View Full Version : Hit by car three days before my first 100k

10-07-2009, 08:19 PM
On my way home from a group ride, I was hit by a driver who ran (well, didn't even acknowledge) a stop sign. I don't remember leaving the bike or hitting the ground, but I remember seeing the car hood slide under me (although I don't remember feeling it). My star witness claims I flew at least six feet in the air. :eek: Amazingly, the only injuries so far appear to be very minor (banged up knees, stiffening neck/shoulder). I'm calling my doctor tomorrow to see if they have any cancellations, and if not, I'm taking myself in to an urgent care facility so I can confirm everything's okay and that I'm good to ride.

The bummer is I'm signed up for the Condor Classic in San Juan Bautista on Saturday and have a whole big weekend out of town planned around it. Now, instead of being preoccupied with cleaning the house, farming out the animals to their various caretakers, and packing, I get to call the insurance rep, go to a doctor, file a police report, and pick up my bike from the shop.

Don't get me wrong. I'm incredibly grateful that this was relatively minor and that no one was hurt, including my poor Trek (scratch to the fork, derailleur hanger bent, both wheels out of true). I'm just starting to get paranoid about how the whole situation will play out and if I will be okay for my ride.

Oh, yeah, I'm also signed up for my first 100 mile ride next weekend... :rolleyes:

10-07-2009, 10:24 PM
wow, so glad to hear you are okay. Do keep an eye on yourself, often things pop up days after an event, so be careful. Glad you are seeing a doc.

Take care, heal well.

10-08-2009, 05:04 AM
Wow! Glad you're OK. Hope driver gets a ticket. I take it cops and ambulance didn't come to the scene? :eek:

Take it easy, and listen to your body. But if you decide to do the 100 mile, good luck to you!!

10-08-2009, 05:18 AM
Oh my goodness. I am so happy to hear that you are OK. I think that cars are still the one thing that scares me the most about riding on the road!

10-08-2009, 06:15 AM
Annie, tcars are the only thing you need to worry about riding on the road :cool:

RoadTrekkie, get well soon. You will know by Saturday if you are up to riding. it is best to get back into the saddle as soon as you can. Keep us posted!

10-08-2009, 07:08 AM
Wow, glad it wasn't worse RT. Hope you feel better soon!

10-12-2009, 03:23 PM
HOw's it feeling?

10-12-2009, 07:15 PM

How in the world did you NOT get hurt worse? Your guardian angel must really be on the ball there. I'd still get you and the bike checked over thoroughly before you try any long rides.

I hope you're feeling better today.


10-12-2009, 07:54 PM
Well, I did the 100k ride in 5:20. Pretty sad, but I did have a nasty headwind the last 12 miles and there were a lot more hills than either of us expected, four or five pretty nasty ones. :eek: My left knee got pretty whiny, but so far that's the worst for me. The Trek, however, has a possible headset issue that's come up, so I have to get it to a mechanic to add to the costs incurred so far.

Believe me, I can't believe how minor my injuries (or the bike's) were!

10-13-2009, 05:43 AM
sounds like you did great. for someone who doesn't like hills in particular!
I'm really impressed that you got back on and rode after your experience 3 days before. Don't sell yourself short. that's an accomplishment.

10-14-2009, 06:11 PM
Holy crap, woman, you get hit by a car and three days later, you're out riding a 100K!!! You didn't do just great, you did fantabulously great!!!

(Very glad you're fantabulously okay!)

10-18-2009, 04:24 PM
Holy crap, woman, you get hit by a car and three days later, you're out riding a 100K!!! You didn't do just great, you did fantabulously great!!!

And to add to that..you're analyzing your 100k performance...amazing!! You definitely are a cyclist.