View Full Version : Ski Season is around the corner!!!

09-05-2009, 08:35 PM
I bought my season pass today! :D:D:D Yes, it's a little early to be thinking about snow, but I'm starting to think about it anyway. I'm praying the Tahoe resorts have a good snow year and that we're on the slopes by Thanksgiving.

Today while riding my bike up a looooong steep yucky hill, I was thinking about the muscles I'm building and how awesome I'm going to be on skis this year :p

By the way, in case anyone is interested, Sierra At Tahoe has a $199 season pass that's good Sunday through Friday with some holiday black-out dates. It's an incredible deal considering a one-day lift ticket is at least $69!

09-06-2009, 04:51 PM
I'm praying the Tahoe resorts have a good snow year and that we're on the slopes by Thanksgiving.

I'm not religious but I will join you in this prayer.

Last year we were lucky (sort of, it was an unlucky situation that turned out well) to end up in Reno on President's Day weekend of the gigantic snow dump. Mt. Rose was joyful! Heavenly was heavenly! But apparently it took till Feb to get decent conditions? BOO! Early snow up there please!

09-06-2009, 05:24 PM
Yeah, I can't wait. I have been off my bike for quite a while due to various injuries. I hope to do a lot of hiking to get my legs ready for some Tele!!:D

roadie gal
09-06-2009, 05:28 PM
I was just talking to a friend today about getting psyched for cross country skiing. I don't downhill much anymore, but each year I get a season pass at the Tahoe Donner Cross Country Center. Maybe *crossed fingers* I'll be able to do the Great Race this year.

Here's another vote/prayer/plea for good snow this year.

09-07-2009, 10:15 AM
Yes. Local snow that arrives on a Tuesday or Thursday night or weekend, so I don't have to drive in it... snow that stays nicely on the trail at Great Brook Farm or my local conservation trail for at least a couple of days without getting icy or melting.

Then, snow leaving by March 5th, so I have 3 months to train on the road for my trip to Spain!

10-07-2009, 02:01 PM
The mountains have been getting some snow!!:D Some resorts will be opened this weekend, it will be a little while yet until I can hit the back-country..I hope by the first part of December.

10-07-2009, 04:54 PM
Colorado opened for skiing today with Loveland being the 1st in the nation.

A-Basin opens Friday.

10-08-2009, 04:20 AM
Time to get out the rock skis

10-08-2009, 07:35 AM
The earliest we can ever hope to hit the slopes here in WI is around Thanksgiving ... and that would be on very limited snow (with man-made help). Even so my season pass is purchased and ready to go too.

If not for snowboarding I would find very little to look forward to during the long, cold midwestern winters.

10-11-2009, 05:38 PM
Think Snow, Think Snow, storm is on the horizon........Boreal just opened....snow,snow,snow....

10-11-2009, 07:19 PM
I'm skiing A-Basin tomorrow and Tues. :D

10-12-2009, 09:15 AM
soooo how was it??

10-12-2009, 06:12 PM
soooo how was it??

Awesome! Lift line about 5 min., snow was really good, saw 1 rock all day, skiers and boarders weren't that crazy. Everyone was friendly and happy.

Talked to a guy who skied Loveland that morning and he said no one was there so he took a couple of runs at the basin and went back to Loveland.

We are going back tomorrow before going home, expect fewer skiers as today was Columbus day.

10-18-2009, 01:23 PM
Sounds like you had a great time and the weather looked great. Can't wait until I can get out.

10-28-2009, 02:29 PM
Awesome! Lift line about 5 min., snow was really good, saw 1 rock all day, skiers and boarders weren't that crazy. Everyone was friendly and happy.

Talked to a guy who skied Loveland that morning and he said no one was there so he took a couple of runs at the basin and went back to Loveland.

We are going back tomorrow before going home, expect fewer skiers as today was Columbus day.

I am so jealous!!! I'm glad you had a good time! I'm hoping my local resort is open by Thanksgiving, although you never know around here. We have had a couple decent storms already, so maybe that's a good sign. We need a good snow year not only for skiing, but also because CA always seems to be running low on water.

