View Full Version : Izumi Pearl Gel Lite Gloves

07-11-2005, 02:25 PM
Hi Ladies! I just bought these a few weeks ago via a recommendation but they seem to make my hands go numb on rides... any one else experience this? :eek:

I had a pair of the generic REI riding gloves but they didn’t seem to prevent that “chaffing” feeling. :mad:

Does any one have great glove recommendations? :confused:



07-11-2005, 02:33 PM
Heh - I am a glove junkie, I have one of just about every pair you can name. My faves however are a pair of pearl izumi TdF "limited edition" (whatever that means) that I got a few weeks ago - the gel is actually where you NEED it, and there are small vents in the gel pads - very very comfy. I have a pair of the ones you have and I like them a lot, but there is not enough gel pad in them for my liking and what padding there is isn't where I need it, I use them for shorter rides. My new one's keep my arm from going numb!

07-11-2005, 02:34 PM
Yep, I hate them!!! The edges of the pads are in the wrong spot and the seams bunch up in the crook of my thumb and index finger. I just splurged and bought a pair of Assos to try (no tax in Oregonia). The Descente seemed like they would have the same problem. I wonder if it is our hand shape but they really are awful.

Depending on how far into the triple-digits we get here, I hope to have a review later this week on the Assos.

07-11-2005, 02:49 PM

I can't wait for the review on the Arros... if you love them, let me know if you found them online and which model they are!!!!

I can't seem to find the pearl izumi TdF "limited edition" on-line...

I'm a glove freak myself I hate riding without them I have the tan arms and "white" hands to prove it.... :)


07-11-2005, 03:03 PM
I went looking for the tour limited ed's online too - can't find em. I got them at the PI store in fort worth.

They have a red, green and yellow color block on the back of them.

07-11-2005, 03:04 PM
Of course....searching google always yields better results than yahoo....


07-11-2005, 03:20 PM
These are my current favorites

I find them to be very cool and like that they cover the back of my hand more. The gel pads are applied to the outside of the glove so there are fewer seams to irritate your hands.

07-11-2005, 04:38 PM
I liked the Pearl Izumi Gel Lite gloves from 2 years ago, but the current glove doesn't do much for me. Right now the gloves that make my hands the happiest are the Louis Garneau XRW Ergo Air (http://www.teamestrogen.com/products.asp?pID=2704) gloves that I got from TE.

It's interesting to read that I'm not the only person having problems with gloves this year. I really don't understand why manufacturers take designs that (used to) work and change them for something that doesn't. Anyone have any insights?

--- Denise

07-11-2005, 05:04 PM
I also have had numbness problems with the PI gloves. The big lumps of gel are horrible. Another thumbs up (no pun intended) on the Louis Garneau gloves. I have also got a pair of Gary Fischer gloves I like a lot. Much thinner, and they do the job well. For cool weather I have a pair of Specialized full finger gloves designed for mountain bikers which are also excellent.

07-11-2005, 05:56 PM
Right now the gloves that make my hands the happiest are the Louis Garneau XRW Ergo Air (http://www.teamestrogen.com/products.asp?pID=2704) gloves that I got from TE.
--- Denise

Denise, I have these gloves also, and they are my favorites. Very comfy for long rides. Two thumbs up!


07-12-2005, 10:01 AM
I actually discovered by accident that I didn't like the gel-lite gloves...too much padding. I forgot gloves one day and I loved riding without all that padding everywhere. I wasn't all that uncomfortable with them, but was soooo much happier without the padding. I tried on a basic REI pair, but didn't like the fit on my hand. I wound up with a more basic PI pair...white line, I think. Not much padding and I love them. I wished I would have forgotten my gloves a year earlier! I no longer experience any numbness unless I ride a really rough road.

07-24-2005, 11:48 PM
These are my current favorites

I find them to be very cool and like that they cover the back of my hand more. The gel pads are applied to the outside of the glove so there are fewer seams to irritate your hands.
I got these as my first pair of gloves (except mens sizing, I have large hands) and they've worked really well for me so far. I had very sore palms w/o them (probably supporting too much weight on them) but I haven't had any issues with numbness or seams rubbing or anything.

07-25-2005, 04:15 AM
Just to add a different opinion, I have the PI gel lite gloves and love them.

07-25-2005, 07:15 AM
I have to agree with maryellen. I've tried a couple other brands of gloves but nothing has been as comfortable as the Gel Lite's.

07-25-2005, 08:17 AM
Yep, I hate them!!! The edges of the pads are in the wrong spot and the seams bunch up in the crook of my thumb and index finger. I just splurged and bought a pair of Assos to try . . . Depending on how far into the triple-digits we get here, I hope to have a review later this week on the Assos.I love that the Assos gloves don't have separate pads but one nice smooth and even palm padding that flows right into my thumb. Very, very comfortable. Wore them for a big hill climb yesterday with great success. I notice the gloves in the crook of each finger but it isn't painful or anything. I think I notice it just because they fit a little differently than PIs. The velcro actually stays closed around my wrist and I really like the little loops they added to make pulling the gloves off easy. I think the gloves will go through less wear and tear from not being mangled during sweaty post-ride removal efforts.

07-25-2005, 12:04 PM
I'm sold! Assos gloves & the Louis Garneau XRW Ergo Air it is! I'll order some tonight! That's for the input!!!!! Might as well give both of them a try! Thanks Gals!

08-01-2005, 12:49 PM
I just found the Louis Garneau Ergo Air gloves on sale for $19.99 on the Performance Bike web site. They will be here in 2 days. Thanks for the recommendation. :)