View Full Version : Got the bike, now what...

Mr. SR500
09-10-2009, 04:03 PM
Picked up my Cannondale CX9 cyclocross bike, mostly stock with a couple upgrades. Aluminum frame with 105 group. Now just need to find more places to ride. I took it to the local college cross county course and really enjoyed it, and there are about 7 of us trying to build a course, but not much else close. Not sure about racing, but maybe with a little practice. Anyway here she is:


Mr. Bloom
09-10-2009, 05:03 PM
My, My! Two new bikes in 6 months - Business must be good!:D

Mr. SR500
09-10-2009, 05:18 PM
Business is horrible! I approached Mrs. on the basis this bike was "revenue neutral". Sold the Bianchi and a few other treasures collecting dust, and it all worked out. You should get one!

09-10-2009, 07:02 PM
Nice! Now you gotta get out there and race! :)

09-25-2009, 08:06 PM
Not sure how far you are from Chicago, but there's a healthy cross scene here...


09-25-2009, 09:52 PM
Look for places to ride mt bikes that are considered to be "easy" or beginner for mt bikers and they should be manageable on a cross bike. You won't be able to do stuff with heavy duty rocks/roots drops etc, but you can ride single track on a cross bike.
I don't know about out east, but our cross courses out here tend to be a mix of some grass with barriers and some single track - what the proportions are depends on the venue. I was out checking out one today thats probaby 2/3 single track - but very friendly single track - only one place with roots you can't avoid.

09-26-2009, 04:52 AM
Beautiful Bike! I'm so tempted to get one. There's a BMX track a half mile from my house. It's an accredited track; they have pro races there, and it's big. It would be perfect for learning cyclocross.

Mr. SR500
09-26-2009, 06:06 AM
Thanks Guys!

I LOVE it! Seriously great work out. Another buddy bought a Specialized TriCross, and the LBS got a couple more in stock including a single speed.

We went to "practice" in Ohio, and learned a bunch of stuff. I've been riding at the local college cross country course, some trails, grass, gravel, pavement, one barrier, and one run up. Doing ok on the dismounts, but the remounts are something else - ouch. I did some technical single track - not fun, I just kept wishing I had my mountain bike. For smoother single track/double track it is a BLAST!

Ohio Valley CX has an active race schedule, I would like to try to race, or at least watch. In-laws in Chicago, so that might work as well.

Great fun, if you are on the fence - get one!

09-26-2009, 07:37 AM
You sold the Bianchi!?!?

09-26-2009, 07:41 AM
That's a really a hot bike! What 's the gearing on it? But I do not want one myself...I do not want one...I do not want one.

09-26-2009, 07:44 AM
oh, since I know very little about Cross bikes....give me a quick primer on the geometric and component differences from a road and tri/TT bike, please

Mr. SR500
09-26-2009, 10:20 AM
Silver, Come to the dark side...

Yes, the Bianchi is gone, so no more Campy for me, finally standardized on Shimano 10 speed. Seemed silly to have 2 regular road bikes. The Cannondale is a great rain/backup bike, but adds the ability to cyclocross. It has cantilever brakes and room for fenders if you want.

The geometry is a slack compared to a regular road bike, and super slack compared to a TT bike. My saddle is a bit lower, my handle bar/seat drop is about the same, but typically it's not as extreme, also top tube + stem is a bit shorter then my Madone. My Madone is a 60, the TTX is a large, and the Cannondale is a 56.

I'm currently running a 105 drive train with a 36/46 12/27 combo. Seems to work great.

The awesome thing is about cross bikes is the value, tons of great choices in the $1,500 range. Cannondale, Kona, Salsa, Specialized, Giant, Trek, etc... I lost some weight by running my RaceXLites wheels, and will likely switch to a BB30 crankset and loose another 2/3 lb.

I hope to race for fun sometime, but having a blast on the college's cross county course. 4 laps takes about 48 minutes and is a serious workout. So nice when you don't have time for a 40 mile ride. Your total body is working, dismounts, running, bike control, etc... Great cross training!

Silver, try it you will love it! Number of women is really growing, and Louisville has one of the best courses around!

Check out this video:


09-26-2009, 01:22 PM
That video is of Cross Crusade here in Portland. Are they all that crazy? I wasn't sure if the level of insanity in that film was unique to Portland or if cross worldwide is like that?

