View Full Version : Honest Eval

07-08-2005, 02:42 PM
Ok. I've got the bug to race and I have no clue how good I am compared to other people who do. People in one of the clubs I ride with occasionally told me I should race last summer. I never did.

Here's the low down on my "skills"

Been riding about 8 years but have gotten more serious in the past 3, I have considerable paceline/pack experience. I'm very comfortable in a crowd, so I think road racing is what I'd like to do. TTT interests me also, but I know I need to boost my speed.

I average 18 mph, give or take depending on the terrain. I ride comfortably up to about 22 mph, and start to get a bit tired if I push it past 25mph. I can draft up to 30 mph but that makes me pretty tired if I maintain that for long distances. I have decent climbing ability.

I can ride a LONG time. Longest ride to date is 124 miles.

My weakness is sprinting, which I've posted about working on and gotten some great tips already.

My bike is an '05 Lemond Zurich, so I think I have a good bike suited for road racing.

What do you guys think my chances are of being somewhat competitive? I don't need to win, though it'd be nice :D I just don't want to finish last in my first race.


07-09-2005, 04:36 AM
You sound pretty talented, Beta!

Have you thought of joining one of the area cycling teams like Athletes By Design (http://www.prairiepathcycles.com/Athletes%20By%20Design/about.htm)? The Chicagoland Women's Cycling Org (http://www.chicagolandwomenscycling.org/) website is a good resource.

Keep us posted, please! I'd just love to come and see you race - we have the Sports Grand Prix crit races here in Downers Grove (http://www.sportsgrandprix.com/) with lots of skill levels represented!

Signed, "Your Chicagoland Pep Club"

07-09-2005, 04:53 AM
Thanks nuthatch. I plan on going to watch the DG event. Was just talking to some people about it yesterday. Thanks for the links, I'll check them out. I think a couple people in that club ride with the Athletes by Design group.

I'll let you know if I make the big upgrade :D

07-10-2005, 08:37 AM
What do you guys think my chances are of being somewhat competitive? I don't need to win, though it'd be nice :D I just don't want to finish last in my first race.

I'll tell you what a pro MTB racer told me when I was thinking about racing and concerned about my abilities. "Don't think so much about it. Just go sign up in the beginner's class and see what happens."

Honestly, what's the worst that can happen? You end up dead last? I did last year, and I'm still here to tell the tale. Not only that, the race (specifically, I think, the training I did for the race) improved my riding a ton, which to me is really what it's all about. All sorts of racers were super-supportive of me racing, regardless of the result. You're not expected to do well on your first race, anyway, though it's a bonus -- you're still figuring out what the heck's going on!

Everyone has to start somewhere, and I guaran-dam-tee you that you will get better faster if you race than if you don't, especially if your goal is speed. The best way to train for races is to race!

07-11-2005, 02:10 AM
Hey there Beta

If you want to compare yourself to others times, search out local club results, or fun ride results, or state or national results

But only look at the women in your age bracket/grade... age is a vital part of the equation when setting yourself time-bound, race-focused first goals.

I can't remember if you have shared your age anywhere, but if you wanted to tell me, I could tell me what women your age, in events you specify do over here...

07-11-2005, 01:48 PM
and beta... don't forget to get a license.

Go to http://www.usacycling.org/ to apply online.

It's a yearly license... no matter when you get it, it expires on 12/31 of the current yr. Otherwise you'll have to buy a "one day" license on the site of the race (I think $5-$8).


07-11-2005, 02:24 PM
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it.

RR - I'm 29, will be 30 in December. :cool: