View Full Version : I got "better climbing" for my birthday!!!

06-23-2009, 11:20 PM
DH bought me an FSA SL-K Light compact double crank set. :D I had a Dura Ace double 53/39. Now I have a 50/34 with an 11/28 on the back. And one of the best parts is I think I even finally understand what all those numbers mean!!! :D

I also got new handlebars. My current handlebars are his old ones and I've never felt comfortable in the drops. I hopped on my friend's Ruby once to try her smaller handlebars out and had MUCH better control. So, now I have FSA SL-K handlebars, which have a compact bend for smaller riders.

He also bought me a new chain and, of COURSE, new pink tape for my bars. :D

We went to Coronado (San Diego) for my birthday, which was awesome, but I've been going a little stir crazy wanting to get my new stuff on my bike and try it out. Dh is taking it to the LBS tomorrow morning and picking it up in the afternoon. I'll get one more ride on her in the morning, since LBS doesn't open until 10:00, then I'll probably take her for a short climb when she comes home in the afternoon and see how she does. I'm doing a bigger climbing ride on Thursday with my friend, so I'll really get a chance to see how much my climbing will improve then. AND I'll get to do an awesome decent and try out my new drops. :)

My friend always out climbs me. Well, almost everyone does. I have been improving greatly, but I'm so thrilled to have better equipment to help me along. Now I have the same exact set up that my friend does. Too bad she's still about 20 lbs less than me. Sure makes for easier climbing!

06-24-2009, 10:03 AM
Cool! I can't wait to hear how your new gear works!