09-26-2009, 02:41 PM
Once you go 'cross, you never go back. I'm beyond ready to upgrade from my Tri-Cross Sport, and when I do it'll be for another 'cross bike because I can ride it ANYWHERE (aside from rocky mtb trails, tried that last year and almost shook some fillings out of my teeth). I hadn't considered Cannondale, but yours is so pretty that now I may need to go check out their sizes and geometry.

That Portland Cross Crusade looks like a blast. The races here in the DC/B'more area aren't quite that wild yet.

Mr. SR500
09-26-2009, 03:47 PM
That video is of Cross Crusade here in Portland. Are they all that crazy? I wasn't sure if the level of insanity in that film was unique to Portland or if cross worldwide is like that?

Midwest cross seems much less - muddy. Lots of grass, sand pit, barriers, run -ups, etc... They had rain last Sunday in Cincinnati so it got nice and muddy, but isn't the norm like in the Northwest.

Love the video!

Mr. SR500
09-26-2009, 03:53 PM
Once you go 'cross, you never go back. I'm beyond ready to upgrade from my Tri-Cross Sport, and when I do it'll be for another 'cross bike because I can ride it ANYWHERE (aside from rocky mtb trails, tried that last year and almost shook some fillings out of my teeth). I hadn't considered Cannondale, but yours is so pretty that now I may need to go check out their sizes and geometry.

That Portland Cross Crusade looks like a blast. The races here in the DC/B'more area aren't quite that wild yet.

I think Cannondale makes great cross bikes - but I'm a bit bias. They have 2 basic frames and multiple groups. Unfortunately, to get my '09 CAAD 9 CX frame in a '10 they upgraded the groupo and added about $1000. They still have CAAD 8 based frame at the entry level, but I really like the 9 frame. They run big, but lifetime warranty for a stiff & light US built frame.

P.S. My LBS just got a Tri-Cross Single Speed in, looks like a blast for a flatter course...

09-29-2009, 03:50 PM
I'm surprised by the lack of racing in Indiana!


You've definitely got to come to Chicago. Many of our courses are dry with lots of grass, but last year they started getting creative, which made the courses much more enjoyable with more variation.

I'm riding a Cannondale this year, and LOVE it. Compared to my Redline, it is much sturdier and more comfortable. It handles beautifully.

11-08-2009, 12:43 AM
Midwest cross seems much less - muddy. Lots of grass, sand pit, barriers, run -ups, etc... They had rain last Sunday in Cincinnati so it got nice and muddy, but isn't the norm like in the Northwest.

Love the video!

I dunno up here in Wisco we have some pretty gnarly conditions. We've had quite a few races get canceled this year because there ends up being a giant lake of muddy water from all the rain. There usually ends up being some non-official race in a different, but equally muddy location.

I'm not a cross racer yet, but have lots of friends that do it. I'm waiting to get a new bike in the spring. Then i'll ride all summer and hope I can start competing! We have a lot of female racers and it's pretty big around Madison and Milwaukee.

We even have our own women's off road biking association. It's a really awesome biking community here.

I'd have to say we between Oregon and Wisconsin I don't know who's crazier about the sport haha.

11-08-2009, 06:00 AM
Did my first race last weekend, had a blast. Wasn't last and finished! Seriously great time on a bike, racing again in a couple weeks in Indy - can't wait!

11-08-2009, 06:09 PM
Did my first race last weekend, had a blast. Wasn't last and finished! Seriously great time on a bike, racing again in a couple weeks in Indy - can't wait!

Awesome! I've raced OVCX the last three years. Took Women's 3/4 overall 2nd place 2 years ago and 3rd overall last year. This year I got sick with bronchitis and a bacterial infection in my lungs right after the UCI weekend and am so far behind in the points it's not even funny. Skipped Lexington today to ride Versailles on the mtb with all my friends as it was way too nice out to ride cross. :D

Practice running stairs. Brookside's got a bunch of them! Hope to see you there.

11-09-2009, 04:07 AM
Wow that's one nice lookin cross bike! I need to wipe the drool off my keyboard now! LOL

11-11-2009, 07:54 PM
Did my first race last weekend, had a blast. Wasn't last and finished! Seriously great time on a bike, racing again in a couple weeks in Indy - can't wait!

Good on ya for getting out there and racing your beautiful bike. Congrats on your not-last finish! :)