View Full Version : Administrators, please?

06-27-2009, 03:31 AM
Is there a way to keep the crazy people selling knockout merchandise away from the forum? There's like the same advertising post fifteen times on TE.
Thanks y'all!

06-27-2009, 04:07 AM
Click the little red triangle and report them. The admins on this board do a really awesome job of keeping most of the cruft out - that's a way for you to let them know if you're the first to find it.

06-27-2009, 04:57 AM
FWIW, this has been discussed a lot here in the past. hint

It's thanks to all the work of our Admins (and a really good filtering protocol) that spam on this forum has been nearly non-existent.

Our admins are on the west coast so once in a while something slips thru the cracks before they're up & about to zap it out of existence. Like CA said, that is what the little red-bordered triangle on the left side of the message under the username is for, to alert the admins of an o-ffending post.

Alas, their work is only really noticed when some spam slips thru the cracks and there are posts on the forum to that effect ... :D

ed to add: Yow this one was a doozy though! :p

06-27-2009, 06:23 AM
there's a lot of auto-bots out there that crawl boards and post things, sometimes faster than an admin can pull them down. You will not find any board out there that doesn't have this to some degree or another - unless they've got admin on board 24/7 in every time zone.

Admin here does a great job. I've got NO cause to complain. I know of a few boards where the bot-spam is rampant because the moderators only check it once a month or so.

06-27-2009, 06:28 AM
This might be an interesting glimpse into our Admins' duties, when our own Heifzilla inadvertently stepped into the anti-spam web :D


06-27-2009, 06:54 AM
Wow, I'm really surprised at this post. Truly, I think the administrators are aware, without our telling them, that spam is not a good thing. They do an excellent job of keeping things running smoothly.

There's virtually no way to completely eliminate problem posts from a forum like this. The few I've seen are removed quickly enough.

I suggest we thank the moderators for the good job they do in keeping this forum a useful resource for cyclists.


06-27-2009, 06:56 AM
I think that's what we've been doing. :D

06-27-2009, 07:32 AM
Someone was up at the crack 'o dawn to nuke the offending posts, sure wasn't me *yawn*. ;)

As the other posters said, if you see an offending post, click the little red and white triangle to report it. The mods/admins receive notices when you do this....not to mention the sirens, flashing lights, helicopters overhead....it's really quite festive. :D:D

06-27-2009, 09:09 AM
I second or third or fourth - the thank you to folks here who do a great job of keeping things like that off the board. I'm curious, have you seen an uptick in the amount of it. My own completely unscientific observation - my hotmail account used to get a phishing email or two each week. Now, I get at least 5 a day. I have had that account for years, I know I haven't put the email out there anyplace new of late. I've attributed it to the times and have heard from others that they are noting a big change in volume. So I was just curious.

My fav was one that was clearly letting me know that my bank was about to close my account unless I logged in and cleared something up. But it was all in French. I'm pretty sure I don't have a bank account in France. :)

06-27-2009, 09:27 AM
My fav was one that was clearly letting me know that my bank was about to close my account unless I logged in and cleared something up. But it was all in French. I'm pretty sure I don't have a bank account in France. :)

Ratz, foiled again!


06-27-2009, 10:02 AM
Click the little red triangle and report them.

Thank you :)
At least someone understood that I had asked a question - and posted an answer.
Apparently my written English is bad enough that the post was interpreted by so many as a complaint to whoever supervises the board. It was not - it was simply to ask what can be done to keep these spammers out of here.
Have a good day y'all :)

06-27-2009, 12:35 PM
Thanks, admins. As the wife of a former Compuserve sysop, I know how much work it takes. The rest of all y'all have no idea.

06-27-2009, 02:40 PM
Thank you :)
At least someone understood that I had asked a question - and posted an answer.
Apparently my written English is bad enough that the post was interpreted by so many as a complaint to whoever supervises the board. It was not - it was simply to ask what can be done to keep these spammers out of here.
Have a good day y'all :)

No one misinterpreted you - the first reply answered your question, there was no need for anyone else to keep answering it. I for one didn't think you were complaining about the admins and I highly doubt anyone else did. Just that since your question was already answered, seemed an OK time to add in that despite the occasional blitz like what happened overnight, the admins here do a great job. I guess I'm just of the thought that you can't thank people too often for doing a good job. It had nothing to do with not understanding your perfectly written word. :) Plus, I was busy trying to keep snap from finding out about my German bank account - oooops. ;)

06-27-2009, 07:37 PM
This might be an interesting glimpse into our Admins' duties, when our own Heifzilla inadvertently stepped into the anti-spam web :D


:) I remember that.

I also think the admins do a great job here at keeping the spam down. yeah, every once in awhile something slips through, but in general I don't see much. I do understand how aggravating it is to see ANY spam...like we don't see enough commercials and spam in our mail boxes to begin with. But unfortunately, unless ALL posts are moderated before being allowed to be seen on the boards, there's just no way to prevent a little getting through sometimes.

06-27-2009, 07:53 PM
TxDoc- I didn't think you were complaining about the job they do, there was a ton of SPAM this morning! Some of us know what to do. We all learn sometime, right? :D

06-28-2009, 02:54 AM
I just scrolled past it and figured it'd be gone when I came back from my ride. Some of the spam that gets through here is pretty subtle. Yesterday's particular instance, it wasn't like the admins were going to miss it when they logged in. :rolleyes:

ETA: which is why I think a lot of people thought the OP was snarky. No one needed to do anything to get the admins to notice 15 copies of an obvious spam message.

06-28-2009, 09:10 AM
At least someone understood that I had asked a question - and posted an answer.

Sorry if you took offense, Tx Doc. CA indeed answered your question.

I thought I would add a bit of background to it, if in the event this happened again, and if someone might be curious to see how this is generally handled.

Again, sorry if our elaborating on this topic offended you.

06-28-2009, 11:36 AM
I just scrolled past it and figured it'd be gone when I came back from my ride. Some of the spam that gets through here is pretty subtle. Yesterday's particular instance, it wasn't like the admins were going to miss it when they logged in. :rolleyes:

ETA: which is why I think a lot of people thought the OP was snarky. No one needed to do anything to get the admins to notice 15 copies of an obvious spam message.

Yes, that was exactly my thought.

I moderate a group and people really don't realize what's involved. If you are 98 percent successful at something, everyone still natters on about the other two percent.

I also greatly prefer that problems/questions be sent to the moderator privately. In some cases (though probably not this one) that prevents a lot of problems.

I didn't intend to be obnoxious.

06-28-2009, 06:00 PM
Sorry if you took offense, Tx Doc. CA indeed answered your question.

No offense :)
Sometimes I visit another forum where we get this multiple spam problem quite often. The common use there is to start a new thread with the word 'admins' or 'administrators' in the title, asking to fix the issue. It works, I have no clue how, but usually within a week or so the spam disappears. So I figured it would work here too.
Now that I found the button on TE, I'm curious to look and see if there's one on the other forum too...