the 25 mile ride kept apologizing for pushing me.

Anyway, that's my story for today. What they say about a fall always being in front of a ton of people is so true.

10-10-2009, 03:42 PM

It happens to all of us. I am usually so shaky after a fall that it is hard for me to keep on - all that adreneline. I am glad you weren't hurt!

10-10-2009, 06:03 PM
The only failure in life in to not try.
You learned. We've all been there.

I will say one thing. When I ride in traffic I always keep one foot unclipped.
These pedals (http://www.amazon.com/Sunlite-Bicycle-Clipless-Pedals-pair/dp/B000AO9Z20/ref=pd_sbs_sg_12) are good for that. SPD on one side, rubber padded platform on the other.

10-10-2009, 06:30 PM
Congratulations on riding today... period!!! That is a great thing. Don't feel like a noob. ;-)

I rode my first group ride today with the Trek Breast Cancer ride. I had a ball but it was really hot here! It was 95 when we got back to the car after the ride was over. I would have LOVED it to have been 55. :)

10-11-2009, 10:31 AM
I rode a 25-mile Breast Cancer Awareness ride and we too had a minor fall - just a touch of wheels, no harm done. It DOES happen to everyone, really, and no one thinks anything of it.

We all ride at different levels. People who ride lots were at one time people who were just beginning and intimidated by people who ride lots.

10-11-2009, 04:49 PM
thanks guys, your kind words really made me feel better! my boyfriend has been telling me he's going to drop me off at the spot where I threw in the towel and make me finish. I told him I'll do it if he joins me!

I took the bike back to my LBS today, and they gave it a thorough once-over and determined I did no damage to it. Gonna take a nice leisurely ride on a low traffic route tomorrow during my day off to make myself feel better :) It also gave me an excuse to buy some handlebar tape. The white tape was getting grungy and driving me nuts.

10-12-2009, 09:24 AM
Dress for the Occasion

My Breast Cancer Awareness Kit

10-12-2009, 09:41 AM

I volunteered and helped my LBS with their Breast Cancer Awareness ride. About 23 people showed up for the leisurely 10 mile ride.

10-12-2009, 09:57 AM
Nice kit PinkBike! Love the wig.