10-28-2009, 05:30 PM
It has been snowing all day!!! We have friends that live up near Evergreen CO and they have gotten 2 feet so far:D

10-30-2009, 08:40 AM
Any Mid-Atlantic ladies want to meet up for some skiing this year? DH is so ambivalent about the whole thing, and I prefer not to be at the mountain alone. Skiing alone is fine if I'm with someone more skilled than me (which is everybody!). Let me know!

(Also, does anyone know of a good shop for fitting/stretching boots in the Philly area? TIA!)

10-30-2009, 08:55 AM
Any Mid-Atlantic ladies want to meet up for some skiing this year? DH is so ambivalent about the whole thing, and I prefer not to be at the mountain alone. Skiing alone is fine if I'm with someone more skilled than me (which is everybody!). Let me know!

(Also, does anyone know of a good shop for fitting/stretching boots in the Philly area? TIA!)

Becky, where do you want to go?

I'm going to be skiing in colorado dec 6-15th... if you wanna come with, that'd be great :)

I might be going out to canada in Jan to ski... also, if you wanna come with, again great :)

But I also can be persuaded to ski locally at any point...

i can get an evening ski pass that's good at whitetail, roundtop & liberty for like $170 that starts early Jan, I think... I got one last year and went enough times skiing in the evening that it was worth it - but I can't say the skiing is great at any of the above. But skiing is skiing :) I wasn't planning on getting it again this year, just cause running up to ski on my own on like 3 or 4 hours 3-4 times a week ended up feeling forced last year - but if you'd be interested, that could be fun. I think I ended up going to whitetail most of the time last year.

10-30-2009, 11:35 AM
Becky, where do you want to go?

OMG, I would love to go to CO again or try Canada, but I don't think it's in the budget this year :/

My parents and sister live close enough to Roundtop and Liberty that either is do-able. I've never been to Whitetail. I usually go to Blue Mountain- they have cheaper rates than a lot of the other Pocono mountains, and one of my coworkers is on the ski patrol there. The closest places are all at least a 2 hour drive each way for me, so I usually go for the whole day when I go. I'd like to try Elk Mountain this year- there's a bus trip there that some friend of a coworker runs, so I may jump in on that. It would save me some driving too.

Let's see what this ski season turns into, and we'll have to make plans to meet up some day. :)

10-30-2009, 12:03 PM
Just let me know when you feel like going - whitetail was better skiing than Ski Liberty, i haven't been to roundtop since it's a little further from me and I think I looked at the stats/maps and decided that white tail was better.

10-30-2009, 12:10 PM
Looks like Whitetail is ~1.5 hours from Mom and Dad's, which is definitely doable. They don't mind if I crash there afterwards ;)

I'm more than willing to play hooky from work too- winter is usually slower than summer. Here's hoping for some good snow!

10-30-2009, 12:45 PM
Looks like Whitetail is ~1.5 hours from Mom and Dad's, which is definitely doable. They don't mind if I crash there afterwards ;)

I'm more than willing to play hooky from work too- winter is usually slower than summer. Here's hoping for some good snow!

white tail is 45 mins or so from my house, so you can always crash in my guest room if you want. It will be clean, but I can't promise not cluttered. (chances are I will try to shove everything in the closet)

I haven't been to blue mountain in forever... i think i first went skiing there.

and probably in january, I won't have to worry about playing hookey from work... by february I might not be able to :)

10-30-2009, 02:25 PM
...and probably in january, I won't have to worry about playing hookey from work... by february I might not be able to :)

What happens in February? Something good, I hope!

10-31-2009, 12:57 PM
We just bought the Advantage Card for Whitetail/Liberty/Roundtop today (last day of the discounted rates). Since I refuse to ski Whitetail on a weekend, it looks like hookey days for me. Not a problem with oodles of leave and an unemployed DH. :rolleyes:
Also, we may be heading up to Stratton in VT over Christmas/New Year's, so the card is good there, too, which will help at that overpriced mountain. Ugh!
Yesterday, I booked our flights up to NH to ski Cannon again over MLK weekend. I hope it's as good as it was last year (it was awesome last year).
Colorado is on the agenda again for February.
Holy Smokes. I'm spinning here, trying to figure out how we've suddenly planned for so much skiing this year.
I think I'm tired of depriving myself, like we did last year.

11-02-2009, 12:18 AM
Because Skiing = good.

