View Full Version : June 27th rides

06-27-2009, 05:10 PM
24 miles round trip on bike trail to pick up coffee beans at my favorite coffee shop. HOT.

Got a chance to talked to TrailNet and St. Louis Greenway about future bike path plans in my area. Very exciting.

06-27-2009, 05:20 PM
1st sunny day in awhile...
Did 25 miles just around the surrounding towns. I swear, there are so many riders around here, I am beginning to wish it wasn't quite so popular for riding.
At one point I spied a guy pulling out of a side street, while we were going fairly fast down a flat main road. He got in behind me and drafted for like 5 miles, without even saying anything, like,"Do you mind f I join you?" That's just rude, to me. We were already going pretty fast for me, so I squashed my thoughts of taking off and dropping him, although I am pretty sure we would have. Thankfully, he went straight when we turned.
Supposed to go on a long ride tomorrow, but it does not look like that's happening. More rain :mad:.

06-27-2009, 05:52 PM
The beginner group I've been riding with hooked up with the club group for the last part of their regular ride. Maybe about 15 of us in total, which for me was a BIG group LOL! I was rather freaked out with that many bikes in close proximity but they were very friendly and let me sit at the back and just get used to it:).

It's funny to read about you guys riding in such hot weather :) Strange how difficult it is to imagine any weather other than whatever it happens to be where you are. Here it's mid winter and bloody cold today - a few degrees above freezing and drizzling most of the time :(. Lost contact with my toes early on and only regained it after a hot bath :eek: But legs were good, neck pain was on and off but on the whole better, and I didn't do anything stupid :rolleyes: so I'm very happy :D:D:D

Tri Girl
06-27-2009, 06:38 PM
Got in 20 miles right at dawn. Had to get out before the heat tried to kill me. WAY too many people on the lake trail with poor trail behaviors (people walking 4 abreast across both lanes of the path- with ipods on to boot, kids weaving in and out of walkers, dogs, etc). I'm glad so many people were out enjoying the outdoors, but it sure was annoying. :rolleyes:

Nonetheless, had my highest average in a long time, so I'm happy with that. I sure do love summer! :)

06-27-2009, 07:49 PM
DH and I were 27 miles into a 30-mile ride when we spotted a female cyclist I ride with once a week or so. Hadn't seen her in awhile, so I turned around and joined her for another 28 miles. 55 miles of fun in the sun and heat -- heaven!! Put me over 200 miles for the week with two days off -- it feels great to be firing on all cylinders!

06-27-2009, 09:44 PM
31 miles - I rode from my house to Sausalito and back. Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge in any form (walking, running, cycling, driving) is, in a word, amazing. I never get tired of it. I met up with my sweetie at Crissy Field (he went on his own ride) and we rode to Panera together for a delicious early dinner, then we rode home. All in all a wonderful day on the bike. I got in some really good hill work and had a great time.

06-28-2009, 07:44 AM
Yesterday was my last long ride before my century. It was a hot one (100 degrees, and the hottest day of the year so far here in the Sillycon Valley - but I figured the century could be hot, too, so I may as well ride). I rode 78.55 miles. I have limited time during the week to ride, so I've been going to the gym and doing hard core hill work on the spin bikes, and that really seems to be helping. I finished my ride feeling strong and ready for more - which is exactly where I wanted to be (legs and butt were happy - thank you Brooks saddle!), but my wrist and palms suffered. I'm going to order some new gloves - a couple of pairs to switch out half way through the ride. But, I don't like the handlebars on my Surly. I think they are causing to the wrist soreness. I can ride my Cannondale, but I like the wider tires on my Surly (and my speeds are the same on both) - I feel safer. So, I don't know which bike I'm riding. :confused:

06-28-2009, 11:06 AM
Hello. I have been reading and learning from you ladies for a few months. Thank you. This is my first post.

We rode 20 miles yesterday and got caught in a rain/hail storm 7 miles from home. We were on a bike trail and miles from shelter. Quarter size hail pelted us and then the lightening crashed all around. (We thought we were skirting the storm ... ) We were lucky and soon found refuge under a plank bridge. It didn't keep us dry, but it kept the hail off of us. It was like 1000's of big marbles forcefully thrown at us. We laughed and yelled "ouch" before we found the bridge. A bit of a flash flood occurred due to the sudden down pour, so we had to take to the road in a few places since the river was up and over the trail in a few places. Quite exciting and somewhat romantic and fun under the bridge. But, not something we hope to recreate any time soon. And, I learned another reason to wear my helmet even when on quite bike paths. :p

My husband and I (49 and 50) recently rediscovered cycling. We are now up to riding 15-20 miles 3-4/wk for a month or so. Mostly paved trails in the Kansas City, MO area. I recently purchased a Specialized Dolce and couldn't be happier with my choice. I'm 5'2", and the fit is perfect for me. He is 6'4" and we are looking to switch him from our kid's mountain bike to a road bike. It is a challenge due to his size.

06-28-2009, 04:37 PM
Hello. I have been reading and learning from you ladies for a few months. Thank you. This is my first post.

My husband and I (49 and 50) recently rediscovered cycling.

Well to TE:)! This website has been such a wonderful support to me since taking a 25yr-ish vacation from pedaling. It's great when you re-find your long lost love.

Happy riding!:)

06-28-2009, 04:39 PM
28mi flattish route w/a GF. Moderate aerobic chatting pace. Bit less hot and humid. Thx gawd. I hate our humidity in the midwest. Other than that, it was a good ride:).