View Full Version : Am I having a midlife crisis??? And do I care?

06-25-2009, 03:35 PM
I always wanted a bmx as a kid - never got one cause my mum didn't deem them to be "sensible" bikes (not so sure how sensible that decision was, as I wore through the rear mudguard on my "sensible bike" doing wheelies, but hey...).

Anyway, over the past couple of years I have been jealously eyeing up bmx bikes and the rather cool kids doing stunts on them and kept thinking I still really want one, but was a bit concerned that at 6 foot, I wouldn't fit on one anyway.

Happened to mention this on another cycling forum, and out of the woodwork pops a guy who's 6'3" and selling his bmx. It was one of those "meant-to-be" situations, so me and my partner decided to go for it and treat ourselves to a shared new toy! It's a really good spec and absolutely gorgeous, but as it's four years old with a couple of scratches, we are getting a really good bargain!

It's totally overspecced for a beginner, I can't even bunnyhop and I've left it way too late to get any good at it, but I'm so excited - can't wait to play and just whizz around on it! We are going to get some funny looks, 35 & 38 year olds on a bmx, but hey...

Picking it up Saturday, so it can join the growing stable! Getting very excited! :D

06-25-2009, 03:45 PM
Oh, have fun with your new bike. I love watching people on BMX bikes. This whole event clearly was meant to be, and I will be disappointed if we don't see pictures of you with your new prize.

I have to admit that I'm shocked at how much people on this forum worry about what others think (I don't mean you personally; I'm just surprised at how much it comes up).

06-25-2009, 04:02 PM
Midlife crisis? Are you kidding me? You rock. I watch all the trials stuff and say "that is SO awesome". I've been watching the heck out of youtube and trying to figure out the whole jump thing. I can bunny hop but not independently. Perhaps I should try on my hardtail instead of my full suspension! :D

My next bike will probably be a mbx/trials/jumping bike! My older brother in his 50's competes in the expert category for motorcycle trials and is fabulous on anything two wheels.

I don't remember where you live but Cleveland has an indoor mtb park that is super awesome. They have women's weekends and you can learn a whole bunch of cool stuff. I think I'm going to treat myself to a mtb camp this winter as I've had a pretty good race season (as if I need a reason!)


06-25-2009, 04:31 PM
Lol, Cleveland is a bit out of the way - I'm over in the UK! But yeah, I'd love to do some sort of course to learn the basics, especially a women's specific one! Watching videos on the computer and then running outside to try and replicate it doesn't work very well!

Will definitely post pictures of the new boy when he arrives - might need some "pinking up", he's very grey and black at the moment! ;)

06-25-2009, 05:23 PM
Sounds GREAT! I hope you enjoy the dickens out of your new bike!

If that's a midlife crisis, we all need one!

Chile Pepper
06-25-2009, 11:08 PM
That sounds like so much fun! And as my husband said when I bought my Madone last year, it's a lot cheaper than a midlife-crisis car.

06-25-2009, 11:57 PM
Way to go tantrumbean.

Love it, love it, love it.

My bike makes me feel like a kid.

You must post lots of pics.

Thanks for making me smile and grin lots, I can soooo understand how excited you are. :D


06-27-2009, 08:11 AM
Midlife Crisis- No way!

I think you should buy the BMX. I was selling mine, it was a felt and in fact my uncle brought it and he's 48. Never to young in my mind:D

06-28-2009, 03:32 PM
I don't think I'd call it a midlife crisis. More like just finally going for something you always wanted. Life is short, so grasp the opportunities while you can. I just turned 40 last weekend and all during my 30's I found myself enjoying new experiences of various kinds. Learned to snowboard and did so in Mammoth, CA several times, Keystone, CO and Park City, UT with my husband and kids, went on the kinds of trips I had only dreamed about my whole life like Hawaii, Tahiti and a cruise on the Mexican Riviera. Did things on those trips like ATV-ing, riding wave runners, riding in a helicopter, rappelling by a water fall, gliding on a zip line, snorkeling in amazing oceans, and swimming with dolphins. We bought a travel trailer and have learned the joys of camping. I got sucked into cycling by first riding a tandem with dh and now my own bike and can't imagine NOT riding. I've pushed myself to ride farther and higher (more climbing) and have joyfully seen myself improve. In addition to the many organized rides and centuries I've done locally, I've ridden in Lake Tahoe while camping, which was a blast just to be on my bike in a completely different area.

Sometimes I have wondered if I was in a mid-life crisis, but it doesn't feel very crisis like. It feels like FUN! I'm simply living my life to the fullest and enjoying the opportunities as they come my way. I envision adding mountain biking to my list eventually. A whole 'nother cost factor there, though. But BMX makes me think of MTBing. Kinda sorta similar. I say go for it and have fun with it. You've only got one life, so live it! :D