I haven't done much east coast skiing in years - I should look up what the mountains are like in Vermont/NH - I went to killington way back when. Now I usually just fly out west.

If you're going to Colorado in February - you might want to consider getting the Abasin pass... (unlimited a basin, 4 days breckenridge or keystone, and 1 day vail) for $359. I usually get that one if I know I'm going out to Colorado.

11-08-2009, 05:03 PM
hey there all you fellow skiers! I'm not much of a downhill skier but I love to cross country/ tour - nothing hard core but not only on groomed trails. I'm looking for a new ski package this year. I have 3 pin bindings and asolo boots that are VERY uncomfortable so I'm going to treat myself. Any suggestions? is there a site like teamestrogen for skiers? Thanks! Happy skiing!


11-08-2009, 06:53 PM
is there a site like teamestrogen for skiers? Thanks! Happy skiing!


Welcome Avocet. Yes there is a women's ski forum, check out http://www.theskidiva.com/forums/.

11-12-2009, 05:01 AM
We just made plans to go up to Craftsbury in February. We were going to go the last weekend in January, but that's when the Craftsbury Marathon is being held, so it will be crowded.
It will be a long drive and freezing, but there's always snow there. The trails are the best groomed I've ever seen.

11-12-2009, 03:47 PM
Another storm is heading our way. The mountains are supposed to get quite a bit of snow. Yes!!

11-12-2009, 03:52 PM
Mount Hood Meadows had it's first day yesterday. I'm waiting to hear when they have my favorite nordic centre all groomed and ready for skating!!! Could be this weekend. Too bad I'll be heading for warmer climes but I bet I'll be skating come Thanksgiving!!

11-12-2009, 04:12 PM
I like to skate ski too. I love getting into that certain rythm. Can't wait!!:D

11-15-2009, 08:50 AM
We went to see Warren Miller's Dynasty last night. Great inspiration for the upcoming ski season! I actually like the older WM movies better...I miss his naration. But we really enjoyed it and were especially excited because they did some of the Tahoe filming at our local "home" resort. Probably the best part was the free lift ticket vouchers to Heavenly...I haven't skied there in years so I'm excited. Of course the voucher expires 1/15 and there are a bunch of blackout dates AND we have no snow so far, but I'm confident it will work out and we'll get to go.

01-19-2010, 12:34 PM
Another weekend at Cannon Mountain (http://www.cannonmt.com/) up in Franconia Notch SP in New Hampshire. It was a hoot.
Very challenging - flat light, WIND!!!, ice, and - on Monday - about 4-6 inches of powder. Here I am, coming out of a snow tunnel through the trees b/t two trails at the top.

01-19-2010, 12:57 PM
Looks great! I'm glad you got some fresh snow.

01-19-2010, 04:04 PM
I love Franconia. Great x country trails.

01-25-2010, 05:09 AM
I am going on a gal's ski day on Friday Feb. 5th to Bretton Woods - most of the ladies are going downhill or riding but I would prefer to xc ski. If anyone wants to join me that day, shoot me a te-mail.

01-25-2010, 06:59 AM
Hey, if I wasn't going to be in VT, I would definitely go with you!
Maybe another Friday?

02-21-2010, 10:22 AM
DH and I just got back from our BIG ski trip - 7 days in Colorado. We skied Cooper Mountain in Leadville - a small area off the beaten track and empty, a nice way to kick off the week away from the big resorts. Then we headed to Breckenridge, Keystone, Copper, Vail, and then back to Keystone. 6 days of skiing in 7 days. My legs are pooped. Going through mountains of laundry right now.
I hope we get a few more days in locally while all this snow is still around. The bikes will start calling soon enough!
Here we are on Gandy Dancer at Vail:


02-21-2010, 01:54 PM
DH and I just got back from our BIG ski trip - 7 days in Colorado. We skied Cooper Mountain in Leadville - a small area off the beaten track and empty, a nice way to kick off the week away from the big resorts. Then we headed to Breckenridge, Keystone, Copper, Vail, and then back to Keystone. 6 days of skiing in 7 days. My legs are pooped. Going through mountains of laundry right now.
I hope we get a few more days in locally while all this snow is still around. The bikes will start calling soon enough!
Here we are on Gandy Dancer at Vail:


Welcome back 7Rider. Beautiful picture of the two of you on the mountain.

