View Full Version : Davis Crit

07-07-2005, 07:47 AM
We have a few photos on our site from the Davis Criterium. Since Thom can't hold his good camera yet, I got to play with it. That sucker is heavy and I didn't even have the really big lense on it.


07-07-2005, 09:36 AM
Nice pics, V! You and Thom are quite the photographers! Do you guys do portait sittings? We need a good family photo!! :)

07-07-2005, 09:41 AM
Do you guys do portait sittings? We need a good family photo!! :)

Only if you're on your bikes. :D


Adventure Girl
07-07-2005, 12:53 PM
My bikes are part of my family! ;)

Nice pics!

07-07-2005, 01:13 PM
My bikes are part of my family! ;)


And V, that might be workable. We need to get a bike for Elizabeth, and Mallory can sit on the trike. :)

07-07-2005, 02:06 PM
Veronica - the photos on your site are really great! I dig deeper inot the galleries each time I visit (love the GG bridge night shots!). I keep meaning to post and ask you what cameras you and Thom use - I assume you are using digital SLRs? Are they Nikon or Canon (or other)?

I recently got back into photography when the digital SLRs got (somewhat) more affordable, and I am loving it! I've got a Canon Digital Rebel, and have already turned the shot counter over once. Of course, my percentage of garbage shots is really high, but then, that's the wonderful thing about digital - learn from it, then just delete! I want to start bringing my camera on rides with me - but have to stop falling off my bike so much first!

Anyway, great eyes, great shots! And thanks for sharing!

07-07-2005, 03:43 PM

Currently, Thom uses a Canon 1D MarkII. I have a Panosonic FZ20. We also have a Sony P10.

I had a Rebel, but found it very awkward to hike with. Since Thom carries so much camera gear, I am the pack mule on hikes for food and water and wanted something smaller, so got the Panasonic. It's a great little camera with 35 - 400 zoom. And it's STURDY! It was on the bike when Thom crashed and broke his arm.

Pictures from all three cameras are on the site, plus some are previous cameras - a Canon 1D, an Olympus E10 and a Sony P5.


07-08-2005, 06:21 AM
Oh - the 1D Mark II - what a camera!

I had a Rebel, but found it very awkward to hike with.
That's my one complaint with the rebel - when I have my favorite lens on (or really any lens but the 50mm) it's big and heavy, and way too valuable to crash with! I have been eyeing something like your panosonic that I could bring with me more easily. But I've told myself no camera equipment until I stop spending money on the bike!