10-20-2010, 06:14 AM

We just booked flights to New Hampshire for MLK weekend in January. 5 days staying with a friend of ours at his ski club near Loon and Cannon. We'll try other areas this time - maybe Waterville Valley. Maybe Wildcat. Maybe Jay Peak. Maybe Sunday River. Maybe all at Cannon if our friend finds good deals on tickets for there. As long as there's cold and snow...we'll be happy.

Hopefully Colorado in February.

Anyone have some ski trips on the agenda??

10-20-2010, 06:19 AM
I was out in Colorado in April when they were selling their local ski passes - so I picked up the colorado pass for this ski season - which makes Colorado a good place for me to go :)

I have air miles, so I'm thinking January - but if they have a good early season I might do December.

10-20-2010, 06:43 AM
We went to park city for a week last year - it was heaven. I got so much better being dragged around by a bunch of guys who've been snowboarding since I was in elementary school! If any of you guys fly into Denver this year let me know!

10-21-2010, 06:42 PM
Loveland and A-Basin are teasing us by posting pictures on Facebook of their snowmaking. Copper mtn is now open for racers and they open on Nov. 5th to the general public. Snow is predicted in the mtns the next few days.

Planning on getting some turns in on Monday if A-Basin opens this weekend.

10-23-2010, 04:02 AM
We are going to do a long weekend at Lovett's Inn, in Franconia. Don't have the details, yet. It's near Cannon; we ate at the inn this summer and it's awesome. Our friends have been going there for years. It's ski in/out.
We probably will get to Bretton Woods, too. Not sure about Vermont this year.

10-23-2010, 05:21 PM
Loveland opens tomorrow & A-basin opens Monday!! Woohoo!

10-23-2010, 05:25 PM
Jess, can I crash on your couch? ;)

DH and I skied Loveland a few years ago, and loved it! So different from what we ski here...

10-23-2010, 06:35 PM
Absolutely! I grew up skiing in Virginia, my first day on the slopes here was crazy. I like Utah a little better than CO but just b/c it's cheaper. And because I love Snowbird.

Keep your fingers crossed that A-basin stays open til June so I can get a run or two in this season!!

10-26-2010, 05:32 PM
Absolutely! I grew up skiing in Virginia, my first day on the slopes here was crazy. I like Utah a little better than CO but just b/c it's cheaper. And because I love Snowbird.

Keep your fingers crossed that A-basin stays open til June so I can get a run or two in this season!!

I skied A-Basin today. It was awesome and not over crowded. It was snowing all day and pretty cold.

Many years A-Basin closes the 4th of July. The last several years they've been closing in June because of construction projects. This summer they installed a new high speed quad at the base. Even with a light snow year last year, I skied A-Basin on May 15th in powder.

I agree that Utah may be cheaper than Aspen, Vail or Telluride but there are multi-mountain passes available to front rangers for all the front range resorts. I skied 73 days last year and it cost me approx. $10 per day. That included all resorts in the Summit Cty area, except Loveland, Winter Park and Steamboat.

10-26-2010, 05:48 PM
Some of us aren't able to get out 73 days in a season :)

Counting a week in Park City, I went...8 days last year.

But I probably saw you on the webcam at A-basin today! I kept checking to see if it was still snowing.

10-26-2010, 05:54 PM
Some of us aren't able to get out 73 days in a season :)

Counting a week in Park City, I went...8 days last year.

But I probably saw you on the webcam at A-basin today! I kept checking to see if it was still snowing.

I'm retired! :D

It's still snowing lightly here on Buffalo Mtn, above the outlet mall. I'm hoping it just keeps snowing and snowing until May, then I start bicycling.

10-26-2010, 06:02 PM
I'm retired! :D

It's still snowing lightly here on Buffalo Mtn, above the outlet mall. I'm hoping it just keeps snowing and snowing until May, then I start bicycling.

My friends have a view of Buffalo Mtn right from their place. Wow.
They won't be up there until New Years, but he (who is also retired) will get a ton of days at all those areas (including Loveland, b/c at 70+, he gets a screamin' good deal on a pass) in this year, no doubt. Hopefully, some of them will be with us! :D

10-27-2010, 06:51 AM
DH tells me we got our first inch of snow in Edmonton. However, I'm currently enjoying tropical storms in Seattle. Reports of snow in the mountains here too!

10-27-2010, 12:30 PM
Some of us aren't able to get out 73 days in a season :)

I think we went 3 times last season - Loveland and A-basin. This year, I get an Epic Pass from work (YIPPEEE!!!) and when I was out at lunch today looking at the mountains, it made me long to have that pass in hand!!! Hope we get them before Nov. 11th, as I'm off for the Holiday.

Rocky Mountains from south of Cherry Creek State Park.

11-15-2010, 10:22 AM
I'm so jealous of you!

I just gave my board to a coworker for the season. If it's out of the house, I won't be tempted to try.

11-15-2010, 06:34 PM
Yeah, ski season is around the corner and my skis and snowshoes are packed deep in the bowels of storage unit 818

11-15-2010, 09:54 PM
I dropped by our local bunny slope to pick up my season pass today. They have been manufacturing snow for the last two weeks and are planning to open their ski school next weekend. I got talked into signing up for lessons, which I will need since I don't remember anything I learned last season!

Skis have been retrieved from shelf-way-up-high, and I will take them in tomorrow to get the storage wax scraped off and bindings adjusted.

We are planning another Christmas in Jasper so it will be nice to get the rust out of my legs before we go!

11-16-2010, 05:11 PM
Snowing here in Summit Cty. Copper Mtn's snow snake shows 11" since 5 am this morning. We barely made it over the pass, heavy, blowing snow made visibility near zero. Thankfully, no accidents. I think they closed the interstate after we went through the Eisenhower tunnel. Even my my kitty understood the seriousness of the situation, she stayed very alert, huge eyes but not a peep until we arrived at the safely at the condo. At one point 64 miles of interstate and many local highways were closed. This was supposed to be a winter storm watch, not a warning. 12-18" of snow predicted.

Powder day tomorrow!

11-16-2010, 05:49 PM
I got a weather warning for the mountains - saw they did close 70 from the tunnel to Silverthorne I believe. Too bad, you're stuck! :)
Blew in fast here. Was almost 60 at lunch, then the winds picked up and it was snowing by 4:30. Ahhhh, Colorado!

11-16-2010, 07:02 PM

Keystone is opening the Outback on Friday and other areas are opening runs daily. No snow making on these runs.

Tomorrow will be day 5 of the season. I'm not sure I'm in shape for powder skiing. :eek::D

I bet the motels in Frisco and Dillon are full tonight.

11-16-2010, 07:12 PM

kidding :) You can brag about being on the slopes as long as you post pictures!

11-17-2010, 03:23 AM
Just booked New Year's weekend in Jackson, NH, staying at the Thornhill Inn. This will be our 3d New Year's there. The last 2 times, one we had pretty good snow and the other time, hardly any snow. I am praying to the x country ski gods. We were able to do some good snow shoeing, when there wasn't enough snow, though.

11-17-2010, 02:38 PM

kidding :) You can brag about being on the slopes as long as you post pictures!

Too much powder to stop and take pictures. Too tired to post pictures I took a couple of weeks ago at A-Basin.

We skied at Copper today. It was an epic day. Best Nov. skiing I've ever had! Actually it was one of my top Copper days. Temps and snow conditions were just perfect!

Took a walk in the woods after I got back. Views of Lake Dillon were awesome, no pictures but you should see the sun setting on the peaks up on the Eisenhower tunnel. I love winter up here!

11-17-2010, 04:39 PM
A co-worker just sent me an email today about all the snow at Breckenridge! Haven't booked our flights yet for February. I wish I could find some good deals on Southwest or United, but so far, no "gotta book NOW" deals. :o

Just got off the phone with my friend in Mass. who's organizing our ski days over MLK weekend. Looks like five days, 4 areas - Cannon (http://www.cannonmt.com/), Loon (http://www.loonmtn.com/), Wildcat (http://www.skiwildcat.com/), and Sunday River (http://www.sundayriver.com/) (that one will be a haul, but I think it'll be nice to go back there).

Looking forward to it!!! Let's hope it's cold!

11-18-2010, 03:11 AM
Hey 7 Rider, I might be in that area the weekend after MLK... going up on Thursday.
We'd be in Franconia. And, yea, it will be cold.

11-18-2010, 04:33 AM
Took a walk in the woods after I got back. Views of Lake Dillon were awesome, no pictures but you should see the sun setting on the peaks up on the Eisenhower tunnel. I love winter up here!

Yes the sunset yesterday was incredible! I'm planning on doing Alpha Cross #2 Saturday, then hitting the mountain Sunday. Supposed to be another beautiful weekend!

01-01-2011, 03:15 PM

I’ve been able to get out the last 3 days for some fine xc skiing. It’s good to be back out – last year exactly at this time I underwent surgery, uncertain what the immediate future would bring. I did not ski at all last year because of recovery. A whole xc ski season lost. :( It felt DARN good to be out there again. Like cycling, xc skiing is a soul saving activity for me. All of my winter weekends are planned around it. Thursday was absolutely perfect conditions. It was invigorating, marvelous, and absolutely chi surging. Although Thurs and Fri reached 40 F, I waited until late afternoon and chose the shady side of the mountain so that the snow set up real nice and everything was fast. The snow was excellent and hadn’t deteriorated at all. I use waxable skis but I’m at the point I’ve been doing this for so long, 33 years, I don’t even wax my skis. Just throw em on and go. It’s all in the balance and I’ve been skiing for so long I’m as comfortable on skiis as I am walking. I pretty much only wax when I'm out while it's snowing, new snow, when I need green or blue. I thought I might have been out of shape but I launched right into skating immediately :) - that's the balance speaking, more balance, less work. I skate a lot using classic skiis. Skating is SO fun. I like to skate then go back to classic stride if I want to.

I don’t know about other state parks in Mass but I have 2 near me that groom their trails after every storm so there’s a nice wide, and I mean wide, 8-12’ swath. All for free! I rarely travel to a paid facility. I'll go to Dennison. On the spot by next day there’s a nice groomed trail. The terrain in the park though is rather flat, but that makes it perfect for skate skiing. The trails there are up to 12’ wide. I’ve been going to Dennison for 8 years now and I’ve only seen 2 other skiers. Free AND crowd free. Like cycling, most people around here don’t ski either. I go to Wendell as well. More narrow trails with a little more terrain. They have a warming hut with a wood stove. These are some of Mass best kept secrets for winter activity. I can go right out my door if I'm in the mood to break trail. Still though, at least twice a year I’ll go up to Windblown in NH. I’m partial to that place, I really like it and it gives some nice varied terrain. And I’m definitely there if there’s a winter with poor snow, which really hasn't been the case for the last 8 years where I live.

Today it reached 52 F. I still went out but waited till 3pm. Conditions had deteriorated but by 3:30-3:45 again, the snow was setting up and it was a lot slicker and I ended up having a very good ski. Wouldn’t have wanted to do it at morning or mid-day as it would have been a lot of work. Sigh. In New England, for xc skiing it’s all in the timing and knowing how to work that before conditions deteriorate.

01-02-2011, 04:51 AM
Yep. Wait a bit and conditions for xc are lost - for the moment. It's raining. We're gonna get the cold back but if there's any base left from the thaw it'll be ice. So, it's pretty warm, 42 F. I'll go out for a bike ride or run. Wait for new snow. Even Windblown is closed. Maybe I'll hit the downhill slopes if we don't get snow for a while.

01-02-2011, 11:25 AM
Thanks for the tips about those parks. One of my favorite places to ski in MA is Northfield Mountain. Never crowded and cheap for groomed trails. There is a discount if you are over 55. Basically, you can climb the mountain on your choice of green, blue, or black trails. I've also been snow shoeing there, which was a pretty tough climb, on narrower, steep trails. At the top, there's an overlook, with a picnic table, perfect for eating lunch. They also have a flat area for skate skiing. But, my favorite place is Windblown, too. We just got back from Jackson. There was no snow left there, although we did find a good set of newly cut snow shoe trails, which were part of the Jackson trail system, which we did on Thursday. On Friday we went to Bretton Woods. That's where all of the snow was still left. The conditions were absolutely perfect packed powder for the first half of our ski. Then, it started getting a bit slushy as the temperature there even got up to 42. But, I had no trouble with my skis, which was good. I bought them near the end of last season, and used them 3 times; 2 of the times it was warmer and the snow was sticky... I ended up doing an endo when I was at our local x country area! But, I now have the stuff you use on the bottom of waxless skis, which really works. I ended up skiing about just under 9 miles, a record for me. The trails at Bretton Woods are not as challenging as Windblown, overall, and it was a good choice for me for my first ski of the year. No falls, and I really felt the difference in climbing with the shorter skis. Yesterday, it was just so warm, we thought the conditions might be crappy, so we snow shoed to the view point up to the top of Mt. Willard.
Now let's hope it snows again.

01-02-2011, 11:54 AM
Years ago I used to go to Northfield a lot when I was in my 20's because I lived near Greenfield and it was closer. It was at that time I discovered Wendell state park and that they groom so I'll choose that first. I don't go to Northfield at all anymore because of the great resources so close to me. Dennison is 3 miles from the house and Wendell is 25 minutes. Wendell would be closer to you than Northfield but if you get a good discount you can't dispute that. Plus Northfield probably pays attention to the grooming more because you are paying for it, if grooming is what you really like.

I'm surprised you couldn't have eeked out more skiing than you were able up there. You probably had good xc if you got out of the groomed areas. I used to snowshoe a lot but I'd rather backcountry ski if I'm going to break trail flat, upslope or downslope somewhere. It's more fun than snowshoeing - at least you get some glide out of your work.

01-02-2011, 05:22 PM
I've only done a little bit of back country skiing. Basically, trails that start where the groomed stuff ends. My skis probably are not the best for true back country; they have edges, but are not very wide. I get kind of nervous being out in the woods in a back country situation, even with a GPS. Since I sometimes feel it even on a groomed trail I am not familiar with, I know my limits. DH and I have been lost snow shoeing (at a x country center, no less) and I was not happy.
I also enjoy skiing more than snow shoeing, but hiking/snow shoeing works muscles that I obviously don't use cycling :). The season is just starting, so there's a few weeks left. Before I know it, March 1st will be approaching and I'll be taking my road bike out again.
I will look into Wendell. It sounds nice, though.

01-02-2011, 06:49 PM
I skied at Great Brook Farm in Carlisle on Friday. The snow was adequate and fun but of course melting fast. Yesterday I did a snowshoes hike in the Whites. Had to work Wed and Thur so missed the better snow. Waiting anxiously for more.

01-02-2011, 08:41 PM
I've only done a little bit of back country skiing. Basically, trails that start where the groomed stuff ends. My skis probably are not the best for true back country; they have edges, but are not very wide. I get kind of nervous being out in the woods in a back country situation, even with a GPS. Since I sometimes feel it even on a groomed trail I am not familiar with, I know my limits. DH and I have been lost snow shoeing (at a x country center, no less) and I was not happy.
I also enjoy skiing more than snow shoeing, but hiking/snow shoeing works muscles that I obviously don't use cycling :). The season is just starting, so there's a few weeks left. Before I know it, March 1st will be approaching and I'll be taking my road bike out again.
I will look into Wendell. It sounds nice, though.

Hmm. Well, if you get lost easily and get nervous you maybe shouldn't look into Wendell. Not that I consider it that remote, but it's not like Northfield, Windblown, or Great Brook where there are hoards of people. Chances are you might be the only ones there, depending on when you go. There might not be any brightly clad skiers whizzing by to sight on, should you need assistance. And, it's not always well marked and there aren't any green, blue, or black markers to let you know what level of difficulty is ahead. But I consider these as positive attributes. I'll ski these places alone oftentimes being the only one there but I am unaffected by that so from my perspective I think it's great. You might not.

01-03-2011, 09:30 AM
Well, I figure any state park isn't that well marked. DH would like the outdoors aspect of it, but maybe not the skiing part. I am a better skier than he is, though he got new skis which have helped him tremendously. He feels perfectly fine using the GPS to track our where-a-bouts. We hike a lot and ski a little in Estabrook Woods, which while you usually see people on the main trail, once you go off on the side trails, you can go without seeing anyone. There aren't any markers there, either. We once got lost in there mountain biking during a fierce thunderstorm and it was very scary.
I actually do not like going to Great Brook that much anymore, since the conditions deteriorate so quickly from over use... but, it is so close to my house, that if I can get out there first thing in the AM, I will go. I kind of consider it like my 15 mile cycling loop in Concord and Carlisle; boring, but close. Deb, maybe we can ski sometime in the next few weeks.
Yeah, i diagnosed myself with some type of agoraphobia when it comes to being in unfamiliar territory. I certainly don't feel that way about going out in general, but the anxiety reaction I get makes me have to use the strategies I teach my clients!

01-03-2011, 06:46 PM
Dennison might be more up your alley as a couple. It's flat and very widely groomed, for the Mr. You'd see more people there so it gives the appearance of being less remote if you go to the more well known access areas, for the Mrs. In the known access areas, I do see people, but none of them are skiing,or it's pretty infrequent. You'll get walkers who'll walk along the side of the trail but you won't see them going in far. You'll see horses, folks out on the lake ice fishing, and there's a couple of dogsledders that go there too. And as in any state park you'll see some snowmobiles, who out my way are extremely courteous partners to be sharing the park with.

I know the park very well though so I know where to go where the people ain't. Dennison would also be closer to you than Wendell or Northfield by 30-45 minutes.

01-08-2011, 06:46 AM
It's snowing everywhere but here :mad:. I thought I might be able to go to Windblown tomorrow, but obviously, that's out.
Mudmucker, thanks for all the info on the state parks. Actually, DH doesn't need "flat" skiing; he's fine on hills, it's just that until he got the shorter skis, he fell a lot. I guess since I learned on long skis almost 20 years ago, I just was used to it. I find flat skiing to be very boring, actually. There's a new wildlife refuge in Sudbury (they redid an old army installation), with lots of trails, but they are very flat and boring. I hiked in the snow there last winter and decided I'd have to be desperate to ski there, although a lot of people were skiing. But, I do prefer wider trails, as although I can maneuver downhill OK, my turning and leaning skills still need some work, so I like to leave a little room for error! I am not a downhill skier, so it's not entirely natural for me.

01-08-2011, 07:34 AM
I agree flat is boring but not when you skate. That's why I don't like Great Brook Farm because it's too darn flat but also too crowded. But when I lived closer out that way it was always a quick alternative when you didn't want to put a full day in. That's why we all like Windblown - nice varied terrain, close to home.

Snow hadn't fully melted out my way, still had a couple of inches but with bare spots. Got 2 inches overnight but it's not quite enough. Snowing ever so lightly now. Might be able to eek out tomorrow.

One place I go to when all else fails is Prospect Mt. When there is no snow in the rest of the world, this place will have it, in midwinter or late spring. It's tucked behind Mt Snow in some sort of snow belt. It's more on my side so an ok day trip. Whites are closer to those out near the coast so a better day trip for ya'll out there of course..

01-08-2011, 07:42 AM
I hear that Notchview also tends to have skiable snow when other places do not. Was hoping to try Wendell tomorrow, but that doesn't look good.

01-08-2011, 09:02 AM
My friends went to Notchview last February and really liked it. For some reason, I was doing something else and didn't go. It looks like western MA might get at least 6 inches tonight. Maybe Northfield Mt. will be OK tomorrow.

01-20-2011, 06:00 PM
DH and I survived our trip to New Hampshire.
Travel conditions were a little dicey coming home on Tuesday (skied Cannon in blizzard-like conditions..wind, snow...see vid link, below.
Here we are at Wildcat. Hidden in a cloud behind us is Mt. Washington.

Here's the video (I hope).http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z85/7rider/NewHampshireSki-trip-Jan11/th_MVI_1789.jpg (http://s193.photobucket.com/albums/z85/7rider/NewHampshireSki-trip-Jan11/?action=view&current=MVI_1789.mp4)

01-21-2011, 05:16 AM
Wow, you picked a snowy week! Did you do any x country?

01-21-2011, 03:47 PM
Wow, you picked a snowy week! Did you do any x country?

No, just downhill. Sadly, my xc skis have lost their spot on the ski rack and are relegated to the utility room. They only come out when MD gets whopper snow storms...which is pretty rare...so I can play on our un-plowed streets. Except, xc skiing on streets stinks, b/c the asphalt holds the heat often and makes for sticky snow. And the desperate dog-walkers in the neighborhood don't help for tracks! :p